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What portrait would you want?



  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245

    salieri said:

    Hertz said:

    * a Gnome wizard with a leather goggle cap (m)

    I would welcome another gnome portrait, but do gnomes have to always be steampunk? Before Jan they didn't really have that vibe going on in BG. It's not like they can craft items in BG or anything. What I'd like to see is a gnome in a hooded cape, as that could pass equally for a thief, illusionist, or cleric of Baravar Cloakshadow.
    @salieri Actually there's a subset of gnomes who are tinkerers: "Tinker gnomes are the common gnomes of the Dragonlance campaign setting." So they're D&D but I'm not sure if FR has them though... I think that in this case the artist that made Jan really made his portrait to fit his personality more than gnomes in general
    Oh I know that D&D has gnomish engineers and tinkerers, but I just mean there are no opportunities to explore that aspect of the race in BG1. No items, special dialogue options, crafting skills etc. I personally feel it simply wouldn't 'go' in BG1. I like the Quayle portrait for a Gnome, but Tiax really does look like a Dwarf to me.
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109
    So we come back to: how do you make someone's face gnomelike, without being a dwarf or halfling? What distinguishes them? Baldur's Gate chose gadgets for some, and if those won't work, what else do you suggest?
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    Big nose, a really neat or eccentrically styled beard (maybe with a sligtly curled-up moustache or something,) not so stocky or ruddy-cheeked as a dwarf. Maybe on reflection Tiax doesn't look TOO Dwarfish, but he is flippin' ugly.
  • KlonoaKlonoa Member Posts: 93
    I've been digging up references for info from Forgotten Realms wiki today, saying that gnomes are the smallest, they have black eyes and spikey hair. The art for that looked new though, so I wonder is this a 4th edition change? (I've never had the opportunity to play pnp with anyone so I'm not great with the rule differences, but there were some significant differences right?).

    My attempt is shaping up better now but when I started it he kinda looked like a ginger version of Yoda :/
  • HaggardBlazeHaggardBlaze Member Posts: 53
    Im pretty sure that gnomes are supposed to be smaller and slighter than halflings. If you go that a halfling sorta resembles a human/dwarf mix then I would consider a gnome kind of a dwarf/halfelf mix lol. At least from what I remember, truthfully dragonlance, forgotten realms, and a bunch of other fantasy worlds have kind of blended together in my brain at this point.
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245

    Im pretty sure that gnomes are supposed to be smaller and slighter than halflings. If you go that a halfling sorta resembles a human/dwarf mix then I would consider a gnome kind of a dwarf/halfelf mix lol. At least from what I remember, truthfully dragonlance, forgotten realms, and a bunch of other fantasy worlds have kind of blended together in my brain at this point.

    I've never thought of halflings as a human/dwarf mix, more as just miniature humans.

    I agree with what you say about dwarf/halfelf mix for gnomes, though. They are considered a fey race now after all, though I'm not sure that was true in 2e.
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    edited September 2012
    "So we come back to: how do you make someone's face gnomelike, without being a dwarf or halfling? What distinguishes them? "

    @HaggardBlaze Yep, if halflings are like little humans, gnomes look more like little elves with dwarven beards. :)

    @Hertz This is straight from the forgotten realms wikia: "Gnomes are [...] smaller even than halflings. However, while halflings are commonly said to resemble short humans, gnomes are more comparable with Tel-quessir, with whom they share pointed ears and high cheekbones" "The skin of gnomes runs in hue from reddish tans to earthy browns or even shades of gray"

    So I imagine a person with childlike proportions, sort of elven features... a reddish skin hue (that halflings don't share)... and nothing to suggest a malicious personality.. it seems what most gnomes share is a "naturally witty and jovial" personality. (Must... not.. mention ... Quayle :)) )
  • HaggardBlazeHaggardBlaze Member Posts: 53

    well the halflings, thinking back to not rulesets but the descripts of them by tolkein, physically they seem to be kind of like dwarves and human mixes. I was never crazy into the rule sets so most of my lore comes from dragonlance, forgotten realms, tolkein, and other authors writing in the same vein
  • HertzHertz Member Posts: 109

    Hobbits look like people, in the same proportion but smaller, with curly hair and no shoes on largish feet; these features will not be especially obvious with a face-and-shoulders portrait. Tolkien describes them as wearing bright colors in natural hues.

    Dwarves look like shorter people, NOT in proportion; they are stockier and have beards. Female Dwarves look like males (says Tolkien). How do you know there aren't any female dwarf pictures? :)

    Gnomes look like slightly elvish, slightly dwarvish, people, but shorter and with earth-toned skin. I'm not sure how one will see a great difference, other than color, but I'll try.
  • HaggardBlazeHaggardBlaze Member Posts: 53
    On a tangent......... what if all the npc dwarves are actually female lol.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    @Adul @Sophia (or others..) For resize your portraits :

    Good freeware, no spyware and easy to use.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    Thanks, @Kerozevok, but I personally wouldn't want to resize my old, smaller portraits to a larger size, as doing that would cause some pixellation and/or blurriness (depending on the resizing method).

    I have some of the source pictures I've created my portraits from so it won't be hard to create new ones from those. As for the others, I'll either have to search the web for or live without. It's all good though, as the old portrait dimensions really did not suit modern high resolution screens, they were just too small.
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    @neleothesze This is why you can't take wikis at face value. If you check the source for that wiki entry, you will see that it comes from the PHB2 from 4E, which many of us avoid like the (spell)plague. Better to look to an earlier source. I'm at work at the moment, but I can look at my 2nd Edition books when I get home.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    @ScarsUnseen: Don't look at edition books. Forgotten Realms is its own thing. If you can find a FR campaign book, draw from that.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Hertz said:

    So we come back to: how do you make someone's face gnomelike, without being a dwarf or halfling? What distinguishes them? Baldur's Gate chose gadgets for some, and if those won't work, what else do you suggest?

    I always thought gnomes had big noses.
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    @sandmanCCL That's what I meant. I'll look through my 2E FR stuff when I get home. I'm fairly certain that there's no appearance stuff in the 1E Grey box, so 2E is the best way to go, IMO.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    @Permidion_Stark I think gnomes had big, bulbous noses up to AD&D 2nd Ed. From 3rd Ed. gnomes have regular human-sized noses, which in my opinion makes them virtually indistinguishable from halflings. There's very few changes in 3rd Ed. I'm in favor of, and this isn't one of them.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Adul said:

    @Permidion_Stark I think gnomes had big, bulbous noses up to AD&D 2nd Ed. From 3rd Ed. gnomes have regular human-sized noses, which in my opinion makes them virtually indistinguishable from halflings. There's very few changes in 3rd Ed. I'm in favor of, and this isn't one of them.

    I agree. I think there is a tendency to make other races far too prettified and human-looking. They are meant to look different to us and we are not meant to find them all physically attractive.
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2012
    From A Grand Tour of the Realms of the 2nd Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting box set:

    "The gnomes of Faerun are a small, friendly race of humanoid creatures
    common in most regions of the Realms. They are smaller and less
    stocky than dwarves, and are thought to be distant relatives of
    dwarves (though only gnomish men have beards).

    The faces of gnomes, regardless of age, are lined as if with centuries
    of smiles and frowns, making these people appear to be carved from
    wood. Their natural coloring, from a light ash color to maple to the
    color of varnished and buffed oak, increases the tendency to think of
    gnomes as a woods folk —when they are thought of at all."
  • KlonoaKlonoa Member Posts: 93
    All the info is really helpful, thanks. Reminds me of Hoggle from Labyrinth :)
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    edited September 2012
    @Metal_Hurlant @ScarsUnseen Thanks for the info. :) Can either of you find some older pictures of female gnomes... other than well... not having any beards? :)
    The one I could find is from Icewind Dale (you can find it on google by typing icewind dale female gnome so there shouldn't be any copyright issues) not FR books.
    Either the artist used a bit of creative licence or they are sticking to the "Once a gnome has passed his or her first century, their hair begins to gray, if it was not already white, and their skin begins to wrinkle as in humans or dwarves" (so I'm guessing they get age lines at 30-40, not necessarily sooner)
    Other than that, the skin coloring respects what you quoted, the wood-ish hues, and the nose is pretty large, again matching what @Metal_Hurlant said about the distinguishing feature of gnomes. :)
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    @neleothesze This one's from Demihumans of the Realms. You may notice the pointed ears, lending credence to the idea that at least as early as the end of 2E's cycle, TSR was pushing gnomes into a more fey image than before, though in all other respects, the previous description holds. Gnomes seem to hold the demihuman middle ground: stature of a halfling, weathered like a dwarf, but with elf ears.

  • Metal_HurlantMetal_Hurlant Member Posts: 324

    Thanks for the info. :) Can either of you find some older pictures of female gnomes... other than well... not having any beards? :)

    Here's some more pictures from The Complete Book of Gnomes & Halflings.

    Female Gnomes


    Male and Female Gnome


    and there's also a sub race called Forest Gnomes as opposed to the normal Rock Gnomes.


    and one of halflings


    Note the similarities to humans, but with big hairy feet.

  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    edited September 2012
    @Metal_Hurlant Thank you! This is perfect. :D The first two images show that gnome women can be pretty attractive :D After reading all that you guys posted I thought that my little sketch
    was just wishful thinking and gnome ladies wouldn't compare to the alluring elves, beautiful women and exotic half-elves... I could already imagine a gnome with a bulbous nose, weathered, deeply lined skin and a shock of graying hair parading as a 20 year old Bhaalspawn. I probably wouldn't dare give her more than 10 charisma. XD ...but it is possible to have a cute gnome! :D

    Now I wish more than anything to see a gnome lady, whether by the BG:EE artists or @Hertz. :D
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