I'm shocked and angry. When you walk into the palace district of Baldur's Gate, a man with a speech impediment approaches you. If you get angry at him he bemoans his impairment. He outright says that he needs how to lean how to talk right. There is no way out of this, he just walks up to you and puts his SJW agenda in your face! I'm tired of games politicking everything. Boycott vanilla baldurs gate! Review bomb it! Heads SHOULD roll for this! As a man without a speech impediment I play games for escapism, not being lectured to. I have nothing against people with speech impediments. But the problem is that the writing was poor. Vanilla baldurs gate needs to expand on him. Then I'll stop being angry. Promise.
Congrats, you win the internet!
In fact, I would like to use a screenshot of this post for an article I am writing for my blog and a few other sites if you don't mind.
In fact, I would like to use a screenshot of this post for an article I am writing for my blog and a few other sites if you don't mind.
Filthy romans.
Any if you are by chance pro-Roman, pray stay watching butchery in the Coliseum (otherwise known as the 'Baldurs Gate Siege of Dragonspear' category).
Please note: Pro and Anti are used solely in relation to the Puny Wars.