Okay, here is a picture of the inventory. It's a photoshop mockup, but very close to what I want it to actually look.
- It's primarily designed for scaled interface for the sake of universal use (provided it will be possible to render it in FullHD - like in PST:EE, instead of zoomed in, otherwise I'll have to use another method to achieve a similar result). - It uses Vanilla BG2 graphics as I found them generally prettier and with more material to use. I'm also planning to create BG1 Vanilla, IWD:EE/mixed with vanilla and SoD skins. - It's generally cleaner, using mouse-overs to display information, instead of placing all information in visible boxes. So for example the combat stat information will appear when you hover over the value, etc...
That's quite different from how it used to be in your old version! But I don't mind that. Having everything so horizontally spread on the inventory page is probably the thing I liked least about your original mod.
Having the sidebars closer on this screen is also nice, but will that work properly?
What about your dialog screen? Will it remain similar to your old dialog screen?
Thanks for the screenshot. Looks good and functional already. I still prefer the (dark) SoD UI++ and the dialog box with the big picture (i am using it in conjunction with 'Portraits, portraits everywhere', so if the current Dialog screen remains as an option, im superhappy.
To be honest, i dont like this early version too much. The artstyle is great but its very intrusive. The old ui is much more minimalistic and puts the focus on the actual scene, which i prefer.
I'm testing an extended functionality of spellbooks and I wonder why I haven't put it in, when the mod was released. I thought I won't release any more updates, and just concentrate ona new mod, but this one is pretty cool, so I am gonna release this in upcoming weeks.
Just registered on the forum to mention that this UI modification is awesome.
And with a suggestion.
Would it be possible to have a feature to select all the different sections of the UI mods to be optional? it would be great!
Like optional separate features, so that either a combination of the following or only a particular one can be included or excluded, etc: - Main Menu - Character Generation - Save/Load Screens - Multiplayer Screen - Main Gameplay Screen - Dialog Box - Journal - Inventory - Record - Mage/Priest Spellbooks - Worldmap - Store/Containers - Chapters
This would give opportunity to those who would only one certain set of UI modification applied or exclude some when there are compatibility issues when existing modification in the game itself or just because of personal preferences.
Example: I utilize BP-BGT-WORLDMAP and it appears to have some form of incompatibility with the Worldmap section of the UI changes from this mod (where the locations are offset with the Background of the map being from the BP-BGT-WORLDMAP
Example 2: Thou I like the dialog box a lot, the position of the dialog box cannot be freely changed vertically and it creates a slight dissonance with the focus on the NPC dialog interactions (unless its already planned to be as such).
Again, thanks for your effort on the UI modification. It simply changes a modest UI to a much more friendly and functional experience.
Would such a huge inventory option be optional? I think I preffer the classic view
Don't worry I'm not even sure yet, if this one's gonna get released, due some engine limitations. But it was always the goal, and the "classic" (although I would hardly call it that ) was always meant to be temporary - that's why the inventory backpack is on the right anyway - I just got stuck with it, because I didn't understand the code well enough. Working last year as a programmer, the code sudennly opened up to me and I began to experiment. But I am still rather going to create a different mod as a successor to this. I have a certain feature in mind and a certain idea how to do it and it requires doing the entire UI differently. Using relative sizing I think I will be able to create an actual UI scaling - a feature that will introduce an option to display the UI in several levels of some percentage of screen height (like 60 70 80 90 and 100).
@Raigavin: Thanks, but this mod is meant to be a total conversion of the UI. It would create a strong dissonance if only some screens were changed and others not, but mainly it would simply require too much work for little reason. I may look into some compatibility issues though - like with the worldmap. Not sure what you mean by the second example - the dialog box actually can be freely changed vertically by dragging the upper portion of the window, or using the "arrows" button in the upper right corner.
@Raigavin: Thanks, but this mod is meant to be a total conversion of the UI. It would create a strong dissonance if only some screens were changed and others not, but mainly it would simply require too much work for little reason. I may look into some compatibility issues though - like with the worldmap. Not sure what you mean by the second example - the dialog box actually can be freely changed vertically by dragging the upper portion of the window, or using the "arrows" button in the upper right corner.
@Pecca Thanks again in clarifying your vision (as a total conversion), its great you are still putting in a lot of effort into the modifications.
I'll check the movement of the dialog box again, prior I was only able to move it horizontally at the top portion of the screen. I would want to in the exact same location as the default dialog box appears during conversations , but with your dialog box.
I'll check the movement of the dialog box again, prior I was only able to move it horizontally at the top portion of the screen. I would want to in the exact same location as the default dialog box appears during conversations , but with your dialog box.
Ha, sorry, yes, the dialog box can only move horizontally, I misplaced the word vertical for horizontal
@Pecca - just to clarify: it's not that I don't like that inventory option It's just... I'm afraid that it may be a bit hard to get used to the new form. I can see great possible benefits from using the new one, like faster item management, but I can't tell if it would feel great in game. With the change, inv screen started to look a bit cramped
Anyway, I'm still quite excited about the mod and I hope to finally see it's version for BG2 (Please please please)
I also like how it works in PoE, I took an inspiration from it, but it cannot fully work like that in the infinity engine. The most problematic part is exchanging items between backpacks, which only works through portrait. If I get this done, the biggest advantage will be the overview of all backpacks. The actual usage will be similar to what it is now.
I guess I could but I don't think it would work well as an overview then. Green portrait selection with encumberance numbers is a clear indication of which backpack is currently active. Other backpacks can be selected just by clicking on their item slots (with an empty cursor), but transferring items can only be done through portraits (which are placed in the middle). I tried to emulate an item transferring layer over item slots, but they have some weird hardcoded behavior. I have some other ideas but I haven't gotten to it yet.
So I decided to redesign record screen a little bit too, mainly because I got tired of the narrow columns. That should be all for the next update I think. Well, except... why did I not make this compatible with BG2:EE? Hmm, don't remember really.
- It's primarily designed for scaled interface for the sake of universal use (provided it will be possible to render it in FullHD - like in PST:EE, instead of zoomed in, otherwise I'll have to use another method to achieve a similar result).
- It uses Vanilla BG2 graphics as I found them generally prettier and with more material to use. I'm also planning to create BG1 Vanilla, IWD:EE/mixed with vanilla and SoD skins.
- It's generally cleaner, using mouse-overs to display information, instead of placing all information in visible boxes. So for example the combat stat information will appear when you hover over the value, etc...
Having the sidebars closer on this screen is also nice, but will that work properly?
What about your dialog screen? Will it remain similar to your old dialog screen?
edited out, later...
Is there a way to use this UI with baldur's gate 2?
And with a suggestion.
Would it be possible to have a feature to select all the different sections of the UI mods to be optional? it would be great!
Like optional separate features, so that either a combination of the following or only a particular one can be included or excluded, etc:
- Main Menu
- Character Generation
- Save/Load Screens
- Multiplayer Screen
- Main Gameplay Screen
- Dialog Box
- Journal
- Inventory
- Record
- Mage/Priest Spellbooks
- Worldmap
- Store/Containers
- Chapters
This would give opportunity to those who would only one certain set of UI modification applied or exclude some when there are compatibility issues when existing modification in the game itself or just because of personal preferences.
Example: I utilize BP-BGT-WORLDMAP and it appears to have some form of incompatibility with the Worldmap section of the UI changes from this mod (where the locations are offset with the Background of the map being from the BP-BGT-WORLDMAP
Example 2: Thou I like the dialog box a lot, the position of the dialog box cannot be freely changed vertically and it creates a slight dissonance with the focus on the NPC dialog interactions (unless its already planned to be as such).
Again, thanks for your effort on the UI modification. It simply changes a modest UI to a much more friendly and functional experience.
Working last year as a programmer, the code sudennly opened up to me and I began to experiment. But I am still rather going to create a different mod as a successor to this. I have a certain feature in mind and a certain idea how to do it and it requires doing the entire UI differently. Using relative sizing I think I will be able to create an actual UI scaling - a feature that will introduce an option to display the UI in several levels of some percentage of screen height (like 60 70 80 90 and 100).
@Raigavin: Thanks, but this mod is meant to be a total conversion of the UI. It would create a strong dissonance if only some screens were changed and others not, but mainly it would simply require too much work for little reason. I may look into some compatibility issues though - like with the worldmap. Not sure what you mean by the second example - the dialog box actually can be freely changed vertically by dragging the upper portion of the window, or using the "arrows" button in the upper right corner.
Thanks again in clarifying your vision (as a total conversion), its great you are still putting in a lot of effort into the modifications.
I'll check the movement of the dialog box again, prior I was only able to move it horizontally at the top portion of the screen. I would want to in the exact same location as the default dialog box appears during conversations
Anyway, I'm still quite excited about the mod and I hope to finally see it's version for BG2
Could you place a layer over it, to darken or gray out the currently unavailable backpacks?
Though it appears a bit blank behind intelligence and wisdom. Maybe add Lore modifiers to even it out?