Overall score - 71/100. SoD Official Reviews list (spoilers)

Just like we did with BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE, it may be a good idea to gather all reviews in one thread. Everyone can post a review they find, with some snippets and the overall score
1. pcworld.com 4/5
2. venturebeat.com 87/100
3. ru.ign.com 8.5/10
4. rockpapershotgun.com no score
5. gry-online.pl 8/10
6. threenovices.wordpress.com 87/100
7. games.gamepressure.com 8/10
8. zam.com, the first review no score
9. gamespot.com/ 8/10
10. elotalk.com 4,5/5
11. ekspert.ceneo.pl 80/100
12. meristation.com 8/10
13. alt-tab.gr 8/10
14. pixelflood.it no score
15. https://commonsensemedia.org 4/5
1. gamestar.de 58/100
2. gameskinny.com 5/10
3. destructoid.com/ 7/10
4. pcgamer.com 71/100
5. multiplayer.it 7/10
6. techraptor.net 6/10
7. games.tiscali.cz 7/10
8. gamerevolution.com/ 3,5/5
9. zam.com, the second review no score
10. spaziogames.it/ 7,5/10
11. videogiochi.com/ 6,5/10
12. gry.onet.pl 6/10
13. game-experience.it 7,5/10
1. quadnine.net 45/100
2. nichegamer.com 4/10
3. nlgo.net 48/100
Also, there're reviews in blogs:
Post your links here, they will be added to the OP
1. pcworld.com 4/5
2. venturebeat.com 87/100
3. ru.ign.com 8.5/10
4. rockpapershotgun.com no score
5. gry-online.pl 8/10
6. threenovices.wordpress.com 87/100
7. games.gamepressure.com 8/10
8. zam.com, the first review no score
9. gamespot.com/ 8/10
10. elotalk.com 4,5/5
11. ekspert.ceneo.pl 80/100
12. meristation.com 8/10
13. alt-tab.gr 8/10
14. pixelflood.it no score
15. https://commonsensemedia.org 4/5
1. gamestar.de 58/100
2. gameskinny.com 5/10
3. destructoid.com/ 7/10
4. pcgamer.com 71/100
5. multiplayer.it 7/10
6. techraptor.net 6/10
7. games.tiscali.cz 7/10
8. gamerevolution.com/ 3,5/5
9. zam.com, the second review no score
10. spaziogames.it/ 7,5/10
11. videogiochi.com/ 6,5/10
12. gry.onet.pl 6/10
13. game-experience.it 7,5/10
1. quadnine.net 45/100
2. nichegamer.com 4/10
3. nlgo.net 48/100
Also, there're reviews in blogs:
Post your links here, they will be added to the OP
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
"Hopefully this isn’t Beamdog’s last bit of Baldur’s Gate content, because they’ve done an incredible job. As someone who first received Baldur’s Gate for Christmas way back in 1998 on six—six!—CD-ROMs, Siege of Dragonspear feels like a long-lost (and polished-up) chapter of the original, like it belonged from the start. That’s quite a feat, given the seventeen year spread in between.
Will it please every purist? Of course not. As with any beloved series, passions run high and nostalgia’s a hell of a drug. There are bound to be those who wish Beamdog had stuck to a purely conservationist role. But Siege of Dragonspear won me over, and I’d like to see what the team does next. Go for the eyes, Boo.
NOTE: I did encounter one major bug during the game. My character was teleported into an area for a single scene and then couldn’t get back out again. Luckily Baldur’s Gate is an old game and the cheats are well-documented, so I was able to manually teleport back out and continue playing. But I’ve raised the issue with Beamdog to see if they’re aware, and we’ll be holding our score until we receive a response."
"Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear fills in some of what happens to the Child of Bhaal between saving Baldur’s Gate and saving your soul from Irenicus, and it’s a hoot to revisit this world, using the old D&D rules from the 1990s.
But Siege of Dragonspear hints at more — a studio that’s done with just enhancing older games and ready to carve out a place among the top storytellers in the RPG sector. Beamdog’s first effort at original storytelling is a good start, and I’m excited to see more in the future, even if it’s in the world of Baldur’s Gate.
Besides, I’m always ready for more Minsc and Boo. No one can resist the miniature giant space hamster of goodness."
Kotaku has an article about SOD, but I would not call it a review: http://kotaku.com/the-struggle-to-bring-back-baldur-s-gate-after-17-years-1768303595
IGN (although a russian version, but still, it's a major site!)
"A new chapter of the story we know well. The time machine which lets you to get an answer on an oooold question".
"Veterans would get on well with small bugs of Infinity Engine, with an accent to difficult tactical fights with pausing. Even while SoD can't run without BGEE, this new game is amazingly good. It's old from the technical side of view, doesn't fit ideall into the history of BG series, but this is exactly the game we remember from 18 years old. This is a big compliment this time".
The reviewer mentions that the story about the trans NPC became known to him only because of the Kotaku materials, but it didn't influence his enjoying of playing the game. The new chapter in the story of Bhaalspawn seemed to the reviewer more interesting than Pillars of Eternity.
"It was after him, about the second hour of the game , I realized that the Siege of Dragonspear - something more than an ordinary prohodnyak."
"Именно после него, примерно на втором часу игры, я понял, что Siege of Dragonspear – нечто большее, чем заурядный проходняк."
http://www.gry-online.pl/ gave SoD 8.0 http://www.gry-online.pl/S020.asp?ID=11145 Summon here @O_Bruce to translate
You want quick summary or full translation?
Apparently they didnt liked the story writing, the change of some npc personalities (Safana, Jaheira and Khalid for example) and had problems with lots of bugs.
I am currently playing BG1 and am really curious how I will like the game. I hope the change of npc personalities is not as drastical as the review site proclaims
Lots of bug? Sure, some things that must be fixed, but I would not say "lots". Did they play Skyrim or any other Bethesda games? They should. Don't worry. You will find no drastic change
Do you mind if I ask you to take a look at GameStar review and give us your feedback? I think those guys played the wrong game
It's just more blather designed to cover up true intentions.