what's your favourite ranger?

Reasons would be great. Also interested in hearing peoples weapons, armour and spells of choice. Cheers
- what's your favourite ranger?60 votes
- default ranger11.67%
- archer53.33%
- stalker31.67%
- beast master  3.33%
With default ranger I'd generally take the best elven chainmail I could find and use a combination of axes, spears and long/ bastard swords...
I would like to like the stalker, because thematically I love the idea of RPing one. However, in the game there's just too much that make the stalker less than stellar, so I have still never made it through BG1 with one.
I have to thank Bishop for that.
That said Stalker is great. Heavy armor takes something away from a ranger. Why not just be a fighter? So a stalker encourages using all your skill sets by providing a backstab. Good stuff...but to get the most out of it you need to keep that in mind.
I'm just not a fan of Rangers in full plate.
Well I completely misunderstood the poll.