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[MOD] Dragonspear UI++ (v2.42)



  • LeokostaLeokosta Member Posts: 73
    Mr2150 said:

    @Leokosta - which quickloot do you use?

    Use Expert, like shown on the picture above.

    On the Pic below, the Hammer (last single item on the third row) should have a blue background, saying its magical.

    Thanks for answering.
  • Mr2150Mr2150 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited September 2016
    OK - that makes it a little tougher, @Leokosta

    That quickloot was designed to have see-through boxes and the update I could give you would add the tinting back in, but you would lose the see-through aspect of the boxes. That means when there are lots of items on the ground then the top / top left portion of the screen would be covered (as that quickloot allows up to 60 boxes before scrolling). We'll need to do a bit more work to fix the problem proper.

    If that's acceptable for the short term, then you can apply the attached change. It's a modified that makes the needed changes - just copy it into your override and replace the existing file.

    Alternatively - after applying the changed file - you might want to check out the Advanced Quickloot. The changed file will update that quickloot too, but because you can open and close that quick loot with the E key (and it hides when not opened), the issue is not as problematic.

    Let me know if any issues! 108.8K
    Post edited by Mr2150 on
  • LeokostaLeokosta Member Posts: 73
    @Mr2150 Thanks for the reply. I have no problem on moving on to Advanced. The problem is that my is already quite customized, with fixes like long text descriptions scroll bars ( thanks to you ) and Space bar continuing conversation (thanks to @Pecca ), among others that I dont even remember. I was kind of hoping to edit my already customized . I changed my options to Advanced, and thats my actual file, can you see if its too difficult to edit, if thats not too much work ?
    Thanks again
    P.S. : your file worked like a charm, just tested it :)
  • Mr2150Mr2150 Member Posts: 1,170
    Not a problem at all - give me 2 mins, matey :)
  • Mr2150Mr2150 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited September 2016
  • LeokostaLeokosta Member Posts: 73
    Mr2150 said:

    Here you go @Leokosta :)

    Sir, you are a master . It works flawlessly . Again, many thanks
  • VichanVichan Member Posts: 11
    I can't seem to get the portrait picker to work, I put portraits in the portrait folder (naming them bardS, bardM and bardL) and run the WeiDu 'update portrait picker' but they're still not showing up... :\
  • Mr2150Mr2150 Member Posts: 1,170
    I think there is an issue with the WEIDU update component in some instances and we've been looking at improving it for next time.

    @Vichan - try this to fix it...

    Go to your override directory, delete the file named M_BG.lua
    Then run the WEIDU component 'Update Portrait Picker' again.

    Let me know if that works.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    Is it possible to add your mod to BWS?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    It is possible I guess, why not. But I'm not actively modding right now, neither do I have any knowledge about workings of BWS. There should not be any incompatibilities with non-UI mods, so I think it's save to install in any order towards them.
  • LeokostaLeokosta Member Posts: 73
    Etamin said:

    Is it possible to add your mod to BWS?

    On my BWS tactical instalation, I skipped all UI mods and installed @Pecca ´s Dragonspear UI++ after BWS finnished. It works fine. It would be great if this mod made it to BWS.
  • VichanVichan Member Posts: 11
    Mr2150 said:

    I think there is an issue with the WEIDU update component in some instances and we've been looking at improving it for next time.

    @Vichan - try this to fix it...

    Go to your override directory, delete the file named M_BG.lua
    Then run the WEIDU component 'Update Portrait Picker' again.

    Let me know if that works.

    That fixed it, thanks! :)
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    May you help me? Mac user here, so how can I install this awesome mod?
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    I believe you would need the Mac WeiDU launcher.
  • ImionaImiona Member Posts: 30
    Is this compatible with EET?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    Not yet.
  • BreakTheChessBreakTheChess Member Posts: 3
    Hello, is there any way to use this awesome UI without your updated dialog box? I would love to have this UI with the old standard dialog box. :)
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @BreakTheChess: at this moment the only way is to manually edit your file. In the future update, there will probably be more options about dialog layout.
  • BreakTheChessBreakTheChess Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2016
    @Pecca: Oh okay. Could you please tell me what I need to edit to make it look like the old one? I have to admit that I have no idea what im looking at. :/ If it isn't too much work, could you post a edited .MENU file for me?

  • LeokostaLeokosta Member Posts: 73

    @Pecca: Oh okay. Could you please tell me what I need to edit to make it look like the old one? I have to admit that I have no idea what im looking at. :/ If it isn't too much work, could you post a edited .MENU file for me?

    Hi. I am sure that @Pecca or @Mr2150 will help you, they are very willing to help. But my suggestion is that you try the new dialog box for a couple of hours. I too found that a litte weird, but got used to it, and now I think its great.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @BreakTheChess here it is. I replaced modified dialog box code with game's default one. I would also recommend to try the new one for a while though, default dialog box of v2.0 is very underwhelming. If a new game patch arrives with revised dialog box functionality (as it was pre v2.0, with scrolling up to dialog history), I will definitely add that as an option (it will probably be default and current one will be optional).
    UI.rar 83.8K
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited November 2019
    Post edited by lefreut on
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @lefreut: I noticed that, and it's pretty cool. Do you think you'll be able to release a non-beta version without the flashing?
  • AncientCowboyAncientCowboy Member Posts: 199
    @Pecca - If the dialog box is restricted to just WORLD_DIALOG, WORLD_DIALOG_CONFIRM, and the two associated lua blocks (i.e. no external hooks) - I can certainly add DS UI++ support for lefreut's mod to EEUITweaks. I've always been a bit conservative about patching your interface out of concern for breaking some non-obvious integration.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @AncientCowboy: I think it is, but Mr2150 did the code.
  • AncientCowboyAncientCowboy Member Posts: 199
    I'll check it out then. Thanks.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited November 2019
    Post edited by lefreut on
  • AncientCowboyAncientCowboy Member Posts: 199
    Well, I gave it my best try. It almost works - replacing WORLD_DIALOG menu/Lua, and substituting WORLD_DIALOG_CONFIRM menu/Lua for WORLD_MESSAGEBOXHISTORY almost got it. The Dialog box worked fine - however, the global message box became 'un-resizeable' - Mr2150's MESSAGE_BOX is dependent on code from the WORLD_DIALOG Lua chunk (debug whines about nil 'setMessagesY'). That's about all I can do from the installer point of view.
  • ImionaImiona Member Posts: 30
    so with this fix, DUI is compatible with EET?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @Imiona: I'm not actively working on this mod in any way, be it new features or compatibility with other mods. And I'll probably not be going back to it for quite some time. I will definitely wait for the next patch of the game before starting to "finalize" things (because who knows what it will change). EET compatibility is probably one of the last things I'm going to do, because it's convenient to have this mod "finalized" to do it. So, it's going to be a long time, yeah.
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