Most hated fights

We know that many of us played this game many times. I would like to ask you: which fights you find the most unpleasant in BG2/ToB? For me the statue fights in the Watcher's Keep are always a pain (especially with SCS).
Amelissan is definitely not my favorite either.
Isair and Madae can also go flip themselves. Not in BG but still deserves the shout out.
I also generaly dislike fight in that Haer'dalis quest - I always fall into those traps and never rest there, cuz I find it immersion-breaking, and at the top of that - I'm always scared that one of those mages will "steal" killing that demon from me.
And umber hulks.
Also, they're immune to basically all disablers. I don't mind resistances, but immunities are boring.
In BG2 specifically? Mind Flayers, two or more, as said above.
One or two you can rush with a hasted and buffed party and come out on top, but once they start coming in packs of more than 3, you are royally and radiantly screwed. The fight in their Underdark lair is the worst - once you get to the middle, you'll be swarmed by two dozens of them. And if that wasn't enough, there's a hive mother with very high damage resistances as well as two spellcasting Elder Orbs who join the fight. Fun fun fun fun. Looking forwards to the game over screen.
(Actually, the only way I've ever managed to clear that lair on SCS was with a high level warrior with high native MR, lightning resistance and all the +saving throws gear I could find. If you manage to get all your saves below zero, their instadeath rays cannot affect you anymore. It is still very much a gamble, though. Definitely a component to skip for min/noreload runs.)
Mind flayers and ulitharids, they almost always manage to kill a party member or two, no matter how well you are prepared.
Shade lord with scs. There is a bug or feature that, any creature killed in the fight rises as a shadow and is lost forever. However if one of your summons is killed, one random party member goes splat and is transformed into a shadow. Also, level draining aura? Uuugh. (Is actually cool as it makes Shade Lord a very terrifying monster.)
Female Lich in the docks from tactics. Absolutely deadly and downright terrible, a real struggle to stay alive. Managed to perma-kill Neera in one play, preventing me doing her tob quests, this time she gibbed Keldorn with Black Blade of Disaster. Keldorn, man! The loss is more than the gain. (Cloak of Balduran she drops is nice, however Keldorn was better!)
Demon room within WK, with wild magic or anti-magic I can't remember. Suddenly your mages are sitting ducks for the teleporting demons to feast upon. Very irritating fight. Master wraith in WK (with scs) also deserves special mention, doubly so if you lack a thief to remove traps. Those traps reset and fire again and again and perma kill people.
Ritual fight in tactics. Those troops. They are low-middle lvl, and have generic magical gear, but they can absolutely wreck your epic lvl party if you are not careful. Plus ritual skulls are a pain to deal with. The dragon fight at the end is also very, very dreadful as well, but it is a dragon, it should be scary and tough!
Original tactics battle of Irenicus in Hell, the Shattered one, with three parts. Nuff said.
Solafein's battles, especially his vampiric form coupled with Improved Bodhi='Nooo I don't want no more vengeance spiders and level drains and bats, please don't kill my pc!' very bad memories.
Ever started a new game at tob with a new character and faced Improved Illasera from ascension? I did. It was...unpleasant. I swore to always play SoA at that day.
Beholders are a joke when using the skeleton warriors, which resist the majority of their abilities minus the stronger types that are able to destroy them. I don't even feel bad abusing this given how hideously unfair they are by design.
Iron/adamantite golems are just tediously annoying. I haven't the foggiest idea why anyone thought the way they were implemented was a good idea.
I also think that Aec'Letec is insanely frustrating for all the wrong reasons.
And Mind Flayers, no min-maxing fighters, 11 Int as the bare minimum.
If we remain in BG2 itself... well the final encounter in Neera's and Dorn's ToB quests are both pretty hard.