Ah, there's nothing quite like walking along a perfectly safe looking way, and suddenly having to reload after tripping an ungodly number of traps and eating all of them.
This is getting excessive. Practically everywhere I go on my sorcerer playthrough, I'm waylaid by enemies and I need to defend myself. I swear, they see my character, go "Hur, hur! It's a guy in a dress, this should be easy!" It's been everything from dogs, bandits, skeletons, hobgoblins, a polar bear and a freakin' ogre mage. I haven't even done the Nashkel mines yet! Thank the gods for spook and the Evermemory ring.
But on the same map you come across a drunk who says he is a lich and tries to rob you. If you destroy him you will lose reputation. And the funniest thing is that he dropped dead drunk at my feet and Imoen could not pick pocket him and that caused him to be hostile and you know the rest... ouch a 3 point rep loss and I have a paladin on the team - another 1 or 2 and he's going to loss his paladin powers.
This is getting excessive. Practically everywhere I go on my sorcerer playthrough, I'm waylaid by enemies and I need to defend myself. I swear, they see my character, go "Hur, hur! It's a guy in a dress, this should be easy!" It's been everything from dogs, bandits, skeletons, hobgoblins, a polar bear and a freakin' ogre mage. I haven't even done the Nashkel mines yet! Thank the gods for spook and the Evermemory ring.
But have you found the super-hidden stash of bottlecaps yet?
And the funniest thing is that he dropped dead drunk at my feet and Imoen could not pick pocket him....
A simiar thing happened in my party with Garrick as the pickpocket. #guyshowhardcanitbeheisdeaddrunk
Maybe he the drunk fetched a book scroll for Elvenfire Beadhair (I'm sure that's the correct name) earlier and received a casting of Protection from Pickpocketing.
...through elfen magic, it warps into a lightsaber when he holds on to it.
Whoa, you were not kidding.
What the heck am I supposed to do with this?? It's not like I can have Xan actually use it in combat. Oh moonblade, why did you choose a wizard with 7 Con as your wielder?
But have you found the super-hidden stash of bottlecaps yet?
LOL! wasting your time because it's really a secret stash of never sold video games... there being a shortage of gaming systems old enough to run them on the Sword Coast.
Loving your tale so far, something I've been trying to bring myself to do as well... for funzies.
But have you found the super-hidden stash of bottlecaps yet?
LOL! wasting your time because it's really a secret stash of never sold video games... there being a shortage of gaming systems old enough to run them on the Sword Coast.
If When I find the stash, whatever it is, there will be a screenshot. Oh yes.
Probably not good. (Thanks for Gating him in, Neera!)
I would have to say bad.
Waylaid by enemies as the survivors make a run for it. Pff. What's the worst that can happen?
Truer words, Garrick, truer words.
Just when he was starting to make some sense!
Goodbye Jaheira and Neera! I guess I should have accepted Dorn after all!
You can do it, Khalid! *boots him through mine entrance*
Annnnnnd, suddenly we're facing the opposite direction. This is disorienting.
Like that!
And that!
Er, and that. (Sorry Khalid!)
His most prized possession is a sword...
which he doesn't know how to use?
He's actually quite astute.
Another random person out wandering the forests whom I never knew existed:
You can kill Galileus for some XP and NO reputation loss. He's so busy looking at the stars that he never sees the sword coming.
hethe drunk fetched abookscroll for Elvenfire Beadhair (I'm sure that's the correct name) earlier and received a casting of Protection from Pickpocketing....
What the heck am I supposed to do with this?? It's not like I can have Xan actually use it in combat. Oh moonblade, why did you choose a wizard with 7 Con as your wielder?
((I tried to have him in my party on my current sorcerer playthrough, he didn't even last a map.))
LOL! wasting your time because it's really a secret stash of never sold video games... there being a shortage of gaming systems old enough to run them on the Sword Coast.
Loving your tale so far, something I've been trying to bring myself to do as well... for funzies.
IfWhen I find the stash, whatever it is, there will be a screenshot. Oh yes.I'd love to hear about your run!