Breaking Role: What kits can be played in strange ways?

So I'm curious, I see people ask about various classes all the time, and people generally talk about the best way to play them... but I was wondering if anyone has ever played a kit differently from the way it was intended to be played?
A Barbarian with a bow?
A Mage in the thick of things?
A Druid Tank? (Not druid/fighter, obviously)
Tell me, are there any classes/kits you are aware of that can be played differently from what is considered normal? and if so, how? How did it work out for you if you tried it?
A Barbarian with a bow?
A Mage in the thick of things?
A Druid Tank? (Not druid/fighter, obviously)
Tell me, are there any classes/kits you are aware of that can be played differently from what is considered normal? and if so, how? How did it work out for you if you tried it?
Mages in the thick of things and druid tanks are both very good, because in both cases, their spells are better than physical defenses (druids can also wear ankheg plate, so their physical defenses are nothing to sneeze at either).
A Fighter/Mage hybrid (various sorts possibly) is the best tank for some of the hardest enemies in the game.
That said the beast master is a weird kit by itself, because other than maybe summoning (which comes really late) it doesn't have a clear focus.
ProbablyDefinitely cheating, but I've Shadowkeepered a Wild Mage/Cleric multiclass in BGT and it's really fun. You wild surge on divine spells as well as arcane, so it's more than twice as many chances of being randomly TPK'd by a falling cow(Haven't tried it in EE though, not sure if it works the same.)
That is, a mage who memorizes nothing but spells like Shocking Grasp, Ghoul Touch, and Vampiric Touch, and spends combats punching enemies to death with their magic spells.
I'm bringing up a Cavalier through BG1 right now. His views at first are pretty black and white, but as time advances he's going to have his eyes opened up to the world of grey. I haven't decided exactly when, but he's going to eventually embrace his dark side and become a Black Guard. Good companions may very well revolt at this shift, meaning he'll need to find new allies partway through his journey.
Of course I'll have to RP a lot of this and effect the changes with EEKeeper, but it makes for an interesting story.
Go fighter for at least 2 lvls and max out (2 at that lvl ) whatever bow type, Can also wait if your playing only bg2 for more levels in bow to help out with better bow skills. Beats the classic sling mage...meh....
Can also go daggers but more specialization and the +5 throwing firetooth in bg2 is amazing.
Basically just a mage with a little more survivability in bg1 but also the ability to use bows and some other goodies.
Ive seen people do the reverse, one level in mage/cleric so they can use the identify as a warrior and also the wands and stuff.
You can make a thief that uses 2 handed swords this way btw and if you grabbed kensai/berserker it allows for another ability to use, but your gonna want higher str for obvious reasons and to use those bows.
Also allows your mages to use other weapons too.
This is probably better for rp reasons
I know I've seen someone try melee sorc/dd. You got great defense, but obviously less stellar offensive.
Blackguard ranged isn't really unique, but seeing a blaggard chucking throwing knives or darts just for poison distribution is probably not super-common and hardly the 'intended' modus operandi. Their APR is way better than an assassin's though.
A blade weilding twohanded weapons. Apparently oil of speed stacks with off.spin so you get 3 APR with a huge twohander. This is ofc not the way the blade is intended to be played, they are made for dualweilding and/or ranged.
But ive done kensai staff user too the minute I noticed 2h weps work with them.
I might make a 2h sword thief now that I thought of it and noticed its do able lol. Or a mage with slightly more health/crossbows for when im outa spells
Haha imagine duel sling user....
Assuming standard invisibility provides the same bonuses, memorizing touch spells and lots of invisibility might work.
That's actually kinda cool....
Maybe we need a kit called the "Psi-monk"