Garrick is Amazing (late game)

I know that this has been mentioned before, but I felt like it is still worth sharing. Garrick, the NPC who most people despite, is one of the best NPCs in BG1. And I take him over any mage in the game.
Now, I never run a party of more than 4. To me, BG1 just isn't visually appealing with a 6 man party, nor does it feel heroic. As such, a 4 man party needs to cover all the bases. 2 tanks, a thief, a cleric, and someone with spell casting abilities. So then, why does Garrick fit the 'mage' spot better than any actual mage?
(1) With the right equipment, he is a really good backup 'archer.'
Right now I have a lvl 8 Garrick. He has * in axes, and the returning throwing axe +2. He also has the Hands of Takkok and Kiel's Buckler. This gives him Str18/00 and Dex17. For a ranged warrior, that is great! Thaco10 is nothing to sneeze at (he hits often enough) and does 10-15 damage per hit. Sure, his Con is horrible (9) but he gets no penalties. And really, he shouldn't be taking hits to start with.
(2) Being a backup 'archer' is more important than mage levels.
There are lots of trash mobs in BG1. Most times when you fight enemies, you won't actually need any spells. Fighting a greater ghoul (one of the stronger trashmobs) means that you could throw a magic missile at it...but it'll die soon enough anyways. Meaning that mages in BG1 are 'wasting' spells on low threat enemies, or they are sitting around doing nothing. Perhaps using a sling? But they are all horrible at that, and you need to manage their inventory with bullets. Garrick doesn't have this problem, and is actually useful in clearing enemies.
(3) He has more than enough "needed" spells.
The bread and butter for BG1 wizards is the lvl3 spell slot. That is what makes them dangerous. And Garrick has wands. Meaning that he has more than enough castings of fireball, summon monster, and lightning. All of the spells that a wizard would be chucking around.
Those are the main spells that are needed for most fights. But he also has his own ability to cast spells. Namely, slow. Which against tough fighters is the main spell you need. Because 1/2 attacks, -4 AC penalty and -4 vs spell is extremely deadly, and he can cast that when needed. He can't cast as much as a mage, but you only need a spell like that very rarely. And he is there for that.
He can also use scrolls...which means that needed castings (such as extra hastes for make it or break it fights) he is there for.
(4) He's a bard!
What do I mean by that? Well, he has really high lore. Which means almost unlimited castings of identify, more or less. He can also pickpocket, which frees up points for your thief. And he has the bard song. Admittedly, it's not all that useful, but sometimes +1 luck can be nice to have or immunity to fear when fighting mages. He can sing this up until he gets his returning throwing axe and his * in axes, which helps out your front line fighters in hitting enemies and avoiding damage.
(5) In conclusion...
Garrick is very well rounded and is always useful to have around. Unlike mages, he is good to have around when clearing trash mobs without 'wasting' resources. He is good to have around when you need to cast spells, as wands are so plentiful and he can cast the needed spells which there are no wands for. He is good to have around when you need to identify something. He is good to have around when you want to pickpocket someone (Algernoon's Cloak, the Cloak of Balduran). He is good to have around when facing an enemy who casts horror, or at lower levels when +1 to hit from luck or -1 on a fireball roll can mean the difference between dying or not dying.
So to anyone who says that bards are useless, or that Garrick isn't worth taking because of his stats...I say to you that you are missing out on one of the best NPCs in the entire game. Someone that I'd gladly take over any mage, including Baeloth and Edwin.
Now, I never run a party of more than 4. To me, BG1 just isn't visually appealing with a 6 man party, nor does it feel heroic. As such, a 4 man party needs to cover all the bases. 2 tanks, a thief, a cleric, and someone with spell casting abilities. So then, why does Garrick fit the 'mage' spot better than any actual mage?
(1) With the right equipment, he is a really good backup 'archer.'
Right now I have a lvl 8 Garrick. He has * in axes, and the returning throwing axe +2. He also has the Hands of Takkok and Kiel's Buckler. This gives him Str18/00 and Dex17. For a ranged warrior, that is great! Thaco10 is nothing to sneeze at (he hits often enough) and does 10-15 damage per hit. Sure, his Con is horrible (9) but he gets no penalties. And really, he shouldn't be taking hits to start with.
(2) Being a backup 'archer' is more important than mage levels.
There are lots of trash mobs in BG1. Most times when you fight enemies, you won't actually need any spells. Fighting a greater ghoul (one of the stronger trashmobs) means that you could throw a magic missile at it...but it'll die soon enough anyways. Meaning that mages in BG1 are 'wasting' spells on low threat enemies, or they are sitting around doing nothing. Perhaps using a sling? But they are all horrible at that, and you need to manage their inventory with bullets. Garrick doesn't have this problem, and is actually useful in clearing enemies.
(3) He has more than enough "needed" spells.
The bread and butter for BG1 wizards is the lvl3 spell slot. That is what makes them dangerous. And Garrick has wands. Meaning that he has more than enough castings of fireball, summon monster, and lightning. All of the spells that a wizard would be chucking around.
Those are the main spells that are needed for most fights. But he also has his own ability to cast spells. Namely, slow. Which against tough fighters is the main spell you need. Because 1/2 attacks, -4 AC penalty and -4 vs spell is extremely deadly, and he can cast that when needed. He can't cast as much as a mage, but you only need a spell like that very rarely. And he is there for that.
He can also use scrolls...which means that needed castings (such as extra hastes for make it or break it fights) he is there for.
(4) He's a bard!
What do I mean by that? Well, he has really high lore. Which means almost unlimited castings of identify, more or less. He can also pickpocket, which frees up points for your thief. And he has the bard song. Admittedly, it's not all that useful, but sometimes +1 luck can be nice to have or immunity to fear when fighting mages. He can sing this up until he gets his returning throwing axe and his * in axes, which helps out your front line fighters in hitting enemies and avoiding damage.
(5) In conclusion...
Garrick is very well rounded and is always useful to have around. Unlike mages, he is good to have around when clearing trash mobs without 'wasting' resources. He is good to have around when you need to cast spells, as wands are so plentiful and he can cast the needed spells which there are no wands for. He is good to have around when you need to identify something. He is good to have around when you want to pickpocket someone (Algernoon's Cloak, the Cloak of Balduran). He is good to have around when facing an enemy who casts horror, or at lower levels when +1 to hit from luck or -1 on a fireball roll can mean the difference between dying or not dying.
So to anyone who says that bards are useless, or that Garrick isn't worth taking because of his stats...I say to you that you are missing out on one of the best NPCs in the entire game. Someone that I'd gladly take over any mage, including Baeloth and Edwin.
Sure, bards are useful, and I always pick up Haer'Dalis in BG2. I just don't like Garrick.
Bard's had a hard time due to equipment, especially the armor slot. Now that there is Elven Chain, they are much more versatile and one does not have to choose AC over spell casting.
Bards ability to use wands, scrolls + their abundance in lore make them ideal to have around. They also level more quickly than mages who can be quite squishy in the early going.
Eldoth has better stats, I remember he was a good mate for backup and long range fights
If people doubted including Garrick into their BG1 parties up, they shouldn't now.
Those two reasons are more than enough to not take him in my party.
If I want a bard I will just take Eldoth. He is a huge scumbag but still far more likable than Garrick, plus he makes free poison arrows.
I must admit to not really liking bards in my party as I find them to be a bit of mission to micro manage. I know it's really just sing, cast, shoot but I just find it annoying.
Ranged users never get hit (unmodded that is, the AI is just too stupid to target them) so I never bother about HP or AC on anyone 'cept melee fighters. Garrick can just as well be naked and still never die. Bolts of lightning are too good to not use!
I also like Garrick's face and voice. I find his singing soothing during travels.
However, @Grum makes a common fallacy when discussing NPCs: he gives them all the best equipment. Sure, the str gauntlets make Garrick much more powerful. But in most cases you get a much higher overall benefit by giving them to one of your fighters (more attacks, no spellcasting downtime). For example, consider Kagain, Jaheira, Khalid and Monty.
It is also a misconception that mages should sling fireballs and lightning bolts. It is true that wands do this fine on their own. That is why mages should use buffs & debuffers in their slots: Sleep, Web, Glitterdust, Slow, Haste, Emotion, Confusion, Greater Malison and Chaos. All spells that the mage gets earlier and where casting level does not really matter.
As for trash mobs, I find them trivial enough without an additional 2nd rate archer. And with the new darts available in EE the mage is not really that close behind, even though the expense and logistics for buying them might be slightly offputting at first.
All this being said, any arcane spellcaster that can also use wands is a valuable party member.
Having the free protection from fear was okay - although my cleric usually just casted to make sure that everyone was protected in a large encounter - better to be safe than to be goblin stew.
Having Garrick and his abilities to use spells was also quite valuable - with Garrick and 2 mages (at 6-7th level) all firing MM, it ended a lot of tough opponents.
For me, he fit will into the 6th slot and worked well with the team - I also gave him the crossbow with lightning and biting bolts and he participated in melee battle as well - plus its nice to be able to use all the different missile weapons in the game that I normally don't use.
I also had Eldoth in my party during baldurs gate in order to complete his quest and he was annoying - yes his stats are better than Garrick and he makes his poison arrows but he is annoying - I left him magically poisoned (when we were magically poisoned) and removed him - perhaps it will teach him some manners; I should have feed him to the basilisk instead instead in order to free Skie from him.
And there is nothing I love more than shooting more magic missiles
As for his bard-specific bonuses... I mean, lore is nice, but mostly it just saves you the cost of buying identifies in town, which will make precisely zero difference by the time Garrick's lore is high enough to be a reasonable substitute. It's more useful in BG2, where dungeons are longer, but of course Garrick isn't in BG2. And bard song is okay at best. Fear immunity is the single easiest immunity in the game to come by, and the other bonuses probably aren't enough to make up for the fact that if Garrick is singing he's not shooting anything.
But the thing is, I actually look at all this completely different.
Garrick has phew stats, yes, but there're items to improve them, and there're spells, like Strength (which duration is very long).
As a bard, Garrick gets better THAC0 than a mage, and in BG1 it's a golden difference. It's not just "a couple points of thac0", it's a big, big difference in BG1. A mage will use only a sling, thus he is stuck at 1 APR, while bows and the crossbow of Speed offer 2 APR. It's, again, HUGE in BG1. Also, bows and crossbows let you use all kind of arrows and bolts, of poison, of lightning, of detonation etc etc.
Yes, a mage brings magic, but in BG1 bards bring magic in their own way. The key is to use spells that progress well with levels, like Spook, Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Melf's Acid Arrow, Fire Arrow, Skull Trap, Fireball. These spells are plain better when casted by your 10 lvl bard than by any wizard in BG1.
Add to that you can combine these spells with interesting arrows and bolts, say inficting poison on your horrored by Spook enemy, and you get the picture.
And if both a mage and a bard run out of spells, the bard will have his bows and crossbows.
The luck bonus of Garrick while he sings comes very handy in BG1, when you need any point of THAC0 you can get. If you micromanage, you can offer this bonus and read spells, use weapons, and still not lose the bonus (just click "Sing" every 6 seconds).
INT of Garrick, to me, doesn't mean much - I always buy INT-increasing potions, and it doesn't matter much if I have to use one more potion.
Also, pickpocketing! It's the way to get your Algernon's cloak not long after the start of BG1, to get the ring of free action from the Ulgoth's Beard - the cloak will make all prices much better for you, while the ring will let you freely use Webs as soon as you get them.
Bards are not so popular, except for Blades, people ofter overlook their strengths. But if you know how to use a bard, he shines.
This is unlike BG 2 where Dispel Magic from a bard rocks, if not quite as much as from an Inquisitor.
And in the first game there are superior choices to your list: Sleep, Blindness, Web, Glitterdust, Slow, Confusion, Emotion, Chaos. Eh, just use darts of Wounding I guess? High APR, even for a mage.
This, I consider being an abuse of the engine. And frankly, too much work. A neat trick, though.
If you are willing to metagame you can just as well go for potions of Masters Thievery. Every class in BG is useful and worth having in your party. Garrick is still fairly weak.
But again, I don't really mean to say that bards are bad. Bards have a great many real advantages that should be taken into consideration, and they do not deserve to be discounted as they so often are. But Garrick's statline is terrible and unkitted bards aren't so good that they can make up for his poor stats. Now, to your later points, I certainly don't mean to say that Garrick can't be made to work with proper augmentation. But anything can be made to work with proper augmentation. Saying "I can make him good with lots of spells and potions" doesn't strike me as a very good argument, because there is literally nothing in the game that can't be made good with lots of spells and potions. A good character is one who doesn't need a ton of additional buffs to be good.
I think he complements my 'misunderstood' party (F/M/T, Dorn, Kaigan, Viconia, and Edwin) rather nicely. You can get the whistling sword and army scythe very early in the game which shores up his missile and melee nicely for the first few levels. I guess Kaigan could use the crossbow and Imoen could use the short sword but again, to each his own. I like the 'What's this?" (identify) ability, and his secondary arcane caster ability as well. He also quotes Monty Python, an added bonus!
Eldoth can't even function without Gauntlets of Dexterity. Garrick's is at least high enough to forgo them and use Bracers of Archery/Gauntlets of Specialization instead.
Xan, however, yeah... I tried having him in my party once. He folded faster than should have been elvenly possible. That CON really hurts him. Even though I love the whole Enchanter thing, I don't think I'll ever bring him back into my party. At least not without an inventory full of throwing daggers.
Has anyone actually used Tiax for an entire game? An insane cleric/thief gnome with horrible stats although in his defense he is quite funny at times.
Skie is a bit annoying but not as much as Eldoth - I guess they deserve each other since I really wanted to feed them both to some goblins but mostly Eldoth. I think I only had them for a bit in baldurs gate before they got to annoying. Skie has more potential than Eldoth but is almost as annoying - she really is a rich spoiled daughter rebelling against her father and landing in with a horrible crowd (namely Eldoth).
No, belay last, I'd rather have Kobolds tie me to a chair and sing me endless renditions of " in days of yore" while ripping out my toenails.....
I have run a Bard as a Main though, both in BG1 and in IWD1. MUCH preferred the IWD run but had great fun with both. As a Main, it was a great deal easier to tailor the person (obviously) so knew what I wanted.
Eldoth, a LONG time ago, lasted about 10 minutes in my party, exactly 8 minutes longer than Garrick did.
oh well....
Still, Garrick's personality could be worse. He could be Grobnar Gnomehands.