Best Weapon Profs for a BG1 Bard?

I'm going to stop rerolling, I swear! But first --
Assume half elf and a true class bard (no kit) for BG1.
On another forum, someone suggested maxing STR and using slings for the bonus, which sounds a little weird to me.
What do you think?
Assume half elf and a true class bard (no kit) for BG1.
On another forum, someone suggested maxing STR and using slings for the bonus, which sounds a little weird to me.
What do you think?
Use a two-handed weapon of some kind and a bow/crossbow. I vote Halberds because there aren't any NPCs in the saga who really utilize them otherwise.
Otherwise like @sandmanCCL said, THW.
Take your Con to 18 (or 17 + tome) so you can use the Claw.
@stygga Yep, exactly. Crossbow & short sword felt like the most "bardish" weapons to me. I started looking at alternatives when I realized that longbows give a +1 thac0 by default, though, since bards are working off crappy thief thac0.
@sandmanCCL I'm trying hard to save some kits for BG:EE. The blade & skald seem like they might be a bit too overpowered for a standard Tutu game (thoughts?). I also thought it'd be fun to play pure class in BG1, skald in SoA, and Shadowkeep my PC into a blade for ToB (only because the HLAs make skalds a bit obsolete).
The halberd suggestion is unusual; I like that.
@Isair I've always shied away from the Claw because I don't like items that impose any kind of base penalty while using them. Are the extra savings throws worth the two attribute points? Seems like a harsh trade off at first glance.
Skald will be great in BG:EE but honestly you might feel Blade is lacking. Blade has an exponential growth to it that really doesn't reach the top of its curve until 6th level spells and Tensers. That said, I think that's one of the Pros to the Class rather than a con since it has a steady growth throughout the levels so you never really feel (unlike say a warrior) that you've flatlined for lack of a better term.
Also in my opinion the most 'bardic' weapons are Crossbow/Longsword
Really the more AC lowering items the better for bards, without any elven chain in standard BG they get bit of a raw deal. Sure they can cast ghost armor, mirror image etc but you won't be using them for every battle (unless you're resting alot). Even if you do, bards have inferior HP compared to say fighter/mages so anything to lessen their chances of being hit is a boon. Esspecially if you're casting in close combat.
Claw + Cloak of B + Ring of protection + Defender + Ghost armor + Blur + PFE = -13 AC! That's not including a belt or the claw bonuses.
I was overjoyed to hear that they're adding elven chain to BGEE.
And if you max your CON, there is no downside to equipping the Claw of Kazgoroh. The penalty IS harsh, but only if it affects your HP total. Otherwise, it's hard to argue against +1 AC, + to all saving throws. You do also lose saves vs. death, so poison is a pain in the ass. Make sure to buy some Elixirs of Health if you ever decide to use it.
I said Longsword/Crossbow merely because that is what I envision as the "classic" bard.
Can anyone clarify/confirm this?
Also, @Dragonspear no one has called you a mad rash fool for saying so. I envision the classic bard armed with a harp alone, avoiding all combat. I shouldn't have to clarify that this isn't my recommended tactic in BG.
I'm one of those weird people that always preferred my bard to tell their music via the whistling of their longsword. I guess that's why I like Blades and Skalds. Although my Skalds tend to only use 2h weapons on principle. And you're right no one was claiming I was mad, was merely pointing it out since others had said to wait until BGEE drops and we see what we get.
Playing "My Hero" when the psychotic gnome alchemist dropped some firebomb grenades on some goblins was easily the highlight of that campaign, for me.
"Guys we're being attacked by hobgoblins."
Fighter: I'll hit them with my sword.
Cleric: I'll pray to my god for divine aid.
Thief: I'll shoot them with my bow.
Mage: I'll cast a sleep spell.
Bard: I'll get my harp out and sing you a song ...
Harps are better suited to reciting tales of valour by the fireside.
(sorry to disrupt your discussion with random youtube)
Hahaha.. WTF?!
I think someone was saying if he joined super late, he had 2 points in longswords as well. I doubt this is the case.
Bugels and horns have a pretty big history on the battlefield I'm sure, the flugelhorn is named after it's function of summoning the "wings" (flanks) of the army.
The main drawback is that it can get a little tedious to control sometimes. I like to marquee select the party and order the whole group to attack a single target with one click. In order to keep my skald singing, I couldn't do that anymore. I had to keep separating out my skald from the rest of the party at the beginning of every battle, if I wanted to do any marquee selections, or else I had to issue commands separately to the each party member, one at a time.
I took crossbow so I could at least occasionally do a little shooting in some of the easy battles. I think I took shortsword for the other one, just for the tradition of the class, but I never drew it or used it for the whole game, not even once.
Or like, Priest of Talos. A free lightning bolt at level one? Could start off as a weaker lightning effect then click over to lightningbolt around the level a character could cast it normally.