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[MOD] Dragonspear UI++ (v2.42)



  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    So Mr2150 is not working on this mod anymore? I thought he will be releasing next updates. What with his journal fixes? It's a pity to hear this mod won't be developed for long time.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    If Mr2150 is going have something ready for release, I'll release it. But both of us have less time for modding than we used to have and must focus on different things. Now, this mod is in a good state, so it's probably going to stay as it is for a while.
    Once the next patch of the game arrives, I will ensure compatibility with it. In that update I will also change some things based on the UI workshop discussions. Some more advanced features I had planned may or may not be implemented depending on the time I will have to dedicate to it. After that, I hope the mod will be "more or less finished" and I will ensure EET compatibility and the BG2 counterpart mod.
    That's the plan.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    In next release, if you can, try to move this mod to github, so i could create template for it and sent it to Alien who will be able to add it to BWS.
  • BreakTheChessBreakTheChess Member Posts: 3
    @Pecca Thanks for the help with the UI file! :p
  • BarachielBarachiel Member Posts: 82
    edited October 2016
    OMG, I'm in love with this UI mod, having just found it. Please tell me you've done one for BG2EE too!

    One small quirk: what can i do to get this to work with the BP-BGT Worldmap Mod? When I try to use them both, the icons are radically misaligned. Right now, I'm doing without it, but would like to get it back.

    EDIT: I'm also have a rare bug, where the text in the dialog window gets overwritten by the "Hiding in Shadows" and "Searching for Traps" messages. It primarily only seems to happen during in-game scenes where time briefly resumes for a second before it's paused again for the computer to take over and continue throwing out narrative.

    Any way I can turn off those annoying status updates? If not, might want to consider this a bug.
    Post edited by Barachiel on
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @Barachiel: Thanks, there is no BG2 counterpart yet, but I plan on creating it.
    The mod puts an edited WORLDMAP.WMP file to the override during installation, so you should install this mod before the Worldmap mod. Alternatively, you can delete that file from "dragonspear_ui++/content" folder before starting the installation. I edited the file so the unnamed maps show travel times.
    I'll check for the bug when I have time, I haven't encountered it myself.
  • BarachielBarachiel Member Posts: 82
    @Pecca Thanks for the information! Honestly, I haven't seen it since the Garrick/Selkie scene in Beregrost. Had seen it twice before that, but I can't recall exactly which conversations.
  • BarachielBarachiel Member Posts: 82
    @Pecca I tried both methods, and neither worked. It's really weird.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    That is strange indeed. If you have removed the file from the installation folder before the installation, there is no way the mod interferes with the worldmap files. The mod changes the UI of that screen but that shouldn't interfere either iirc. What did you install first?
  • BarachielBarachiel Member Posts: 82
    edited October 2016
    @Pecca I uninstalled them both, then installed SoDUI++ minus the file, followed by BG-BPT Worldmap.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    edited October 2016
    Hmm and does the BG-BPT Worldmap mod work fine without the UI++?
  • VichanVichan Member Posts: 11
    Are there plans for a BG2 release?
  • CanesCanes Member Posts: 29
    So I'm guessing this is incompatible with the latest update of the Enhanced Edition? Because I'm missing buttons and i get crash/hang when opening the world map.
  • CanesCanes Member Posts: 29
    Also, another question. Would it be easy to post the code for just your awesome quest page (the big one), because I'd like to merge it (if it can be easily done) into this other UI Mod.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    Vichan said:

    Are there plans for a BG2 release?

    There is a plan, no timetable yet thouh.
    Canes said:

    So I'm guessing this is incompatible with the latest update of the Enhanced Edition? Because I'm missing buttons and i get crash/hang when opening the world map.

    It is compatible with latest bgee:sod patch, sod is required.
    Canes said:

    Also, another question. Would it be easy to post the code for just your awesome quest page (the big one), because I'd like to merge it (if it can be easily done) into this other UI Mod.

    I can post it when I get to my pc, I don't know when it will be though. I have no time lately.
  • CanesCanes Member Posts: 29
    Great, looking forward to it.
  • cobancoban Member Posts: 9

    I tried your mod and I noticed there is a thin black vertical line behind the character after I install the mod.. This happens only when sprites/outlines are turned off. I don't know if this is a problem with my computer (graphic drivers?) or has anyone else experienced this? It's best seen if you download the screenshots and scroll through them in full screen view.

    Anyway, you mod is amazing, I like the minimalistic style and especially dialogue window, thanks for your effort!

  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    That's a bug caused by the game itself, not the UI mod. I've reported it months ago, even before Dragonspear's release, and it has yet to be fixed.
  • cobancoban Member Posts: 9
    Flashburn said:

    That's a bug caused by the game itself, not the UI mod. I've reported it months ago, even before Dragonspear's release, and it has yet to be fixed.


    I checked with a clean install (BG+SOD) and the black line is not there, so at least for me, unmodded game is ok. I don't really understand how could UI mod cause this, it's strange. Here are the pics:

  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited November 2019
    Post edited by lefreut on
  • ParysParys Member Posts: 205
    I have the problem with these vertical lines.
    Further more, Your tooltips scroll display with horizontal lines.
    I also use your mod and play the game with scale interface on
    Do you have any idea why this issue still persist?
    BTW, I would like to thank you for your GUI mod. It is gorgeous!
    Do you plan to release a new updates in the near furure?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    Hey thanks, I'll keep this in mind when I'll work on the next update. Not till the 2.4 arrives though.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,894
    I know you're asked the question constantly @Pecca but is there any chance that you'll try to find some time and work on something simillar for BG2EE? I would really love that. I've been modding for so many years and never have I seen a visual mod of so high quality.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    Yes I do want to make a bg2mod. But first of all i want to wait until the last (essential) patch of the games so it can final too. Second, i made this mod when i was unemployed (and pretty much all mods before i made while studying) but now i find it very difficult to find time when i have a job. So likely any mod or update from me will take longer time. That said i already have a concept art of most major screens for the bg2 ui. It will be based on bg2ee ui with some restored elements from the vanilla (window edges mainly). Layout of some screens will be quite different, based on ideas from ui disscussions on this forum(coding that will take most of the time needed). I'll update this mod first though.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,894
    You know, the problem is that according to what you can read here and here, the patch may not come any soon. Perhaps after 4-6 months? If Doubledimas is correct, the other BeamDog thing must be released first and I doubt they will just like that switch to patching previous games. I think they may be busy with post-release things first, making plans etc. And the new thing wasn't even announced, so somehow I doubt the release is any close...
    So that's why I don't understand why would you wait for the update. The audience won't grow bigger in that time...
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    I want to wait so i don't have to work on another compatibility update, though admittedly i thought the patch would arrive much sooner. It is possible the update will introduce new ui features that i will want to use. The thing is I'm in no rush and have little time anyway so the patch delay doesn't bother me. Primarily, all the mods I made, I made for myself, something i wanted to change or add in my playthroughs, that's where the main drive was and right now I'm nowhere near bg2 playthrough to use any of that drive (though one day i definitelly will be).
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    Fantastic work @Pecca - thank you so much for creating/sharing this excellent ui/mod!!!
  • Woolie_WoolWoolie_Wool Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2017
    Does this UI work at all with EET? EET does allow the use of the SoD UI, but I have no idea if UI mods made for SoD work with the SoD UI skin for EET. If not, are there any plans for adding such support?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    I didn't specifically do anything for eet compatibility, so it is unlikely to be completely compatible, but I remember the discussion happened in this topic before, so you can try to find it. I have plans but no time, unfortunatelly.
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