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Calm down.

Hey Guys,

I came on this evening to find a torrent of hate, I understand that there are problems with the game but some of the posts on here are downright unreasonable and no I haven't read all of them because I'd rather not slit my wrists. I'm not a fanboy and I have my own problems with the game whch I'll not get into here.
I'm ashamed at the was people think to solve their "issues" with the game whatever they may be. Shouting yourselves hoarse and review bombing aren't going to solve anything. Calm down, wipe the froth from your mouths and think, what actually are the reasons you're getting angry? I'm willing to bet that for many that once the red haze has cleared they'll be able to look at the game in a better light. The game is not perfect and likely never will be, But does it (and by extension Beamdog) deserve such resentment? No. So please people let's do what we normally do, wait for a patch to fix the bugs and then mod the hell out of it to remove the bits we don't like and enhance the bits we do.

Having said my piece I'd like to announce that I'm taking a break from the forum for a few days and hope that it calms down (and calm myself down while I'm at it). I'll also probably play the gameand continue to reflect on how I feel. I suggest many of you do the same.



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    I second @wubble - just calm down, and play the game. Share your views on the game, share what you found interesting or liked in the game. If you find a bug, report it.

    If you don't want to play it, play something else. If you don't want to play at all, go read a book, or listen to music. Go outside. Go see your family or friends.

    There're many ways to spend your time. And many of them are much better than criticising several lines that have already been critised, or bashing certain people involved in the creation of SoD.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    I would agree completely. It has issues, as does pretty much EVERY new release. I don't think I've ever played a game that was perfect from day one and that I loved everything about. Even the original BG's had quite a few bugs if I remember correctly.

    Some of the issues that are being blown into massive debates are frankly ridiculous. A lot of people could do with taking some time to think and calm themselves.

    I waited 15 odd years for this, I can wait a few more months while it's patched. I'm just happy someone is willing to invest the time, money and effort that it takes to make a new title into the Baldur's Gate series. Even if it isn't perfect right out of the gate.
  • Diogenes42Diogenes42 Member Posts: 597
    Clam down. Put that clam down. Leave that poor clam alone.
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