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What portrait would you want?

HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
I'm thinking of doing some portraits that will fill in some gaps in the BG stock. What kinds of races, classes, and gender are missing, and which you would especially want?


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I'd really like some new half-elves. Male and female both, preferably. I'd also like at least one heavily armored elf.
  • WolkWolk Member Posts: 279
    female half orc is missing in vanilla BG2, which might be a good thing ;P
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    It's hard to imagine a female half-orc portrait, since so often, players want their female portraits to be pretty.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Baldur's Gate needs MOAR halflings.
  • that70sgirl7887that70sgirl7887 Member Posts: 18
    Hertz said:

    It's hard to imagine a female half-orc portrait, since so often, players want their female portraits to be pretty.

    I don't think so, I think it's just men want their female portraits to be pretty.

  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    Perhaps I need to make two of those, then.
  • eksterekster Member Posts: 234
    It needs more of everything that isn't human or elf.

    But preferably some female half-orcs, female dwarfs, female gnomes and lots of male and female halflings!
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560

    More women. And half orcs. And half orc women.

    The original game was severely lacking in female portraits.
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    I was hoping for more specific guidance than "more of everything." :)

    Here is what I'm toying with as ideas:
    * a crazy-eyed Halfling in light armor (m)
    * a wild red-haired Celt with blue face paint (m)
    * a black human barbarian (bald, light armor, feather decoration) (m)
    * a Viking berserker with braided hair (m)
    * cheeky Halfling swashbuckler with outrageous red-plumed hat (m)
    * a Gnome wizard with a leather goggle cap (m)
    * a calm red-bearded Dwarf with a crusader's doublet (m)
    * an imperious not-ugly half-Orc in a nobleman's tunic (m)
    * low-charisma human with stringy hair, pocked face, scars, and a cast eye

    And so on. I'm thinking about characters, not filling spots on a list. :)
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    I'm not saying I only want ideas for men, either. All kinds! If I'm going to spend time drawing it, it should have personality.
  • KlonoaKlonoa Member Posts: 93
    @Hertz I just finished a female half orc today, there's a thread somewhere about half orc art that helped. I went for a more human head shape features and greener skin (to avoid uncanny alley). It needs some touching up but it's functional, I think. Give it a go its fun to do something different :)
  • eksterekster Member Posts: 234
    Here are a few more specific ideas:

    A smiling armoured gnome female (fighter/cleric)
    A ranger/archer halfling female with an icy look
    An angry looking female dwarf in armour with a big axe
    An armoured halfling holding a BIG sword/hammer/axe over his shoulder and looking cocky

  • KhamillKhamill Member Posts: 226
    I would love some mysterious looking thieves( human, elf, half-elf,)
    Barbarians in rage would be nice too ( human, half-orc,)
    Greedy looking gnome with gold toth and evil smile:)

    Anyway, the best thing of all is that we can upload our own portraits.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    Half-orcs, halflings and gnomes seem the most sparsely represented both in the game and in the fan portraits.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    AHF said:

    Half-orcs, halflings and gnomes seem the most sparsely represented both in the game and in the fan portraits.

    This exactly. Plus female dwarves!
  • goolergooler Member Posts: 3
    my cat
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I want some female portraits where the armour is a bit more revealing ;)
    BG female armour is far too practical dammit :p
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Baldur's Gate is in dire need for some Oozemaster Druid portrait love. The slimier, the better! :D
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    Ajwz, the Baldur's Gate style doesn't really go down that far -- it's just head shots. I'd like to stick to the same format.

    Okay, kilroy: female dwarves. But doing what? What makes them interesting? What prop, what personality, what attire or attitude makes them cool enough to choose?

    * F Dwarf in armor with a golden Greek-style helmet
    * F Dwarf with a bruise on her jaw, grimly bandaging up one fist with boxer's tape

    Inspire me with an interesting character. I really like the idea of a halfling gleefully clutching his oversized hammer; that one has attitude. :)
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Are we going to see a fan-made portrait thread? I'd love to see that.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122

    Are we going to see a fan-made portrait thread? I'd love to see that.

    That would be awesome

  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    A dark-hooded male thief, a female swashbuckler spinning into action, or some combination of these two
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    Hertz said:

    * a Gnome wizard with a leather goggle cap (m)

    I would welcome another gnome portrait, but do gnomes have to always be steampunk? Before Jan they didn't really have that vibe going on in BG. It's not like they can craft items in BG or anything. What I'd like to see is a gnome in a hooded cape, as that could pass equally for a thief, illusionist, or cleric of Baravar Cloakshadow.
  • Roller12Roller12 Member Posts: 437
    More half-orc portraits. The one included in bg2 is awful..
  • HoebaggerHoebagger Member Posts: 46
    edited September 2012
    I'll be very blunt about this. There are not enough black people, and that's always bothered me. It just cuts out some of the realism in my opinion...
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Gave the Oozemaster portrait some more thought if you're interested in the idea.
    * Clothing colours: Shades of purple, green, black, and a tad metallic for some good measure.
    * Follower of That Which Lurks, Ghaunadaur. Wearing some sort of charm/amulet with his holy symbol might give the portrait a nice undertone.
    * Anatomy is similar to oozes/jelly/puddings. In other words slimy, somewhat transparent and generally unpleasant to look at. Muddy jellow eyes and multi-colored "melting" skin, perhaps?
    * Hair; oily, full of dirt and dripping with ooze. Long dreadlocks could work quite well here.
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    It bothers me too. I'm trying to think of ways to include dark-skinned people of all D&D races (as well as East Asian and Mediterranean and redheaded Irish). The hard part is making all the characters interesting and not unfairly distributed. I don't want someone to say, "Oh, you made him a thief because he's black" or "you made him look evil because he's XYZ."

    Again, though, specific examples help. What is this black portrait doing or wearing that makes him unique and cool?
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    @Hertz: Do you have a deviantArt or some place where you've stored some of your work? Just curious if you've already drawn stuff we can repurpose for BG portraits.
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    I would welcome another gnome portrait, but do gnomes have to always be steampunk?
    They don't, of course. It is a visual way to distinguish a gnome's face from a halfling's. "A mysterious person with a hood" could be either or neither. I will make a note of it, however. :)
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    I don't have an account like that. I may create one for the purpose when I have something to share.
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