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List of new magical items



  • ZilberZilber Member Posts: 253
    Does anyone know if the Reed really counts as a shield, proficiency wise?
  • DanTehManDanTehMan Member Posts: 21
    edited October 2016
    Zilber said:

    Does anyone know if the Reed really counts as a shield, proficiency wise?

    Yes. My Bard received the +2 AC bonus against missile weapons with the reed and a long sword equipped.

    EDIT: Sorry, I know this is an extremely late response, but figured I'd share the information anyway.
  • Chrispy8534Chrispy8534 Member Posts: 2
    Amazing list, here's an addition:
    --Wand of Water Elemental Summoning [BDWAND01]
  • RyofuRyofu Member Posts: 268
    Is there a mod that ports all the new items in SoD over to BG2?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Ryofu said:

    Is there a mod that ports all the new items in SoD over to BG2?

    Check the SoD Items component of by @Edvin
  • geddoegeddoe Member Posts: 27
    Are these item codes compatible with BG2:EE?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @geddoe, EET yes. BG2EE, no (as far as I know).
  • geddoegeddoe Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2017
    That's unfortunate. I'm almost through with SoD. I don't suppose I could finish it, then install EET and keep my save somehow? Or maybe a mod exists that adds the SoD items into BG2:EE's data cache so I can console them into my inventory?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    geddoe said:

    That's unfortunate. I'm almost through with SoD. I don't suppose I could finish it, then install EET and keep my save somehow? Or maybe a mod exists that adds the SoD items into BG2:EE's data cache so I can console them into my inventory?

    You may want to check out @Edvin 's unnofficial item pack. It transfers more SoD items over to bg2ee.
  • FatherOFatherO Member Posts: 11
    Here are several additional SoD codes to add to Aquadrizzt's list posted several years ago. Credit goes to:, for filling in many of the blanks.
    Seal of Bhaal (BDAMUL04)
    Amulet of Protection +1 (BDAMUL24),
    Amulet of Protection +2 (BDAMUL25)
    Arkion's Bloodstone Amulet (OHAMUL13)
    Colquetle's Family Amulet (AMUL13CO)
    Mizhena's Amulet (BDMISC68)
    Stone Dowser (BDEYE)

    Arrow +3 [BDAROW04]

    Bolt of Fire +1 [BDBOLT01]
    Bolt of Ice +1 BDBOLT02]
    Bolt +3 [BDBOLT03]
    Drow Bolt of Sleep +1 [DWBOLT01]
    Drow Bolt of Stunning +1 [DWBOLT02]
    Drow Bolt +1 [DWBOLT03]

    Cursed Enchanted Seed [BDMISCX6] (Bullet)

    ARMOR (leather, chain, and plate)
    Hide Armor +1 [BDLEAT08]
    Elven Chain Mail [BDCHANEL] (minor thief skill penalties, does not disable spellcasting)
    Splint Mail +1 [BDCHANGH]

    Golden Girdle [BDBELT12]
    Girdle of Bluntness [BDBELT13]
    Girdle of Piercing [BDBELT14]

    The Paws of the Cheetah [BDBOOT11]
    Ordinary Boots [BDMISC35]

    Gloves of Gripping [BDBRAC04]
    Gauntlets of Weapon Skill [BDBRAC09]
    Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise [BDBRAC10] (THAC0 +1, dmg +2)
    Bracers of Defense AC 6 [BDBRAC13]
    Bracers of Defense AC 5 [BDBRAC14]

    Drow Piwafwi Cloak [DWCLCK01]

    Drow Crossbow of Speed +3 [DWXBOW01]

    Throwing Dagger +1 [BDDAGG04]
    Dagger +2 [BDDAGG06]
    Throwing Dagger +1 [BDDAGG07],

    Drow Dart of Sleep +1 [DWDART01]

    Blazing Glory +3 [BDBLUN09]
    Morning Star [BDGOGH01]

    Throwing Hammer [BDHAMM03]
    Throwing Hammer +1 [BDHAMM04]

    Quality Helmet [BDHELM02]

    Katana [BDOGRE03]

    Ancient Key [BDKEY14], Cabinet Key [BDKEY06], Cell Key [BDKEY03], Chest Key [BDKEY13], Dragonspear Vault Key [BDKEY02], Drawbridge Key [BDKEY07], Jail Key [BDKEY11], Korlasz's Key [BDSHKEY], Ritual Room Key [BDKEY12], Rusty Key [BDKEY09], Skull Key [BDKEY04], Supply Chest Key [BDKEY08], Tomb Key [BDKEY05], Treasure Key [BDKEY10], Treasury Key [TTKEY01], Troll Pen Key [BDKEY01], Container Key Ring [BDKEYR].

    Long Sword [BDSW1H26]
    Long Sword +1 [BDSW1HEL]
    Long Sword [BDSKGR05]
    Aster's Edge +3 [BDSW1HCA] - THAC0 +3, dmg +3, dmg +2 vs. Fiends, MR +30%, for Caelar only
    Drow Long Sword +3 [DWSW1H02] -THAC0 +3, dmg +3

    Potion of Persuasiveness (POTN60], non-cumulative Cha +4, 3 hours).

    Barrityl's Burden [BARING] - +3 first, second and third circle spell slots, THAC0 -5 vs. genies, dmg -5 vs. genies, Create random gem or damage wearer 1/day, Baeloth only
    Dreon's Signet Ring [BDRING04]
    Ring of Protection +1 [BDRING06]
    The Guard's Ring +2 aka Ring of Protection +2 [BDRING07] (AC +2, all saves +2),
    Ring of Wizardry [BDRING08]
    Ring of Free Action [BDRING09] (Immunity to movement-hindering spells),
    Ring of Purity [BDRING10] - +2 Armor Class vs. evil creatures - +10 Hit Points - Chant
    Ring of Fire Resistance [BDRING12] (FR +40%)
    Ring of Regeneration [BDWOLFD1]

    Cleric's Vestments [BDROBE04]

    Scimitar +2 [BDSW1H23]
    Drow Scimitar +3 [DWSW1H01]

    Solar Aegis +3 [BDSHLDCA] -AC +4, Con +1, FR +40%, for Caelar only
    Drow Shield +3 [DWSHLD01]
    Buckler +2 [OHSHLD50]

    Short Sword +1 [BDSW1HGH]
    Short Sword +2 [BDSW1H13]
    Short Sword +2 [BDSW1H24]

    Spear +1 [BDSEMAHL]

    Wooden Staff [BDSHSTF1]
    Staff of Striking +3 STAF05
    Staff Mace +2 [STAF06] (THAC0 +2, dmg +2)
    Staff Spear +2 [STAF07] (THAC0 +2, dmg +3)
    Narbucchad's Demise [PSTAFM2]
    Narbucchad's Demise +1 [PSTAFM0E]
    Narbucchad's Demise +1 [PSTAFM0D]
    Narbucchad's Demise +2 [PSTAFM0C]
    Narbucchad's Demise +3 [PSTAFM0B]
    Narbucchad's Demise +4 [PSTAFM0]
    Narbucchad's Demise +5 [PSTAFM1]
    Neera's Staff +1 [STAFN1]
    Quarterstaff +3 [ENSTAFF]

    Wand of Water Elemental Summoning (BDWAND01, Summon Lesser Water Elemental for 1 turn, 5 charges).

    Giant Spider Leg [BDSPIDER],
    Herdrin's Body [BDBODY02],
    Kendra's Body [BDBODY03],
    Lexa's Body [BDBODY01],
    Spider Silk [BDSILK01],
    Ymori's Body [BDBODY04],
    A Historical Treatise of Dragonspear Castle [BDBOOK11],
    A Philosophical Treatise on the Nature of Lichdom [BDMISC54],
    Akanna's Journal [BDMISC49],
    Barrel of Bwoosh! [BDBWOOSH],
    Barrel of Ruby Wine [BDMISC12],
    Barrel of Wine [BDMISC11],
    Basilisk Claw [BDMISC33],
    Battle Standard [BDMISC26],
    Belladonna [BDBELLAD],
    Bhaal Research [BDSHBHR],
    Blackthorn Bark Cure [BDMISC31],
    Burned-Out Torch [BDTORCB],
    Bwoosh! Powder [BDPOWDER],
    Charred Journal [BDBOOK12],
    Chorster's Head [BDMISC15],
    Club +1 [BDBLUNGH],
    Cobalt Moss [BDMISC13],
    Coldhearth's Journal [BDMISC44]
    Coldhearth Phylactery [BDMISC60],
    Coroniir [BDMISC22],
    Dragon Scales [BDSCALEG],
    Dusty Chicken [BDCHICKN],
    Efreeti Bottle [BOTSMITH],
    Empty Bottle Case [BDBCASE],
    Enchanted Seed [BDMISC06],
    Faces of Evil: Volume XIII [BDBOOK13],
    Failed Phylactery [BDMISC62],
    Fine Bearskin [BDMISC34],
    First Stone Fragment [BDMISC18],
    Gold Bust [BDMISC57],
    Golden Goblet [BDMISC58],
    Half-Digested Sword [BDSW1HDA],
    Invisible [BDSPECTQ[,
    Jamven's Head [BDMISC14],
    Journal of Gurn Coldhearth [BDMISC44],
    Journal of Ithtaerus [BDBOOKNJ],
    Kanaglym: The Abandoned City [BDBOOK02],
    Korlasz's Journal [BDSHKORJ],
    Lit Torch (purple) BDTORCP],
    Lit Torch (red) [BDTORCR],
    Lit Torch (yellow) [BDTORCY],
    Magical Entrapments [BDBOOK01],
    Mortal to Lich Notes [BDMISC46],
    Myconid Bloom-Sac [BDMISC08],
    Ornate Headpiece [BDSHSTF2],
    Planetar Feather [BDFEATH],
    Portrait [BDMISC67],
    Remains [BDBONE01],
    Rhino Beetle Shell [BDMISC66],
    Sack of Grain [BDMISC40],
    Sanctified Shards [BDMISC20],
    Seal of Caelar [BDMISC04],
    Second Stone Fragment [BDMISC19],
    Silver Scepter [BDMISC55],
    Spear [BDSALF01],
    Spider Egg [BDEGG01],
    Statue of Selûne [BDMISC03],
    Stone Ally [BDPETSG],
    Supplies [BDSUPPLY],
    Teera's Earnings [BDTEERA],
    The Forest Queen's Benediction [BDBRD01],
    The Fugue Plane [BDBOOK03]],
    The Nine Hells [BDBOOK04],
    The Nine Hells: Avernus [BDBOOK05],
    The Nine Hells: Dis [BDBOOK06],
    The Nine Hells: Minauros [BDBOOK07],
    The Journal of Kelef Rhon, Knight of the Everwatch, serving guardian of Bridgefort, per the command of Guardian Harkin [BDBOOK08],
    The Fountain of Nepenthe [BDBOOK09],
    The Troll-Tender's Journal [BDMISC64],
    Tinderbox [BDTINDER],
    Token of Faith [BDMISC25],
    Tome of Ancient Knowledge [BDMISC53],
    Tristian's Holy Symbol [BDMISC23],
    Troll Shackles [BDSHACKL],
    Ulcaster's Dusty History Book [ULBOOK54],
    Vial of Devil Blood [BDBLOOD],
    Voidstone Shards [BDMISC16],
    Volume MCXII of the History of the Netherese Empire [BDMISC45],
    Wardstone [BDMISC51],
    Wooden Stake [BDSTAKE],
    Ymori's Head [BDYMORI],
    Ziatar's Journal [BDMISC48],
    Junk [BDMISC37],
    Rubbish [BDMISC39],
    Trash [BDMISC38],
    Purification Stone [BDMISC05],
    Agathor's Near-Universal Solvent [BDMISC02],
    Full Wineskin [BDMISC30],
    Slime Sickness Curative [BDPOTN06],
    Speedily Stolen Slaves' Salve [BAPOTION],
    Viper's Venom [BDPOTN02],
    Note Arcane Scroll of Impactful Doom [BDSCRL02] (Vichand's scroll),
    House Catanzaro Insignia [BDINSIGC],
    House Ryrrl Insignia [BDINSIGR],
    Bottle of Wine [BDLIQUOR],
    Empty Wineskin [BDMISC29],
    Essence of Clarity [BDMISC59],
    Tepid Mug of Ale [BDPOTN07],
    Wilhelmina's Miracle Turnip Juice [BDJUICE],
    Alveus Note 01 [BDALNT01], Alveus Note 02 [BDALNT02], Alveus Note 03 [BDALNT03], Alveus Note 04 [BDALNT04], Alveus Note 05 [BDALNT05], Alveus Note 06 [BDALNT06], Alveus Note 07 [BDALNT07],
    Annotated Map [BDMISC24],
    Black Pits Flyer [BDBFLYER], Black Pits Flyer [BDBFLYE2],
    Bloodsoaked Minutes [BDMISC65],
    Crusader Pamphlet [BDSHPAM2], Crusader Pamphlet [BDSHPAM1],
    Crusader Tract [BDMISC63],
    Damp Note [BDMISC41],
    Dancing Lights [BDSCRL1A],
    Dark Moon Note [RSNOTE1],
    Darkness, 15' Radius [BDSCRL2A],
    Hephernaan's Ritual Notes [BDMISC21],
    Letter BDURE3A, Letter [BDURE2A],
    Morning Report [BDMISC28],
    Note [BDMISC42], Note from Krancor [BPNOTE1], Notes on a Failed Experiment [BDMISC61], Orders from Korlasz [BDSHKORO],
    Page from Sarevok's Notes [BDSHSARE],
    Parchment [BDMISC56, Parchment [BDMISC50], Parchment [BDMISC43],
    Scroll [BDSCRL3B, Scroll [BDSCRL3A],
    Seditious Letter [BDSCRL01], Traitor's Letter [BDSCRL03],
    Treasury Note [BDSCRL04],
    Tsolak's Scroll [BDSCRL1],
    Voghiln's Love Letter [BDMISC27].
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