Call me stupid but, what is a mod and how do I play with this?

I heard the term several times before. It looks like a boatload of fun. And I have no idea what soever how it works. Start from the beginning please.
Thank you in advance!
Thank you in advance!
Some of my favourite mods are:
Sword Coast Stratagems - a mod that improves the AI of enemies substantially, making them much more reactive and dangerous. Crucial for extra difficulty once the base game becomes too easy.
Spell Revisions - A mod that revises all spells in the game, improving the weaker ones and nerfing the overpowered ones. This makes for much more real choice in choosing spells and differentiates clerics and druids. A must have after the first one or two full runs.
Item Revisions - A mod that revises all items in the game, making them more unique and interesting. While I still recommend playing the unmodded base game a few times, I think this mod is vastly superior in terms of interesting items.
BG Tweaks - A nice mod that allows you to change tons of small details like how items stack, NPC portraits, removing the "you must gather your party .." voice and so on. Wonderful convenience mod.
BG1 NPC Project - This mod adds tons of dialogue, quests and interjections for the otherwise almost mute NPC's in BG1. Many people consider this mod almost canon at this point.
There are many other interesting mods out there and most people will have their own unique setup. I have made a lot of small adjustments to many of the mods I install myself, for instance, in order to be able to create precisely the BG experience I want.
So good luck with your coming adventures into the world of BG modding. I am sure you will not be disappointed!
Seriously though. The easiest way to get and install mods is to use the Big World Setup. This tool lets you choose your mods, then it will download and install them for you in proper order.
If you have any trouble, just tell us what the problem is. We're more than happy to help out.
I wouldn't recommend SCS for a new player, though, or most any tactics-oriented mod. Some of them can be very unforgiving depending on what you install. I'd recommend installing NPC mods and banter packs. They make the game more colorful and interesting, and a lot of mod NPCs are very well-written.
Here you have download links for the mods I mentioned:
SR: (1st post)
BG Tweaks:
BG1 NPC Project:
You can also find more mods here:
And in the mod section of this forum.
What you do is; you download the file - usually a zip-file but sometimes an exe-file installer. You unzip or install it to the [Baldurs Gate 2 Enhanced Edition\Data\00783] folder. When you have done that, use the setup file for any given mod and follow the instructions.
Now, there might some issues. Don't worry - they are easily dealt with. You might need to create an override folder yourself for one. If so, just right click, create a new folder and name it "override".
Another thing that might need to be done, is to create a hotlink to your dialogue file called dialog.tlk. If the installer complains about missing that file, just follow the instructions here:
Don't worry - it's a lot simpler than it looks
If you have any questions just write them here and we will be happy to help you!