*SPOILERS* Tips and tricks! How to ace BG!

I have seen a cheese thread before. But I would like to hear some stories of how to defeat the game or win battles just using the tools available (No quick clicking or CLUA Console here please!)
If you use a neat trick to waste your enemies without cheating we wanna know!
My favourite trick was to cast Mislead with a multiclass Thief / Mage and Backstab for Bhaal! After your backstab you would disappear again straight away! A powerful move that could defeat most powerful enemies in the game. I believe this was a lawful move... Perhaps not possible till near the end of the game... but oh boy, you could kill anything!
If you use a neat trick to waste your enemies without cheating we wanna know!
My favourite trick was to cast Mislead with a multiclass Thief / Mage and Backstab for Bhaal! After your backstab you would disappear again straight away! A powerful move that could defeat most powerful enemies in the game. I believe this was a lawful move... Perhaps not possible till near the end of the game... but oh boy, you could kill anything!
works pretty well unless you need to take out mob's protection off.
coupled with
fireball + glyph of warning + skull trap + potion of explosions
ahhhhhhhhhhh! sayonara banditos!
"Hey so we're best friends you and I, remember that game we would play when I would pick pocket you?"
Fireball/Skull Trap/Cone of Cold/Delayed Blast Fireball/Lightning Bolt(even better if you can get it at an angle so it hits them multiple times)/Flame Strike (Oh wait its not AoE like it is in IWD and PnP), Glyph of Warding, Holy Smite.
Oh and for the kicker. Send in a buffed up cleric with Free Action and Blade Barrier up. Does it take forever? Sure but its still fun.
(Extra credit points for using things like Chant, Prayer, Recitation, Greater Malison, etc while they're in there)
Sometimes though the most satisfying thing you can do in an AD&D game is let your Wizard blow their entire load and sit back giggling like a schoolgirl. It's like, the Wizard looks at the Fighter and goes, "Ok I'm level 9 now. Rest your shoulders and watch this!"
But weapons like staff of Rynn or Staff Mace or Staff of the Ram all can backstab (and that for much, much MUCH more damage)
You can use the tactic of: Lots of summons lead the charge, with buffed up party members behind them for ALOT of the encounters in BG1. Extremely useful.
2: Incendiary Cloud/Fireball Spam.
3: ????
4: Profit
1: Fighter/Cleric
2: Draw Upon Holy Might
3: ????
4: Profit
1: Equip Ring of Free Action on a Blade
2: Defensive Spin and ignore being rooted like you're supposed to.
3: ????
4: Profit
I've got a dozen of these.
That may or may not have been intentional considering that after they do that they complain and want to sleep. They don't even wanna cuddle =(