The GameStar review

the German magazine included a test of a beta version in their most recent magazine
they stated that the new areas are basically stale and carelessly designed and that the game is still very buggy, even crashing frequently
I'm really not a big fan of that magazine (they still gave the game an 80% rating though) but does anybody have inside information on whether their claims are justified?
they stated that the new areas are basically stale and carelessly designed and that the game is still very buggy, even crashing frequently
I'm really not a big fan of that magazine (they still gave the game an 80% rating though) but does anybody have inside information on whether their claims are justified?
the original game got an 89% back when it came out (the Gamestar mag was also much much better back then)
If the beta is being passed around, why to a German magazine and not an English one?
At the upper right corner of your post there is a gear wheel button, there you can edit your post...
What? Too soon?
Maybe they got some advance screenshots. But you'd think they would show something other than the main game screen...
Their only real criticism was the lack of a completely new graphics engine and several heavy bugs leading to crashes.
But we all know this:
Graphics are fine, we can zoom out far and widescreen support is in there as well. A completely new graphics engine would have ment not an overhaul but a reinvention of BG.
Bugs: well, there must have been SOME reason for pushing the release date back 2.5 months... ;-)
Ah yes, they also mention that the story is now being told with beautifully painted pictures. My personal impression is that it's somewhat like Icewind Dale II in that respect. :-)
"the spiritual successor to Dragon Age: Origins"
I think it's a mistranslation of the preposition "to", which should probably be "of" or "in".
Hopefully I wont have to do this:
Still, I'm dubious about them reviewing the beta. But given their main problem is that this game is still using an old engine, I'm not in the least bit worried. I liked the Infinity engine.
Nothing to see here folks, move along...
Can someone from the devteam confirm or deny this?
(which of course is total nonsense, DO:A is a crossbreed of WoW and KOTOR with extremely limited roleplaying - if I had a $ for every time DO:A didn't let me do something I wanted to do - like killing people, evil solutions to quests, NOT BECOMING A FUCKING WARDEN etc. - I'd be swimming in money; in the older Bioware games you had all kinds of evil actions available)
But one thing i dont get is that they compare BGEE to diablo and right away how the battles are more tactically as diabo and more like DAO...
Well, i think the review suxs!