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Beamdog next project?



  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    The writing in NWN2 is miles better as well.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    nwn2 would have been such a better game had it been better paced. it has great moments once you get to act 2 but you have to slog through act 1 to get there.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @megamike15 yeah, I can't really disagree with that, It's all gloriously uphill once you get to the trial though.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    And I love the trial too. So many things in computer games is "fight your way through it." While the outcome is always the same, it's quite satisfying to put that high Diplomacy skill to work convincing everyone of the common sense of the situation.
  • PakioPakio Member Posts: 14
    I will be looking for a new D&D game.

    I would not mind at all another Infinity game, but another engine may be fine too...

    For this kind of game I really prefer the 2d and beautiful art work than 3d of more recent games.

    One thing that can be improved from BG's games is to get more options for an evil party. In BG you can play an evil party, but basically most quests are designed for good characters.

  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Pakio said:

    One thing that can be improved from BG's games is to get more options for an evil party. In BG you can play an evil party, but basically most quests are designed for good characters.

    You evil players get some of the best party members, isn't that enough? :tongue:
  • PakioPakio Member Posts: 14
    I mean quests and alternative path for adventure.

    I played with the good party and was willing to play the game differently, but really not many things that give you XP for being evil.

    Evil does not mean that you go around killing women and children, means that you seek your own power, or gold, or both.
  • PakioPakio Member Posts: 14
    edited September 2016
    Actually you can be evil, but do good things in public to have a good reputation... like most politiciens o:)
  • TorinTorin Member Posts: 229

    And I love the trial too. So many things in computer games is "fight your way through it." While the outcome is always the same, it's quite satisfying to put that high Diplomacy skill to work convincing everyone of the common sense of the situation.

    What are you talking about?! You had to fight in the trial no matter what. High diplomacy was crap.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Torin said:

    And I love the trial too. So many things in computer games is "fight your way through it." While the outcome is always the same, it's quite satisfying to put that high Diplomacy skill to work convincing everyone of the common sense of the situation.

    What are you talking about?! You had to fight in the trial no matter what. High diplomacy was crap.
    Well, they couldn't gimp all the stupid characters from being able to progress. Besides the sheer joy of absolutely dumbfounding Torio more than makes up for it. Barsd can do it in song :smiley:
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    It was a nice idea, it's just the verdict didn't really mean anything later on anyway...No reactivity, not even on your management of the stronghold.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    We need to take pleasure in the small victories. Managing to out-talk the Luskan is a feat that deserves a bit of praise.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122

    We need to take pleasure in the small victories. Managing to out-talk the Luskan is a feat that deserves a bit of praise.

    Watching her squirm when you tear her arguments down and question her motives is a more satisfying reward than Bonus XP would be
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    Pakio said:

    I mean quests and alternative path for adventure.

    I played with the good party and was willing to play the game differently, but really not many things that give you XP for being evil.

    Evil does not mean that you go around killing women and children, means that you seek your own power, or gold, or both.

    Is that evil or just selfish though? Evil to me seems to require some bigger motivation to destroy or hurt others with no justification or need to do it even when they get what they wanted.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    mf2112 said:

    Pakio said:

    I mean quests and alternative path for adventure.

    I played with the good party and was willing to play the game differently, but really not many things that give you XP for being evil.

    Evil does not mean that you go around killing women and children, means that you seek your own power, or gold, or both.

    Is that evil or just selfish though? Evil to me seems to require some bigger motivation to destroy or hurt others with no justification or need to do it even when they get what they wanted.
    A good could argument could be that evil is nothing more than unchecked selfishness. A lot of evil acts can be boiled down to "I need this so I'm taking it", "This makes me feel good, so I'm doing it". You don't necessarily want to do evil, you just need to do what you wish while disregarding the consequences for others.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    SethDavis said:

    aaaaand Trent just registered


    You might want to also bring up at that intervention how lengthy these latest URL's are getting :)
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    *dramatic Intervention music*

    Therapist Who Looks Like He Was Hired By The Show At A Talent Agency: "Trent, you're among friends...keeping it below 10 isn't going to stop @Shandyr here from crying or @Anduin from rocking back and forth in the corner...this tiny room packed full of every member of the forum needs to know you can commit to rehab."

    The Mods: *all look into the cameras like they're on The Office*

    TWLLHWHBTSAATA: "You guys are not helping."
  • RahonaOstrimoRahonaOstrimo Member Posts: 47
    Now with Torment EE - out of the way :) what will be the future direction for beamdog games? I am still missing Icewind Dale II :) Have you seen any news?
  • BrotherFergBrotherFerg Member Posts: 1
    So what is the next dnd game they are making?!?! Been waiting for an update for months surely they didn't hire Gaider just for enhanced editions!!!
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    SethDavis said:

    surely they didn't hire Gaider just for enhanced editions!!!

    you're right... it was mostly for the knock knock jokes
    Money well spent, if you ask me...
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Well, as long as Amber Scott doesn't come back to the team and has absolutely nothing to do with the next project (IWD 2 would be nice, but so would a completely new adventure in the infinity engine) then it should be well worth the money.
  • DrakeICNDrakeICN Member Posts: 623
    I will actually be a bit disappointed if the new game is not a new game, but an EE.

    You have proven yourself already. Time to leave the nest and fly on your own wings. I mean, I guess SoD kind of was. But then again, kind of not. So...

    Unless, of course, Arcanum EE is in the works. Then I wish you finish Arcanum EE before you do anything else.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    *Anduin secretly hopes for another infinity engine game but would be happy with NWN:EE*
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    You heard it here first.

    Nethack: Enhanced Edition.

    Preliminary reviews are already in.

    Look at these graphics! The at sign is phenomenal and they completely updated the ampersand rendering. - Shallow Gaming Weekly

    Finally, the joy of nethack is united with Apple’s design expertise on the iPad for a truly amazing user experience. - Apple CEO Tim Cook

    These ascii characters bug me, man! They’re following me everywhere! Even my dreams! -

    Valkyrie and nymph are a nice start, but where are the bimbos - Hollywood Executive Journal

    This takes me back to my youth! *sigh* I need a drink. - Walt Mossberg

    I already have a mod that completely updates the combat system- @subtledoctor

    You, you mean we’ll have to read? 0/10 -

    What the heck, it’s not like I have anything else to do for the rest of my life -Rick Pitino

    The guard assumed all the gold I had was stolen, just because I was standing in an empty vault and my pockets were overflowing. It’s circumstantial evidence. -The late Bernie Madoff

    Ouch! That hurt! - Aaron Rogers

    They allow a Valkyrie? We are so offended we might leave our moms’ basements! - Gamer Bullies for Inequality

    Very inspirational - Cards against Humanity

    Great game, but it seems cruel to take a dog or horse into a dungeon. - ASPCA

    What about the kitten?!?!?! - English Teechers of Umareca

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