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[MOD] Dragonspear UI++ (v2.42)



  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225

    Pecca said:

    New version 2.31 uploaded, which ensures compatibility with 2.5 patch.

    Hey, thanks for the update!

    For some reason now I can't use keys from 1 to = to select individual party members. I can only select them by clicking on their portrait.

    I've changed the assigned key to test but still have the issue.

    Best regards!
    Thanks for the tip. It is fixed now.
  • PeLLeT_RSDPeLLeT_RSD Member Posts: 55
    Pecca said:

    Pecca said:

    New version 2.31 uploaded, which ensures compatibility with 2.5 patch.

    Hey, thanks for the update!

    For some reason now I can't use keys from 1 to = to select individual party members. I can only select them by clicking on their portrait.

    I've changed the assigned key to test but still have the issue.

    Best regards!
    Thanks for the tip. It is fixed now.
  • AnprionsaAnprionsa Member Posts: 106
    @Pecca Does the new update also support EET?
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Now I am looking forward to BG2EE support. I think BG2 will benefit massively from this great mod.
  • wolfguardianwolfguardian Member Posts: 7
    @Pecca Thanks for updating dude, everything works great. The best UI in the world !!!
  • MadrictMadrict Member Posts: 141
    Thanks for your work on this. It really does look great and is my favorite UI. Fingers crossed for EET support in the future :D
  • PeLLeT_RSDPeLLeT_RSD Member Posts: 55
    Pecca said:

    Anprionsa said:

    Does the new update also support EET?

    No, it's just a compatibility update for SoD.
    Ludwig_II said:

    Now I am looking forward to BG2EE support. I think BG2 will benefit massively from this great mod.

    BG2 version is next on my list.
    Why doesn't work with BG2EE? Don't they have the same engine?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225

    Pecca said:

    Anprionsa said:

    Does the new update also support EET?

    No, it's just a compatibility update for SoD.
    Ludwig_II said:

    Now I am looking forward to BG2EE support. I think BG2 will benefit massively from this great mod.

    BG2 version is next on my list.
    Why doesn't work with BG2EE? Don't they have the same engine?
    It's not identical, there need to be some adjustments. Main menu, HLA screen, chapter images, string references etc...
  • VnavekulVnavekul Member Posts: 181
    Hi. :smile: AWESOME mod.

    Some questions, however:

    - The transparency option doesn't seem to change anything about the tooltips. Why is that?
    - The text strings also don't seem to change, also not in a new BG1 game (Destination Unreachable stays Destination Unreachable, for instance).
    - The description says something about this option in the settings (which I don't have): Left-side Main Menu. Why could that be?
    - And a small last one: Next to the button named quick save, the letter F is displayed, which is the shortcut for thieving. Is that a bug?

    Thanks for your answers. None of these 'issues' stop me from using your mod, of course.
  • TasiekTasiek Member Posts: 1

    I have this weird looking "QUIT" buttons in my polish version of main menu. Did somebody see this or is it a new bug or did I mess up something?
  • razaraza Member Posts: 24
    Pecca wrote: »
    New version 2.31 uploaded, which ensures compatibility with 2.5 patch.

    Thx a lot!
  • DyaraDyara Member Posts: 25
    Pecca wrote: »
    New version 2.31 uploaded, which ensures compatibility with 2.5 patch.

    Thanks for the update. However the new version is still incompatible with the changes patch 2.5 has made to spell squencers/contingencies. Any chance to fix that (I've become so used to your mod that I can't play without it now)?
  • razaraza Member Posts: 24
    I have also found a small bug. Scroll does not work in character information window at class description details tab.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    Vnavekul wrote: »
    Hi. :smile: AWESOME mod.

    Some questions, however:

    - The transparency option doesn't seem to change anything about the tooltips. Why is that?
    - The text strings also don't seem to change, also not in a new BG1 game (Destination Unreachable stays Destination Unreachable, for instance).
    - The description says something about this option in the settings (which I don't have): Left-side Main Menu. Why could that be?
    - And a small last one: Next to the button named quick save, the letter F is displayed, which is the shortcut for thieving. Is that a bug?

    Thanks for your answers. None of these 'issues' stop me from using your mod, of course.

    Hi thanks @Vnavekul
    - transparent tooltip option changes tooltips over character sprites when tab is pressed, not UI tooltip.
    - string changes work for me, not sure why that is.
    - left side menu was removed from later versions, it was redundant.
    - not sure why there is an F with quickloot, I recall to have that reported before but forgot to take a look at it

    Hi @Tasiek , Your installation seem to have missing proper graphic files. I would recommend to reinstall the mod.

    Hi @Dyara I haven't noticed changes to sequencers/contingencies. I'll need to take a look at it.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Pecca wrote: »
    Hi @Dyara I haven't noticed changes to sequencers/contingencies. I'll need to take a look at it.
    mageScreen:SequenceSpell( bookSpells[currentBookSpell].resref, bookSpells[currentBookSpell].masterResref )
    mageScreen:UnSequenceSpell( bottomSpells[currentBottomSpell].resref, bottomSpells[currentBottomSpell].masterResref )
    The second variable (masterResref) being passed is new, and required, in v2.5.
    As well as this function:
    function tableInsert(out, v)
    	if mageScreen:SpellSwappedInContingency(v.resref) then
    		for key,value in pairs(contingencySwapTable) do
    			value.castableCount = v.castableCount
    			table.insert(out, value)
    		table.insert(out, v)
    called within the filterContingencyMageSpells function, to split spells like Spell Immunity into it's respective subspells.
  • QuaraxkadQuaraxkad Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2019
    I just installed this mod, and I've found a couple issues.

    This one I see was mentioned earlier, "Quit" buttons on the menu where they don't belong. I tried re-installing the mod as suggested and it did not fix the issue:

    Also a few dialogs seem to be missing backgrounds, I didn't see any previous mention of this one:
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    @Quaraxkad do you have any other UI mods installed? IIRC the golden scrollbar is from another mod.
  • GrumschGrumsch Member Posts: 4

    I'm experiencing a cosmetic bug where the character record sheet does not display the charisma score for bards. There is a blank space where the score should be. This only happens with bards to my knowledge. It occurs both with bards I create as well as bard NPCs. I don't have any other UI mods installed.


    I love your UI mod, can't imagine playing the game without it even after just one playthrough. I'm in BG2 now and it's such a drag not having your UI, so I'm looking forward to that version!
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    New version v2.32 is released with fixes to contingency screen and display charisma value for bards. Also, the mod is now moved to github.
  • UnaiUnai Member Posts: 10
    So, when I try to install this (v2.32), I get the message bellow. I'm trying to install it on the Steam version of BGEE with all DLCs. I put the file on the game folder.

    I have already installed the tweaks, so SOD it's already merged. Any ideas?

  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Unai You didn't extract the mod correctly.
  • UnaiUnai Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2019
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @Unai You didn't extract the mod correctly.

    This might sound dumb, but how do I do that? The mod comes in a .exe file (setup-dragonspear_ui++.exe). If I rename it to zip, I can see only three files (UPX0, UPX1 and UPX2). I took a look and the readme but I couldn't find the info either.

    I think I'm missing somethign very obvious here lol

    Edit: Never mind. I had to download the folder at the gib and then run the .exe. I thought that was just the source code for developers.
    Post edited by Unai on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,894
    Yay! Are you going to include BG2EE screenshots in the first post? Does it use default BG2 look or is the SoD look used for BG2?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,225
    Graphics remain the same, sod-like:
  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    /swoon so excited to see this. Can't wait for the EET version.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Yes! I've been looking forward to this. Looks amazing, can't wait to try it out.

    Thanks a lot @Pecca
  • AnprionsaAnprionsa Member Posts: 106
    EET! Can finally start a playthrough when that comes through.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Pecca, I've briefly tested it and it looks like it's working great.

    Though I have one question. Would it be possible to have the old version of the inventory screen back, maybe as a separate option during install or in UI options in-game? The new inventory screen looks a bit too crowded and overloaded to me. Apart from that, I love all the screens.

    Thanks again for your great work
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