ALSO - I found reports of the game crashing with Divine Remix here:
Posted 08 January 2016 - 09:05 AM
I can confirm that sphere system brakes the BG2:EE game without any other mod installed, so the problem lays directly in this component. The crashes happens right after clicking "new game" button in the main menu.
ALSO - I found reports of the game crashing with Divine Remix here:
Posted 08 January 2016 - 09:05 AM
I can confirm that sphere system brakes the BG2:EE game without any other mod installed, so the problem lays directly in this component. The crashes happens right after clicking "new game" button in the main menu.
This component is marked expert on BWS, so it was not installed on my instalation.
Some tests I made: 1 - Removed all portraits from the folder in my documents. Copied AAAL.bmp only. It shows and works on my vanila instalation. 2 - On my tactical instalation, various blanket portraits are shown, if I click on one on those, game crashes.AAAL Works.
3 - Copied BHODIL1.bmp to the folder. It shows and works on both vanila and tactical. If I click on a blanket portrait on tactical instalation, game crashes. 4 - Copied back all my portraits to the folder on my documents. 5 - Cant see AAAL on any instalation anymore. 6 - If I click on BHODIL1 on any instalation, game crashes;
Ok, when you make a change to the portraits folder you must rerun the Update Portrait Picker component of Dragonspear UI++ to register the changes - this is for when you change filename or add/remove a portrait. You can select 'no change' to all other components but should reinstall portrait picker after you have made all your changes.
Ok, when you make a change to the portraits folder you must rerun the Update Portrait Picker component of Dragonspear UI++ to register the changes - this is for when you change filename or add/remove a portrait. You can select 'no change' to all other components but should reinstall portrait picker after you have made all your changes.
Thx, man. Reinstalled the component. If you didnt warned me, would not have done it.
Think of it this way - each time you make a change (filename/adding portraits/removing portraits) you need to register those changes in the new UI - you can make multiple changes and register them all in one go - Rerunning the Update Portrait Picker component then rebuilds the portrait database for you. If you make changes without registering them then the UI doesn't know how to deal with those portraits.
Good t know. I will remember that in the future. The problem persists ... dont know what could be causing it, since on vanila + Dragonspear UI ++ it also happens.
OK - if it isn't appearing in Vanilla either then there is another issue.
Try doing the following:
- Open the file in MS Paint and select File > Save As, and then change the filename to bhodi (all lowercase) and make sure that the File Type is 24-bit bitmap. - Next, check your vanilla install - is it now appearing there? If so, then rerun the portrait picker component of your Dragonspear UI++ install and it should appear there too.
I fixed the issue with the Divine Remix install - there's a component that isn't working so I've not installed that component. Which mod are you using to change the NPC classes/kits ?
@Arthas: the gui windows have functional width 1365 pixels so you will get the sides cut. Also the priest spells button and quicksave button on main gameplay screen will be probably under the action bar, thus unusable.
OK - if it isn't appearing in Vanilla either then there is another issue.
Try doing the following:
- Open the file in MS Paint and select File > Save As, and then change the filename to bhodi (all lowercase) and make sure that the File Type is 24-bit bitmap. - Next, check your vanilla install - is it now appearing there? If so, then rerun the portrait picker component of your Dragonspear UI++ install and it should appear there too.
Let me know if it works...
Hello again. I tested your sugestions, and it works. Now, I can click on the portraits and the game does not crash. Its weird, ´cause I have 500+ portraits on the custom folder, and very few of them crashes the game, dosn seem to have any pattern for this to happen. If I use your sugestion ( dosnt work just to rename to other name or lower case ), it works.
Saying that, most of my portraits files have more than 7 chars. Names like FHUTH05L.bmp and MDWFI00L.bmp . Because of that, of 500 + custom portraits, I can just see 104. May I ask why this limitation, and if there´s any way around it ?
Also, I came to another bug I´d like to relate. If I press W , to see mage spells, I get this:
I cant click on the portraits, but if I tap 1,2 or any number to 6 , the interfaces fixes, until I exit and press W again. With priest spells (P), it dosnt happen.
Hey @Leokosta - I'm so pleased that you got it working.
Yes - there were a few issues brought on by v2.0+ of the game, I think. We limited the number of characters to 7 and all lowercase based on feedback from Beamdog and users in various other threads regarding custom portraits not appearing in vanilla (like your BHODIL1 portrait).
We found that standardising the 'rules' fixed the issue for vanilla and so we built them into the portrait picker requirements as standard.
Rules For Portrait Picker
- Portraits should be 24-bit BMP files with dimensions no greater than 1024 pixels (width or height) and the overall image size should be no greater than 1MB. - Portrait filenames should not exceed 7 characters. - Portrait filenames must be lowercase and not end in -l/ -m/ -s. - However, if you want to use two images together but have one display in the record screen and the other display in the sidebar, then please rename the files to add an uppercase -L to the end of the image filename for the record screen and -M for the image filename to display on the sidebar, taking care to ensure that the rest of the filename is identical. The L and M *are* included in the character limit of 7 letters. - If you do include a filename with -L then you must include an identical filename with -M (The portrait can be different but the filename must be the same). - If you want portraits to be identified as Male or Female on import then please make sure the filename begins m# or f# respectively. - Filenames should not be the same or too similar to a potential existing portrait filename unless you want to replace an existing filename, eg coran* should be avoided. A list of these filenames can be found in NearInfinity by checking BGEE.lua
As for your other portraits, yes, unfortunately you will need to reduce them down to 7 characters and lowercase There are various methods you could use for this - I know @BillyYank wrote an excellent powershell script to do it or if you just want to make them all lowercase, you can do it in DOS:
How to quickly make all portrait filenames lower case
Open a command prompt (START > RUN > type CMD, press enter) and go to the directory that has your portraits. This is usually in the game folder found in your My Documents folder. (to do this, you may need to get the full path from Windows Explorer, and then type 'cd *your path name*' into the command prompt).
Now enter the following code into the command prompt window, making sure to copy it exactly.
for /f "Tokens=*" %f in ('dir /l/b/a-d') do (rename "%f" "%f")
and then press return.
Open a new a Windows Explorer window to verify that the filenames have converted to lowercase.
Your other issue with the mage book is because Pecca designed the mod with unscaled interface full HD resolution in mind, so it might lack some intuitive functionalities when played on scaled or lower resolutions.
@Mr2150 as always, very helpful. The Issue with mage spell is not a game breaker, since it is fixed by selecting a char with numbers ( 1-6).My resolution is 1920x1080 . When I have time, I will rename my portraits. Your last post will help a lot. This mod is pure Gold. I have some sugestions, that I will put here, after playing a little more. Again, many thanks for all your hard work.
Yes, have you tried playing with unscaled interface? Then you won't get the magebook issue.... the mod is designed for unscaled mode...
Go to: Options > Graphics and toggle the Scale User Interface button OFF.
PS - TIP: if you are renaming your portraits make sure to make the portrait filename begin with m# or f# for male or female portraits. Then the portrait picker will split them for you when you run the 'Update Portrait Picker component' and only show you male or female portraits.
Yes, have you tried playing with unscaled interface? Then you won't get the magebook issue.... the mod is designed for unscaled mode...
Go to: Options > Graphics and toggle the Scale User Interface button OFF.
PS - TIP: if you are renaming your portraits make sure to make the portrait filename begin with m# or f# for male or female portraits. Then the portrait picker will split them for you when you run the 'Update Portrait Picker component' and only show you male or female portraits.
On unscaled the game is sooooo smal ... but I´ll play a little to see if I get use to it. . And yes, the issue with the mage book goes away. As to rename my portraits, I think I can manage to rename the files in batches, I´ll look into it. I might make the files look like #fpic1L , #fpic2L etc .... What will be difficult, I think, and I would like to do, is duplicate the files with M in place of L, so: #fpic1L will have the brother #fpic1M .
Yeah - with such a large number of images, it can take some time, but it's worth it. And you only need to do this once
A few more tips:
- m# or f# at the start of the filename for male or female portraits - Portraits don't need to end with an L unless you have a M portrait too. L portraits are used in the record screen and M portraits are used in the sidebar. - If a portrait doesn't have an M or L it will be used in both sidebar and record screen. - Optimal setup for L and M portraits:
Portrait 1 filename = xxxx = long shot Portrait 2 filename = yyyy = face shot
Copy both portraits to your portrait folder TWICE. Rename them as follows:
Portrait 1 original 'xxxx' => renamed to f#zzzaL Portrait 1 copy 'xxxx - copy' => renamed to f#zzzb
Portrait 2 original 'yyyy' => renamed to f#zzzaM Portrait 2 copy 'yyyy - copy'=> renamed to f#zzzc
Portraits f#zzzaL, f#zzzb and f#zzzc will appear in the portrait picker and can be picked individually, if you pick f#zzaL will be used in the character screen then f#zzzaM will be used in the sidebar.
- Always rerun the portrait picker component to register your changes after making them. - You can further customise things and give the portraits proper names eg 'Thief/Mage Elf Female' etc and I will send you instructions on how to do that directly if you would like.
Yeah - with such a large number of images, it can take some time, but it's worth it. And you only need to do this once
- Always rerun the portrait picker component to register your changes after making them. - You can further customise things and give the portraits proper names eg 'Thief/Mage Elf Female' etc and I will send you instructions on how to do that directly if you would like.
On this weekend, if I have time, I will do the renaming. Giving the portraits proper names interests me, though I think it will be so much work, because the number of files. But little by little, I will get there .
As for your other portraits, yes, unfortunately you will need to reduce them down to 7 characters and lowercase There are various methods you could use for this - I know @BillyYank wrote an excellent powershell script to do it or if you just want to make them all lowercase, you can do it in DOS:
That script doesn't change the filenames, it creates a M_*.lua file that divides your portraits into male and female as long as you follow a naming scheme like M* for male portraits and F* for female portraits.
Most of my portraits are mixed case, and I've never had any problem with them, so I haven't had a need to rename my files. But for the record, the command in Powershell would be:
Thanks for the correction @BillyYank - I hadn't looked at your script before so I assumed it worked in a similar way. Any thoughts on why 'BHODIL1.bmp' wouldn't work but 'bhodi.bmp' would?
That's what I found with my test both using a mod and an unmodded version of the game. I introduced the lowercase rule as it had solved things for others previously in other threads... Looks like there is something else happening in the background...
The 'very long text' issue is a bug that will be fixed - it was reported on the previous page - it's caused when the text in the dialog extends past the maximum allowed height of the dialog.
Are you putting the portraits in to this folder:
...\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\portraits ?
Posted 08 January 2016 - 09:05 AM
I can confirm that sphere system brakes the BG2:EE game without any other mod installed, so the problem lays directly in this component. The crashes happens right after clicking "new game" button in the main menu.
Some tests I made:
1 - Removed all portraits from the folder in my documents. Copied AAAL.bmp only. It shows and works on my vanila instalation.
2 - On my tactical instalation, various blanket portraits are shown, if I click on one on those, game crashes.AAAL Works.
3 - Copied BHODIL1.bmp to the folder. It shows and works on both vanila and tactical. If I click on a blanket portrait on tactical instalation, game crashes.
4 - Copied back all my portraits to the folder on my documents.
5 - Cant see AAAL on any instalation anymore.
6 - If I click on BHODIL1 on any instalation, game crashes;
Man, I am feeling like Sherlock Holmes ... lol
Think of it this way - each time you make a change (filename/adding portraits/removing portraits) you need to register those changes in the new UI - you can make multiple changes and register them all in one go - Rerunning the Update Portrait Picker component then rebuilds the portrait database for you. If you make changes without registering them then the UI doesn't know how to deal with those portraits.
Did that fix the issue with BHODIL1 ?
Try doing the following:
- Open the file in MS Paint and select File > Save As, and then change the filename to bhodi (all lowercase) and make sure that the File Type is 24-bit bitmap.
- Next, check your vanilla install - is it now appearing there? If so, then rerun the portrait picker component of your Dragonspear UI++ install and it should appear there too.
Let me know if it works...
Saying that, most of my portraits files have more than 7 chars. Names like FHUTH05L.bmp and MDWFI00L.bmp . Because of that, of 500 + custom portraits, I can just see 104. May I ask why this limitation, and if there´s any way around it ?
Also, I came to another bug I´d like to relate. If I press W , to see mage spells, I get this:
I cant click on the portraits, but if I tap 1,2 or any number to 6 , the interfaces fixes, until I exit and press W again. With priest spells (P), it dosnt happen.
Again, many thanks for all the attencion
Yes - there were a few issues brought on by v2.0+ of the game, I think. We limited the number of characters to 7 and all lowercase based on feedback from Beamdog and users in various other threads regarding custom portraits not appearing in vanilla (like your BHODIL1 portrait).
We found that standardising the 'rules' fixed the issue for vanilla and so we built them into the portrait picker requirements as standard.
Rules For Portrait Picker
- Portraits should be 24-bit BMP files with dimensions no greater than 1024 pixels (width or height) and the overall image size should be no greater than 1MB.
- Portrait filenames should not exceed 7 characters.
- Portrait filenames must be lowercase and not end in -l/ -m/ -s.
- However, if you want to use two images together but have one display in the record screen and the other display in the sidebar, then please rename the files to add an uppercase -L to the end of the image filename for the record screen and -M for the image filename to display on the sidebar, taking care to ensure that the rest of the filename is identical. The L and M *are* included in the character limit of 7 letters.
- If you do include a filename with -L then you must include an identical filename with -M (The portrait can be different but the filename must be the same).
- If you want portraits to be identified as Male or Female on import then please make sure the filename begins m# or f# respectively.
- Filenames should not be the same or too similar to a potential existing portrait filename unless you want to replace an existing filename, eg coran* should be avoided. A list of these filenames can be found in NearInfinity by checking BGEE.lua
As for your other portraits, yes, unfortunately you will need to reduce them down to 7 characters and lowercase
How to quickly make all portrait filenames lower case
Open a command prompt (START > RUN > type CMD, press enter) and go to the directory that has your portraits.
This is usually in the game folder found in your My Documents folder.
(to do this, you may need to get the full path from Windows Explorer, and then type 'cd *your path name*' into the command prompt).
Now enter the following code into the command prompt window, making sure to copy it exactly.
for /f "Tokens=*" %f in ('dir /l/b/a-d') do (rename "%f" "%f")
and then press return.
Open a new a Windows Explorer window to verify that the filenames have converted to lowercase.
Your other issue with the mage book is because Pecca designed the mod with unscaled interface full HD resolution in mind, so it might lack some intuitive functionalities when played on scaled or lower resolutions.
Yes, have you tried playing with unscaled interface? Then you won't get the magebook issue.... the mod is designed for unscaled mode...
Go to: Options > Graphics and toggle the Scale User Interface button OFF.
PS - TIP: if you are renaming your portraits make sure to make the portrait filename begin with m# or f# for male or female portraits. Then the portrait picker will split them for you when you run the 'Update Portrait Picker component' and only show you male or female portraits.
A few more tips:
- m# or f# at the start of the filename for male or female portraits
- Portraits don't need to end with an L unless you have a M portrait too. L portraits are used in the record screen and M portraits are used in the sidebar.
- If a portrait doesn't have an M or L it will be used in both sidebar and record screen.
- Optimal setup for L and M portraits:
Portrait 1 filename = xxxx = long shot
Portrait 2 filename = yyyy = face shot
Copy both portraits to your portrait folder TWICE. Rename them as follows:
Portrait 1 original 'xxxx' => renamed to f#zzzaL
Portrait 1 copy 'xxxx - copy' => renamed to f#zzzb
Portrait 2 original 'yyyy' => renamed to f#zzzaM
Portrait 2 copy 'yyyy - copy'=> renamed to f#zzzc
Portraits f#zzzaL, f#zzzb and f#zzzc will appear in the portrait picker and can be picked individually, if you pick f#zzaL will be used in the character screen then f#zzzaM will be used in the sidebar.
- Always rerun the portrait picker component to register your changes after making them.
- You can further customise things and give the portraits proper names eg 'Thief/Mage Elf Female' etc and I will send you instructions on how to do that directly if you would like.
But it's one of those things - the more that you do, the more benefit you get.
There's an updated version of the script here:
Most of my portraits are mixed case, and I've never had any problem with them, so I haven't had a need to rename my files. But for the record, the command in Powershell would be:
Get-ChildItem *.bmp | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name.ToLower() }
Check screenshot (I'm not able to scroll or choice any dialog option) Same resolution as the picture.