BG EE Preview on PCGamesN

An interesting preview for BGEE has been posted to PCGamesN site. It's good to see BGEE is attracting reviews. It's about time this game start a bigger marketing campaign though if they hope to attract new players.
Is the world map they feature in the article the official one, or a fan designed one?
This site is apparently trolling around our forums and thought that map was being done in some official capacity. I'm pretty mad. Journalistic integrity is a thing of the past, it seems.
Notice the giant, glaring typo of "Cloack" Wood, "Pelvale," "Firewire" Bridge and "Naskel."
Seriously I'm really mad now. These guys aren't basing this "preview" off of any actual build. I hope Beamdog contacts them to let them know they are hacks.
Honestly, looking back at the map thread now I think that's actually a preliminary version of the new map given what mugwort actually wrote,
I mean, I'm glad to see the game getting press regardless. And it's good press.
This kind of stuff is why I dropped out of the journalism department at my school and started focusing more on a technical aspect to TV/Radio stuff. It's so rampant in the industry and there's no accountability.
Hoping BG:EE restores the original BG map, which I've always preferred over te 2/Tutu version.
I honestly prefer the old map, hope it won't be changed to that colorful pretty "thingie". Besides looking amateurish, there's no real reason to implement it over the old map except a change for the sake of changing.
September 25 Posts: 19
I made a huge text file with all of your suggestions and am working on it. Its already looking way better. I Will post it when its ready for more critique.. Democracy in action! Thanks to you all for the great feedback and advice, you all rock and are steering me in the right direction. And...sorry about the spelling mistakes! forgive me haha.
A joke or ??
There's no WAY a company like Beamdog -- that's incredibly circumspect about releasing game materials -- posts offical art a week after the ship delay, from somebody nobody knows, and doesn't make it a stickied announcement.
Plus: Bad English, youthful contractions ("im" instead of "I'm", etc), a join date of Aug and no posts outside of that thread.
Honestly surprised anybody thought him or that art was legit.
Edit: This is aside from the terrible misspellings, not being familiar with BG at all, leaving several areas off the map completely, and the generally poor graphic design ("I know! I'll fill every inch of white space with compasses!").
well the very fact that nothing have shown since the initial layout, kinda confirms your opinion about secrecy of beamdog, that he's indeed working on a new map to be included ingame, and the very feedback given in the said post are used in some way.
It could actually be that the new map is far from the model released on these forums, but just worked as a guideline to what we fans want.
Not sure about the new map, I like the old one and I think most people do. It seems a bit of a waste of resource for something that didn't really need to be touched IMO.
Nor on the fan made map.
At least, this article is not negative before the fact.
Besides, do you really think that Oster, one of the original developers and a man who is betting his company on BG:EE, would release a map to the fanbase that misspelled Cloakwood Mines and Nashkel?
C'mon, man.
But still I'm sure they could be added if they wanted to, only it doesn't seem to have been reported elsewhere.
Take a look at this thread where Phillip Daigle talks about them...
Also here:
I thought that it was a fan made map or perhaps an alternative map someone was making for a trilogy style mod.
Since I judged it by that standard, I thought it was pretty impressive.
However, if that is going to be something similar to the new map, I'd be less impressed overall.
Having said that, It is incredibly brave for an artist to submit a work which he admits isn't even close to finished up for public criticism. I mean, Wow. That has to be a first.
Infact looking back - holy shit, I skipped reading a lot of that thread.
Link for those who are interested
And subraces are something we want to look at, but will probably be post ship still.