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[MOD] Dragonspear UI++ (v2.42)



  • hagglebagglehagglebaggle Member Posts: 3
    Huh, I guess maybe the forum doesn't like edits sometimes, or I accidentally hit delete post... here goes again:

    Hi, thanks for the mod, I'm really enjoying using it.

    I have a minor issue with the small journal with the scaled UI (non scaled looks nicer but I find it easier to see icons and things with the scaled version with my rubbish eyesight).

    Anyway - if the small journal is dragged at all, the top 'jumps' off the screen cutting off the section that lets you switch tabs, like so:


    This can of course be avoided by just not moving it, so it's not a big deal, I just occasionally forget and want to pick something up while it's open or something.

    As a workaround is there a quick way of resetting its position without restarting the game? Switching to the big journal and back doesn't work, not does saving and loading.

    It's possible this is a default 2.0 UI issue, I didn't use that for long, if so I apologise for bothering the wrong person.

    Again, thank you very much for the mod, looking forward to the BG2 version.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @hagglebaggle That was the forum's spam filter that was deleting your posts. I have verified you so this should not happen again.
  • hagglebagglehagglebaggle Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2018
    @Tresset Oh, I'm sorry, I should have realised that it was probably connected with having just created the account, it's just that noticed it disappearing each time when I pressed 'edit' and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Thanks for sorting it out, sorry if I spammed your support queue or whatever you use.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @hagglebaggle no worries. This is a regular part of our job.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @hagglebaggle Hi, it's odd, it never happened to me. I don't think there is something that can be done in-game as the handle is off screen and there is no other functionality to bring it back. I suppose switching to unscale interface doesn't work?
  • hagglebagglehagglebaggle Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2018
    @Pecca Hi, sorry for the slow reply. Switching to unscale interface lets me see the full thing fine and move it around but doesn't reset it back when I switch back to scaled interface - it can even be completely off screen then depending on where I drag it when it's unscaled.

    I *think* in theory I could find the perfect position to place it so when I scaled it again it would be visible normally, but it'd be a lot of trial and error.

    I've just trained myself not to move it, the problem was probably just that I started with the unscaled one and got used to moving it but switched to make it easier to see certain elements.

    It's really not a major issue, just thought you might like to tweak it if it was an obvious easy fix, but as I said I don't even know whether it's something in your mod or the base game (or maybe even something unique to my system, for whatever reason), so if it's not simple I wouldn't worry about it.

    In case it helps, my resolution is 2560x1440, I didn't mention this because I put it on my old monitor that's 1920x1200 and it seemed to behave the same.
  • razaraza Member Posts: 24
    @Pecca First of all thanks a lot for your amazing job, it looks so awesome!

    I wish to ask you about a possibility to make party's portraits on main game view a little bit bigger. I am playing on screen with very big resolution, that's why it's not comfortable to me look on small pictures. I am almost sure that I can edit script's files by my self if you can provide information where and what needs to be edited.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @raza Hi, thanks. Funny thing is that I was working on a new update few months ago, which had a bigger-portraits option in it, among other things. Something came by though and I didn't finish it then, but I think it's almost ready. Hopefully, I'll find some time to compile and release it.
  • razaraza Member Posts: 24
    @Pecca thx for replay. I'll wait impatiently.
  • VanhardiskVanhardisk Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2018
    This is by far the most amazing and comprehensive GUI of all I've seen. If the game would've lauched back in 1998 with this GUI in mind, it surely would've been an even greater success than it was back in the day.

    I'd like to know if you have future plans for making this GUI cross platform for BG2EE and/or BGEETrilogy. That would be a dream come true. I'm loving playing BG2 with the other SoD GUIs but this by far is the best out there. Thoughts?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @Vanhardisk thanks, I do have plans, not much time for modding though. Now I am waiting for patch 2.5 to be released for every game, then I want to update this mod for all those games.
  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    not having played SOD on it's own, are there UI elements in that game that don't exist in BGEE/BG2EE causing this mod not to work on them?
  • rutherfordrutherford Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2018

    In this post you uploaded a file which made blue tinted magical items show up in quickloot. Since the new update in May, this file does not work (it does add the blue tint but messes up the inventory screen).

    Would you be willing to do the same thing for this version, 2.21?

    @Pecca, is there a way to modify UI file myself (what tool would I use, what would I change) to make magical items glow blue inventory? Without this, I am missing important items.

    Edit: I have managed to open the file and just wish to know what lines to change...
    Post edited by rutherford on
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    Interesting, I had no idea something was broken, I'll have to look at it.
  • rutherfordrutherford Member Posts: 13
    Yep! As you can see here:

    The arrows at the bottom right should have a blue tint.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @rutherford Hi sorry but I don't remember working with this feature and Mr2150 doesn't seem to be around anymore. You can search the for line: name 'WORLD_QUICKLOOT' to see quickloot code section in both files, the one that Mr2150 provided and that of the latest version to see what changed.
  • rutherfordrutherford Member Posts: 13
    Yes! I fixed it! I used Notepad++ compare feature to determined the differences and made the changes in the new file. Yippee! Here it for anyone who wants to see magical items in quickloot again.
  • WurenXWurenX Member Posts: 2
    Great mod!

    @Rutherford, how do I use that file you posted?
  • rutherfordrutherford Member Posts: 13
    Drop it in your override folder.
  • razaraza Member Posts: 24
    After 2.5 update, there are several issues with checkboxes in options view. If it needed I can provide screenshots.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    I will need to release a compatibility update. Something breaks after every larger patch.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    Hi. Do you plan to release now, after all those patches, version for EET?
  • SornfeinSornfein Member Posts: 36
    I don't know if you want feedback after 2.5 update or it already has been reported, but I have some of this:

    1. Constitution and Charisma note in brackets should be converted
    2. There should be information how much expirience to next level

    3. There should be way to exit from spellbook except 'Esc' or 'G'. I suggest click on BG logo

    4. There should be button 'travel'

    5. Keys from 1 to 0 should work

    6. There should be 'Q' instead 'F'

    7. This scrollbar isn't work properly, it 'slides' up :|

    I'm sory if I repeat something you know. Regards :)

  • silverbaldesilverbalde Member Posts: 4
    @Pecca This looks amazing. Is there a tentative ETA on the EET version? About to start a run post the 2.5 updates, but would love to play with this UI. Thanks
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    Hi thanks for the feedback. I have already fixed most incompatibilities introduced by 2.5 and prepared versions for sod and bg2ee. Unfortunately, something came by and I don't have time to continue with bgee, iwdee and eet versions. If I won't get to it in near future, I will release at least these two.
  • beobeo Member Posts: 144
    Hope it works out in the end, EET version is essential. :smile:
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    I hold my EET run waiting for your mod. Waited 1 year, can wait 1 more :)
  • teenspiritteenspirit Member Posts: 4
    Hey! I would love to try your mod for trilogy run, can't wait for 2.5/SOD/BG2 release - please keep us updated! This looks so much better that resized vanilla interface.
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