Beamdog next project?

Hi there, despite all this controversy about SoD, personally I admit I really enjoyed the game. There is only one major issue for me - game is way too short ! Is there any info about Beamdog future projects? I'd love to see another Infinity Engine RPG based in a different part of Faerun with 2nd edition D&D rules and I was wondering if there is more folks like me and if you think such game could find it's place on the market ?
Adventure Y (SoD) was planned at the very beginning when BG:EE was a twinkle in the eyes of many and took 3 years to come into fruition.
If and when BD decide to make a BG:V, I want them to take all the time in the world. Because I can wait another 18 years.
Some additional information on the Beamdog's next project is available here -
I think its 40/60 chance it will be BG3 or a new IP based in Forgotten Realms.
Personally, I hope they will adopt something in the vein of Amplitude Studios Games2Gether programme, but chances are slim.
It's a tweet from March, 2012
2. "Hmm. We have a file here that seems to have a bunch of source codey stuff in it ;-)
It's a comment from August, 2012
3. "I'm sure we could add some real value to a PS:T:EE if we were ever able to do it. Make it available on multiple platforms, for instance. It's my favorite game and I hope we get a chance to work on it some day."
It's a comment from March, 2015
4. The license to Planescape: Torment is held by Hasbro, and we all know Beamdog are good friends of Hasbro.
In the same time, this is all the available evidence that the next project is a new game (not EE):
1. "I don't think it's some big secret that we're interested in continuing work on original BG-style games in the future. We love the genre, we love playing the games, and we know how to build them.
If we were to make an expansion or DLC for an existing game like BG2EE or IWDEE it would retain the same ruleset as the base game.
Any new D&D games that get made would use 5th Edition."
It's a comment from January, 2016
2. "our plans for the future. We want to leave the IE-era games in an excellent state and then move on to something more modern eventually."
From reddit, one month ago,
3. Andrew Foley in February, 2016, liked this comment: "It (PSTEE) would be nice, but at the moment I would rather see new content such as icewind dale 3 , iwd2 ee with a new expansion or a brand new IE game."
Brian Fargo is the leader InXile and Interplay's founder.
Colin McComb was a developer of the Planescape setting and assisted in Planescape Torment's design. He's the current Torment's lead designer.
Chris Avellone was Planescape's Torment lead designer, I could go on but I think I've made my point
These guys actually know what was going on when they were making it, know what they originally had in their heads (unfinished business?) and know what to do with it with today's tech (well, within the limits of the I.E.).
If not hand it directly then perhaps make it a collaboration effort, I do believe that regardless of Beamdog's talents no-one knows a game as complex and deep as Torment as its' original creators.
I believe Chris Avellone is independent right now. He's no longer working officially at Obsidian.
Colin is the same, he's a tabletop designer and could be hired for EE to help and give advice, as well as design new stuff.
I believe both decided to do additional work on The Bard's Tale 4.
"Kris Avalon (a sock puppet who is in no way related to any human game writers or legends among legends whose names might sound similar) will join Phil in his live-streamed AMA." from here:
If collaboration is possible then I'd be more confident.
Baldur's Gate 3 preferably with CHARNAME since it won't really feel like Baldur's Gate unless it is about Gorian's Ward and Bhaalspawn. With Bhaal back in the picture and Minsc around I think it could use 5th Ed rules and involve dealing with Bhaal directly in some form or other, and perhapa having two clear paths depending on whether CHARNAME choose to ascend to godhood or not. And I always wanted CHARNAME to face Bhaal eventually as he was always your consistent enemy throughout the games behind everything else, coming in your dreams trying to influence you it always felt that facing him directly at some point was the natural end the narrative was leading to. At least to me
Some new D&D based game (if IWD3 hopefully it will have companion NPCs rather than just creating your own party, never really enjoyed the lack of that in those games, one among a couple of reasons I was only able to play through the game once).
I probably think with SoD they should perhaps put curatorial work on the backburner I focus on creating original content now in BG and elsewhere.
I mean, you can't very well walk the Sword Coast as a god (Time of Troubles notwithstanding), that'd be beyond OP (or beyond Nerfed, depending). It would have to make you somehow lose your godly powers, which would be a tough act to pull off.
Not accepting the power also makes sense from a writing standpoint. If you accept it then it's in you.
If you don't then it's locked away where no-one could get to it. Or could they?!?!
This does seem like an interesting but different quest, but it doesn't really take into account the fact that CHARNAME can turn down ascension to godhood, so perhaps the loss of power for those that did would make more sense. They can still be on the run, say from Bhaal who wants them dead to restore his full godhead and secure his own position, and CHARNAME could be reunited with both old faces, and like the previous idea might end up doing allot of plane-hopping, with Toril, never mind the Sword Coast being nothing but a starting zone
But yes, with adaptations I'd love to see this idea become BG3