But you could just open a new thread where everyone posts video game OSTs that s/he likes. The ones in this thread are actually all tied to Might & Magic.
But it is up to belgarathmth.
Good call. I wouldn't mind seeing some discussion on NWN too.
Ha, I don't mind anything anyone wants to talk about to have fun and to socialize. However, I would guess that for convenience's sake, we should have threads open separately for different games that we might all enjoy in common.
So, I would say that Neverwinter Nights could definitely use its own thread. It wouldn't hurt for us to have game-specific threads of several types open. People who share love of Baldur's Gate in common probably have several D&D based and other games in common.
I played 7 a little too much more than is lkely healthy. That is, when I was not getting my futurama reinspired solo lizardman bishop on in wizardry 8. MaM 8 was a dissapointment. Xeen calls every now and then.
@Figrut, Futurama-inspired? You can't mean Dr. Zoidberg, he's a lobster. To what "lizardman" do you refer? I'm racking my brain, and I can't think of your reference.
Correct. It fits well into the silly sci fi sorcery of the setting and theme. I cannot remember it now, but wiz 8's naming system gave me a good place to make use of his full scientific name. Short name "Pope", full name "Space Pope". The game does feel like what "he"(?) just might do on his own time.
If I remember correctly, was it M&M 4 and 5 that if you installed together and moved some files around some folders you could fuse them into one big game together with a little added/changed content and a different title screen? World of Xeen I believe.
In this summer, I managed to play all three M&M 6-8 games again It was excellent!
I think I should leave it here. In the exclusive Gamescom 2015 interview for rpgcodex.net Erwan Le Breton, a Creative Director of MMX, shared an information about the fate of the series.
"- So, is there any chance that we might see a Might and Magic XI in the near future?
- This question made the mood of Arnaud and Erwan sink like a submarine for a moment. Their answer was phrased strategically, but it was pretty clear that there is no chance for this: "Right now, M&M XI is very very low on the list of next Might and Magic projects Ubisoft would choose to invest in". A more optimistic person might think, yay, it is on a list of possible next M&M related projects, but no... what Erwan meant was pretty clear. The game wasn't as much of a success as it should have been. He said that Ubisoft gave it the benefit of the doubt, an experiment to see if that kind of game would sell. Grimrock, which had been released not too long before MMX, was the main reason Ubisoft went ahead with this. Grimrock was a surprising success, and they jumped on the bandwagon, like any big company smelling big potential wads of cash does. For Ubisoft, the game didn't make enough money to warrant a sequel. It wasn't successful enough.
-So, how much did it sell?
- They couldn't answer that, because releasing sales figures is not a thing big publishers do. They did reveal, however, that the game sold about 30% less copies than expected. The team would love to work on a sequel, but due to these disappointing sales, this ain't gonna happen. It kinda surprised them that their game bombed so hard, because Grimrock had been such a success, and they had been shooting for a similar amount of sales as that game. [Bubbles comment: You can infer that MMX sold roughly 70% as many copies as Legend of Grimrock, based on however Ubisoft calculated LoG's sales. Was turn based combat to blame?] Ultimately, it didn't sell enough for Ubisoft to be interested in any sequels, even if you count in the expansion. The Might and Magic RPG series is, after a brief resurrection, dead again."
So - so sad. Personally, I've liked MMX and think it's been great that they've made that game.
What is even more sad is that if M&M: Heroes 7 bombs as well, the same fate will await the Heroes series. Heresy! Again, judging by all I've seen and read about Heroes 7, I think it's going to be a good game.
I have beaten M&M 4, 7 and 8, almost finished 6 (had to stop because I had screwed up my reputation by visiting "evil" temple too many times). Great games!
So, I would say that Neverwinter Nights could definitely use its own thread. It wouldn't hurt for us to have game-specific threads of several types open. People who share love of Baldur's Gate in common probably have several D&D based and other games in common.
EDIT: googled, found this:
I think I should leave it here. In the exclusive Gamescom 2015 interview for rpgcodex.net Erwan Le Breton, a Creative Director of MMX, shared an information about the fate of the series.
"- So, is there any chance that we might see a Might and Magic XI in the near future?
- This question made the mood of Arnaud and Erwan sink like a submarine for a moment. Their answer was phrased strategically, but it was pretty clear that there is no chance for this: "Right now, M&M XI is very very low on the list of next Might and Magic projects Ubisoft would choose to invest in". A more optimistic person might think, yay, it is on a list of possible next M&M related projects, but no... what Erwan meant was pretty clear. The game wasn't as much of a success as it should have been. He said that Ubisoft gave it the benefit of the doubt, an experiment to see if that kind of game would sell. Grimrock, which had been released not too long before MMX, was the main reason Ubisoft went ahead with this. Grimrock was a surprising success, and they jumped on the bandwagon, like any big company smelling big potential wads of cash does. For Ubisoft, the game didn't make enough money to warrant a sequel. It wasn't successful enough.
-So, how much did it sell?
- They couldn't answer that, because releasing sales figures is not a thing big publishers do. They did reveal, however, that the game sold about 30% less copies than expected. The team would love to work on a sequel, but due to these disappointing sales, this ain't gonna happen. It kinda surprised them that their game bombed so hard, because Grimrock had been such a success, and they had been shooting for a similar amount of sales as that game. [Bubbles comment: You can infer that MMX sold roughly 70% as many copies as Legend of Grimrock, based on however Ubisoft calculated LoG's sales. Was turn based combat to blame?] Ultimately, it didn't sell enough for Ubisoft to be interested in any sequels, even if you count in the expansion. The Might and Magic RPG series is, after a brief resurrection, dead again."
So - so sad. Personally, I've liked MMX and think it's been great that they've made that game.
What is even more sad is that if M&M: Heroes 7 bombs as well, the same fate will await the Heroes series. Heresy! Again, judging by all I've seen and read about Heroes 7, I think it's going to be a good game.
Yesterday Grayface released new versions of his Might&Magic 6-8 unofficial patches: