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My thoughts on the transgender npc



  • PurudayaPurudaya Member Posts: 816
    edited April 2016
    Archaos said:

    Maximvs said:

    Those examples weren't transsexuals. Corellon "appears" as man or woman sometimes, which is more akin to a shapechange spell. And I bet he's not the only god to do that.

    In a fantasy world, people create better or more interesting versions. Creating a transsexual and defending it would be like creating a Muslim terrorist and defending my concept to the core, calling anyone considering my concept a bad one to be intolerant bastards with dark hearts.

    Well, since you mentioned "fantasy worlds" in general and not ADnD 2E specifically, does official Wizards of the Coast, DnD information from the Player's Handbook count?

    DnD 5E Player's Handbook, p. 121

    "You can play a male or female character without gaining any special benefits or hindrances. Think about how your character does or does not conform to the broader culture's expectations of sex, gender, and sexual behavior. For example, a male drow cleric defies the traditional gender divisions of drow society, which could be a reason for your character to leave that society and come to the surface.

    You don't need to be confined to binary notions of sex and gender. The elf god Corellon Larethian is often seen as androgynous or hermaphroditic, for example, and some elves in the multiverse are made in Corellon's image. You could also play a female character who presents herself as a man, a man who feels trapped in a female body, or a bearded female dwarf who hates being mistaken for a male. Likewise, your character's sexual orientation is for you to decide.

    Emphasis mine.
    That should end any discussion about how Beamdog is "forcing" their agenda into the Forgotten Realms universe as far as I'm concerned. It probably won't, but it should.

    Nice find.
  • MaximvsMaximvs Member Posts: 94
    Fifth edition people.
  • PurudayaPurudaya Member Posts: 816
    edited April 2016
    Maximvs said:

    Fifth edition people.

    Right, so D&D CANON. The primary Gamergate argument is that Beamdog has injected a type of character into a world where that character doesn't belong, which clearly isn't true according to WoTC. Either concede that or admit that you're just mad about the existence of trans people being acknowledged in games generally.

    Maybe the world is actually changing and it's NOT a liberal SJW conspiracy.
  • MaximvsMaximvs Member Posts: 94
    I suppose they found a way to please the red necks too. In the fifth edition, you got the right to bear arms, just like your favorite second amendment right! Let's play fifth edition and get us a bunch of powder rifles, guys! World War one!!!
  • prairiechickenprairiechicken Member Posts: 149
    Transgenders don't exist? That is downright rude and arrogant to all the lgbt people around the globe
  • Diogenes42Diogenes42 Member Posts: 597
    Here is a thought friends. The world of the Forgotten Realms is a strange and magical place. If we try to forget the real world for a moment is it so out of place that a baby boy might inadvertently be given the soul of a baby girl either through bad luck or some kind of mischief on the hands of the Gods?
  • simplessimples Member Posts: 540
    Maximvs, watch out how you present your arguments. You're entitled to your opinion but comments like "oh so how about I create a Muslim terrorist npc" are downright ridiculous slippery slopes.
  • Diogenes42Diogenes42 Member Posts: 597
    Dorn: I'll show you terror, you pitiful worm
    *Dorn impales terrorist on an American flag as Garrick sings "Born in the USA"*
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited April 2016
    Maximvs said:

    When a player wants to play a transsexual, there's a 99.9% chance he's just trolling and isn't serious.

    What if this player is a transsexual him/herself?

    To me, it would be an absolute normal thing to play with a gender I have in RL.

    Also: not PG-13 post removed.
  • Diogenes42Diogenes42 Member Posts: 597
    edited April 2016
    Kenan said:

    Purudaya said:

    That should end any discussion about how Beamdog is "forcing" their agenda into the Forgotten Realms universe as far as I'm concerned

    Yeah but the problem is you're a damned idiot.

    The character literally walks up to you and says


    If that's not forced, I don't know what the fuck is.

    You don't have Orcs saying I R AN ORK

    Or blacks saying SHIET NIGGA I'Z BLAK

    Or Muslims exploding
    My friend could you please try to discuss this topic in a more civil manner, thank you. I would also like to mention that regretfully in this instance you are mistaken. The character in question never initiates dialogue and will only discuss her circumstances if the player directly asks her a question. I hope this helps smooth things over for you.
  • InsultionInsultion Member Posts: 179

    My friend could you please try to discuss this topic in a more civil manner, thank you. I would also like to mention that regretfully in this instance you are mistaken. The character in question never initiates dialogue and will only discuss her circumstances if the player directly asks her a question. I hope this helps smooth things over for you.

    I appreciate you, man, I just wanted to take this moment to say that. Keep doin' you.
  • simplessimples Member Posts: 540
    Wow this forum used to be a great place full of people discussing things respectfully without resorting to name-calling or using netspeak ridicule each other
  • Diogenes42Diogenes42 Member Posts: 597
    Thank you for the support brother.
  • minsc4prezminsc4prez Member Posts: 105
    simples said:

    Wow this forum used to be a great place full of people discussing things respectfully without resorting to name-calling or using netspeak ridicule each other

    i think it was a bad idea to stir up all this controversy, i'm not sure why they would bring all this onto fans of the series
  • simplessimples Member Posts: 540

    simples said:

    Wow this forum used to be a great place full of people discussing things respectfully without resorting to name-calling or using netspeak ridicule each other

    i think it was a bad idea to stir up all this controversy, i'm not sure why they would bring all this onto fans of the series
    There's never really an excuse for being a dick
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited April 2016
    Maximvs said:

    I suppose they found a way to please the red necks too. In the fifth edition, you got the right to bear arms, just like your favorite second amendment right! Let's play fifth edition and get us a bunch of powder rifles, guys! World War one!!!

    DnD 3.5E Dungeon Master's Guide p.145-146 say hi.

    Any other arguments about 5E?
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    Maximvs said:

    Thing is, I usually play on these online servers rather than tabletop. And given that any transsexual person, given the chance of playing in a fantasy world, would play the sex he she was meant to be, this means that 99.9 % of transsexual toons on these servers are most likely going to be trolls.

    I wonder how you come to state with such certainty that any transgender would play the sex he was meant to be, or that only 0,1% of transsexual characters are not played by trolls? Do you know the people who you play online with that intimate, that you would now for certain what their biological sex is, what their gender identification IRL is? Did you do a scientific research that gave you a finding that's acurate within 0,1 percentile?

    Dungeons and Dragons is a roleplaying game as in: you can play any role you want. There's nothing that's restricting you. The Forgotten Realms is a fantasy setting as in 'a realm where a lot more is possible than on real-life earth'. Why should the FR-setting be more restrictive than RL earth instead of more open?

    I'm not a transgender, but I don't think you can make any certain statements as to what's true of all transgenders, like you can say with certainty what kind of characters I play because I am a heterosexual male. I'm fine with my gender as male, but would it constrain me from playing a female character? It didn't when I was young, it doesn't do so now. I've played males and females not in romance, I've played males romancing females, males romancing males (the Faren mod), females romancing males (like Gavin for instance), females romancing females (thank you Dragon Age).

    Transgenders being such as diverse as any people, I would assume transgenders being just as diverse of in their choices of D&D characters played as they want to be.
  • 4verse4verse Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2016
    the new racism does not say: i am a racist. it says: transgender person do not belong to a fantasy setting. they do not exist in DnD. and it even finds "explanations" like "there is magic that could cure it" or "certain rule editions do not apply" (all of a sudden) or "gods do not count" etc etc etc.

    or, my personal favorite: "When a player wants to play a transsexual, there's a 99.9% chance he's just trolling and isn't serious."

  • 4verse4verse Member Posts: 26
    Maximvs said:

    In a fantasy world, people create better or more interesting versions. Creating a transsexual and defending it would be like creating a Muslim terrorist and defending my concept to the core, calling anyone considering my concept a bad one to be intolerant bastards with dark hearts.

    you just compared a transsexual person with a muslim terrorist. do i need to say more?
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 271

    this is an outrage
  • WakukeeWakukee Member Posts: 106
    Maximvs said:

    No no, you don't get my point. My point is transsexuals do not exist in DnD, aside from that cursed belt.

    Why not? If someone wanted to change gender, they could via magic if they could find the magic to do it. Does that make them no longer someone who is transgender? As I see it, there is no reason not to think that the character in SoD DID use magic to change their body, but was just born and raised as a different gender.
  • MaximvsMaximvs Member Posts: 94
    It's ok, I wish you 5th edition people all the best. May you play in a world full of laser gatling guns and transgender NPC's that strangely doesn't seek out cursed belts or clerical restoration spells to cure their very difficult situation. I sincerely hope they fix the Bedin of Anauroch situation, because that's also extremely offensive to the black community.
  • TorinTorin Member Posts: 229
    Please mods, make a megathread and move all the topics about this stuff there. And keep moving them there until these guys become too bored to open new ones and just do their shitty useless posts there away from us that actually want to read and post about the gameplay of this game we bought.
  • MaximvsMaximvs Member Posts: 94
    Look, let's take a step back for a moment. Before transsexuals were a thing, gays and lesbians were. What is the situation of gays and lesbians in dungeon and dragon? It's like real life, but with a lot less people blaming them for it. Why? Because a lot of real life anti gay and lesbian sentiment is based on religion. Or rather, the excuse of hatred is found in religion. Very few religion in DnD cares about your sexual orientation. Therefore, the world of DnD is an ideal one for gays and lesbians to roleplay in.

    The world of DnD is the ideal world that a gay or lesbian would picture. They are gay and nobody blinks an eye. But a world with more hatred against gays and lesbians would satisfy the social justice warrior more, because there must be a fight. There must be a struggle for their "modern day heroes", when in fact these modern day heroes of theirs are fed up with the fight it's been ages. Should we bring back more gay and lesbian hatred to satisfy them?

    Now back to the transgender cleric npc. Why doesn't she use magic to fix her situation? Because she's there to make a political point, nothing more, nothing less.
  • WakukeeWakukee Member Posts: 106
    Maximvs said:

    Now back to the transgender cleric npc. Why doesn't she use magic to fix her situation?

    Who says she didn't? All the game says is that she was born and raised a boy.

  • Diogenes42Diogenes42 Member Posts: 597
    Again friends, please don't use words like "cure" or "fix" to describe trans individuals. Thank you.
  • MaximvsMaximvs Member Posts: 94

    Again friends, please don't use words like "cure" or "fix" to describe trans individuals. Thank you.

    Yeah, this quote makes you look like a super good guy, but there's a lack of comprehension behind it. It's not that hard to picture what a transgender person goes through.

    Picture that tonight, you go to sleep. Tomorrow, you wake up as a woman, with breasts, a new sex, less body hair and etc. But according to you, there's no problem at all. Your life will be the same. Not how it works.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    Maximvs said:

    Look, let's take a step back for a moment. Before transsexuals were a thing...

    You lost me.
  • Diogenes42Diogenes42 Member Posts: 597
    Maximvs said:

    Again friends, please don't use words like "cure" or "fix" to describe trans individuals. Thank you.

    Yeah, this quote makes you look like a super good guy, but there's a lack of comprehension behind it. It's not that hard to picture what a transgender person goes through.

    Picture that tonight, you go to sleep. Tomorrow, you wake up as a woman, with breasts, a new sex, less body hair and etc. But according to you, there's no problem at all. Your life will be the same. Not how it works.
    I'm not saying they never want their situation to change, I'm simply trying to say that being trans is not a problem to be fixed or a disorder that needs to be cured. I don't think that is an unreasonable stance, do you friend?
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