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Hamster Discrimination

Its been 15yrs now and not much has changed in Baldur's Gate. Sure other minorities can have their say and have romance options but not Boo. How much longer will Boo have to wait before he gets romance options. In the DLC he was very attracted to Safana and she called him a rat after he expressed his feelings. When does Boo gets his day? When will our world recognize the need for equality with hamsters. Boo is tired of hiding under his hamster wheel! Please Beamdog, give Boo a chance when you make BG3!!!


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  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207

    Hamster romance is disgusting and should not be shoved in our faces! Won't someone please think of the children?!

    Its hamsterphobic people like you that keep the world from moving forward.

    Look, I'm okay with hamsters. Some of my best friends are hamsters. I just think what goes on in the hamster cage when the lights go out should stay there. It's not something you need to see in a game that can be played by the whole family.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited April 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • spacehamzterspacehamzter Member Posts: 77

    Hamster romance is disgusting and should not be shoved in our faces! Won't someone please think of the children?!

    Its hamsterphobic people like you that keep the world from moving forward.

    Look, I'm okay with hamsters. Some of my best friends are hamsters. I just think what goes on in the hamster cage when the lights go out should stay there. It's not something you need to see in a game that can be played by the whole family.
    On now the guilt is pouring in. Having hamster friends is no justification for bigotry. This is clearly an injustice to hamsters when halflings and half orcs can have there way!

  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666

    ~Boo & Neera forever~

    people need to stop being racist against hamsters and fire starting half elfs.
  • spacehamzterspacehamzter Member Posts: 77

    ~Boo & Neera forever~

    people need to stop being racist against hamsters and fire starting half elfs.
    I think Boo would agree. There is clearly an injustice built into the mentality of the game setting.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207

    ~Boo & Neera forever~

    Well she does think he's cute at least.

  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    edited April 2016
    Now, *you* listen here you politically correct, hamster loving, immersion breaking and demographical nut-job! I will not have you breaking MY role-play experiences and bring in real life beastiality into MY Game!!!! Take your Hamster loving lunacy to another Forum, freak!! I shan't tolerate such ludicrously disgusting Hamster loving in MY Forums and MY Game! You are intruding on THE WIDE MAJORITY OF HETEROSEXUAL GAMERS! You ARE NOT PART OF MY MAJORITY! So STOP REQUESTING FOR NON-HETEROSEXUAL CONTENT! I will NOT allow it! Al Natha, you fiend! FIEND! Hamster loving Haggotry will not be condoned in MY FANTASY SETTING! You need to pay attention to *ME*, you hear me?!?!!!?! *ME*!!!! Give me MY Heterosexual Hexxat Romance, and stop pandering to the needs of Hamster-Loving-Hippies!!! This game is FANTASY, I don't need your politically correct nonsense in MY Game! Why don't you just go and learn to be a Modder, huh?!? Huh?! Stop wasting this stupid company's valuable time with your silly dumb stupid requests for Hamster Romance! Nobody's going to listen to YOU anyway! You're a weirdo! Ewwww! Hamster lover!!! You and YOUR kind don't belong on this Forum, let alone MY Game! How dare you intrude on my heteronormality?! HOW DARE YOU! YOU ARE TAKING AWAY MY RIGHTS!!! BEGONE, YOU WEAKLING OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!! This is asinine to assume a money-hungry company who only panders to MY needs is going to listen to your joke of a request! HAH! I told you good! Now everyone listen to *ME* and go and remove all of these STOOOOPID Forum posts about adding equality into games!!! I don't need your STINKING equality! Go make your stooooopid Hamster marriage Mod in your own time! Nobody wants to sleep with a stupid Rodent called Boo anyway!! You're stupid, this is stupid, YOU'RE ALL STUPID! In the name of the Lord I shan't allow you to ruin *MY* valuable role-play experience! I SHAN'T!!! I SHAN'T!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Did I do good?! Did I embody a true asshole?! Did I?! Did I?! ^_^

    This is obviously a jest poke, please don't take the above essay seriously, please.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666

    Now, *you* listen here you politically correct, hamster loving, immersion breaking and demographical nut-job! I will not have you breaking MY role-play experiences and bring in real life beastiality into MY Game!!!! Take your Hamster loving lunacy to another Forum, freak!! I shan't tolerate such ludicrously disgusting Hamster loving in MY Forums and MY Game! You are intruding on THE WIDE MAJORITY OF HETEROSEXUAL GAMERS! You ARE NOT PART OF MY MAJORITY! So STOP REQUESTING FOR NON-HETEROSEXUAL CONTENT! I will NOT allow it! Al Natha, you fiend! FIEND! Hamster loving Haggotry will not be condoned in MY FANTASY SETTING! You need to pay attention to *ME*, you hear me?!?!!!?! *ME*!!!! Give me MY Heterosexual Hexxat Romance, and stop pandering to the needs of Hamster-Loving-Hippies!!! This game is FANTASY, I don't need your politically correct nonsense in MY Game! Why don't you just go and learn to be a Modder, huh?!? Huh?! Stop wasting this stupid company's valuable time with your silly dumb stupid requests for Hamster Romance! Nobody's going to listen to YOU anyway! You're a weirdo! Ewwww! Hamster lover!!! You and YOUR kind don't belong on this Forum, let alone MY Game! How dare you intrude on my heteronormality?! HOW DARE YOU! YOU ARE TAKING AWAY MY RIGHTS!!! BEGONE, YOU WEAKLING OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!! This is asinine to assume a money-hungry company who only panders to MY needs is going to listen to your joke of a request! HAH! I told you good! Now everyone listen to *ME* and go and remove all of these STOOOOPID Forum posts about adding equality into games!!! I don't need your STINKING equality! Go make your stooooopid Hamster marriage Mod in your own time! Nobody wants to sleep with a stupid Rodent called Boo anyway!! You're stupid, this is stupid, YOU'RE ALL STUPID! In the name of the Lord I shan't allow you to ruin *MY* valuable role-play experience! I SHAN'T!!! I SHAN'T!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Did I do good?! Did I embody a true asshole?! Did I?! Did I?! ^_^

    This is obviously a jest poke, please don't take the above essay seriously, please.
    yes let the rpg codex fuel you. no seriously they were bitching about that npc to. and corwin's daughter's line about her being awesome.
  • spacehamzterspacehamzter Member Posts: 77
    edited April 2016

    Now, *you* listen here you politically correct, hamster loving, immersion breaking and demographical nut-job! I will not have you breaking MY role-play experiences and bring in real life beastiality into MY Game!!!! Take your Hamster loving lunacy to another Forum, freak!! I shan't tolerate such ludicrously disgusting Hamster loving in MY Forums and MY Game! You are intruding on THE WIDE MAJORITY OF HETEROSEXUAL GAMERS! You ARE NOT PART OF MY MAJORITY! So STOP REQUESTING FOR NON-HETEROSEXUAL CONTENT! I will NOT allow it! Al Natha, you fiend! FIEND! Hamster loving Haggotry will not be condoned in MY FANTASY SETTING! You need to pay attention to *ME*, you hear me?!?!!!?! *ME*!!!! Give me MY Heterosexual Hexxat Romance, and stop pandering to the needs of Hamster-Loving-Hippies!!! This game is FANTASY, I don't need your politically correct nonsense in MY Game! Why don't you just go and learn to be a Modder, huh?!? Huh?! Stop wasting this stupid company's valuable time with your silly dumb stupid requests for Hamster Romance! Nobody's going to listen to YOU anyway! You're a weirdo! Ewwww! Hamster lover!!! You and YOUR kind don't belong on this Forum, let alone MY Game! How dare you intrude on my heteronormality?! HOW DARE YOU! YOU ARE TAKING AWAY MY RIGHTS!!! BEGONE, YOU WEAKLING OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!! This is asinine to assume a money-hungry company who only panders to MY needs is going to listen to your joke of a request! HAH! I told you good! Now everyone listen to *ME* and go and remove all of these STOOOOPID Forum posts about adding equality into games!!! I don't need your STINKING equality! Go make your stooooopid Hamster marriage Mod in your own time! Nobody wants to sleep with a stupid Rodent called Boo anyway!! You're stupid, this is stupid, YOU'RE ALL STUPID! In the name of the Lord I shan't allow you to ruin *MY* valuable role-play experience! I SHAN'T!!! I SHAN'T!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Did I do good?! Did I embody a true asshole?! Did I?! Did I?! ^_^

    This is obviously a jest poke, please don't take the above essay seriously, please.
    How is this for immersion: "After frolicking in a bush that we now consider to be of suspicious nature, both Boo and I have contracted the Calimshite Itch in rather... private places. A salve would be most joyously anticipated!" -Minsc
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547


    Now, *you* listen here you politically correct, hamster loving, immersion breaking and demographical nut-job! I will not have you breaking MY role-play experiences and bring in real life beastiality into MY Game!!!! Take your Hamster loving lunacy to another Forum, freak!! I shan't tolerate such ludicrously disgusting Hamster loving in MY Forums and MY Game! You are intruding on THE WIDE MAJORITY OF HETEROSEXUAL GAMERS! You ARE NOT PART OF MY MAJORITY! So STOP REQUESTING FOR NON-HETEROSEXUAL CONTENT! I will NOT allow it! Al Natha, you fiend! FIEND! Hamster loving Haggotry will not be condoned in MY FANTASY SETTING! You need to pay attention to *ME*, you hear me?!?!!!?! *ME*!!!! Give me MY Heterosexual Hexxat Romance, and stop pandering to the needs of Hamster-Loving-Hippies!!! This game is FANTASY, I don't need your politically correct nonsense in MY Game! Why don't you just go and learn to be a Modder, huh?!? Huh?! Stop wasting this stupid company's valuable time with your silly dumb stupid requests for Hamster Romance! Nobody's going to listen to YOU anyway! You're a weirdo! Ewwww! Hamster lover!!! You and YOUR kind don't belong on this Forum, let alone MY Game! How dare you intrude on my heteronormality?! HOW DARE YOU! YOU ARE TAKING AWAY MY RIGHTS!!! BEGONE, YOU WEAKLING OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!! This is asinine to assume a money-hungry company who only panders to MY needs is going to listen to your joke of a request! HAH! I told you good! Now everyone listen to *ME* and go and remove all of these STOOOOPID Forum posts about adding equality into games!!! I don't need your STINKING equality! Go make your stooooopid Hamster marriage Mod in your own time! Nobody wants to sleep with a stupid Rodent called Boo anyway!! You're stupid, this is stupid, YOU'RE ALL STUPID! In the name of the Lord I shan't allow you to ruin *MY* valuable role-play experience! I SHAN'T!!! I SHAN'T!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Did I do good?! Did I embody a true asshole?! Did I?! Did I?! ^_^

    This is obviously a jest poke, please don't take the above essay seriously, please.
    How is this for immersion: "After frolicking in a bush that we now consider to be of suspicious nature, both Boo and I have contracted the Calimshite Itch in rather... private places. A salve would be most joyously anticipated!" -Minsc
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547

    yes let the rpg codex fuel you. no seriously they were bitching about that npc to. and corwin's daughter's line about her being awesome.

    I was about to post in that forum but Dee beat me into closing it, shame, really. Though it is absolutely ludicrous that a *COMPLETELY OPTIONAL CHARACTER WITH NO SIGNIFICANCE TO THE GAME* has already given the rejects a fuel to cast Fireballs... Like, seriously? Anything will get these morons to have a problem, I swear...
  • spacehamzterspacehamzter Member Posts: 77

    Are you out of your mind! The whole game revolves around Boo. He is the true hero of Baldur's Gate.

  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    boo is the mascot.
  • spacehamzterspacehamzter Member Posts: 77

    boo is the mascot.

    That's what he wants you to believe. He is very humble after all.

  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    This a Boocot! Cease this insufferable asinine behaviour! CEASE THIS RIGHT NOW! Don't make me get Mod powers just to ban your Hamster-Loving-Hippy ass from the Forums!!! *Frowns*

    <3@spacehamzter <3
  • spacehamzterspacehamzter Member Posts: 77

    This a Boocot! Cease this insufferable asinine behaviour! CEASE THIS RIGHT NOW! Don't make me get Mod powers just to ban your Hamster-Loving-Hippy ass from the Forums!!! *Frowns*

    <3@spacehamzter <3 </p>

    "This behaviour must not continue. Feel the burning stare of my hamster and change your ways."
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    You... You have pierced my heart of stone, cleansed me with a Stone Heart to Flesh Heart scroll! Forsoothe, you have changed me to a new Woman! PRAISE BE TO BOO! STOP HAMSTER DISCRIMINATION!
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  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547

    Doth you follow me whe'er I go? Hmm...
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    This thread makes me happy on so many levels.

    Thank you all for making me laugh at the over the top absurdity
  • DillicDillic Member Posts: 16

    Glad that Boo had many a memorable conversations in this add-on. Sure, he may just answer with a single noise, but that matters little.
  • InsultionInsultion Member Posts: 179
    edited April 2016
    Dillic said:


    Glad that Boo had many a memorable conversations in this add-on. Sure, he may just answer with a single noise, but that matters little.

    Where you hear one squeak, I hear booming lamentation of mistreatment!

  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    As I'm doing a new playthrough I'm not yet at the new content. Has Boo's squeak been fixed or do I need to restore via BG2Tweaks?
  • ArdulArdul Member Posts: 211
    Well I for one find the interjection of identity politics into the game rather annoying. Why must everything nowadays be used as an SJW political platform? And I mean this independently of my actual support of accept of people who differ.
  • Yann1989Yann1989 Member Posts: 92
    Ardul said:

    Well I for one find the interjection of identity politics into the game rather annoying. Why must everything nowadays be used as an SJW political platform? And I mean this independently of my actual support of accept of people who differ.

    My guess is because media and newspapers talk about it all the time.
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