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Diablo Minimal and No Reload Thread (spoilers)



  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    The Maggot Lair and the areas of Act III before getting to Travincal could be eliminated from the game entirely and it would be better off for it.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,604
    No way! I know it's not popular among fans of the game but I like the diversity they add to the game.

    Yes, they are frustrating areas, especially for certain builds. But everything doesn't have to play like Act4.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    DinoDin wrote: »
    No way! I know it's not popular among fans of the game but I like the diversity they add to the game.

    Yes, they are frustrating areas, especially for certain builds. But everything doesn't have to play like Act4.

    Pygmy type enemies are the bane of my existence in plenty of games that aren't Diablo (well, they are very similar to Diablo, since I guess I'm referring to World of Warcraft and the Borderlands series) but, yeah, I can't stand the damn things.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    I think the corpse explosion creatures should be banned. Those are really annoying and take a chunk out of you.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Early Access this weekend, and open beta another weekend later in the month. Is limited to first two Acts, but it's real close now.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Anyone else doing the beta these weekends? Although I likely won't get it I am still interested in your experiences.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    This is pretty late to ask that though. Beta ends today. Was planning and still plan to share to post something about it later.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    I didn't really participate in the second weekend. I essentially played Act 1 with a Sorceress a week ago simply to get a feel for how it ran from a technical perspective and to get a feel for the gameplay. Everything was absolutely the best I could have hoped for in this regard. Didn't see much point in spending hours upon hours grinding Act 2 Normal for a character that won't carry over.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Thank you very much for sharing.

    Since it is a remake they probably want feedback on graphics behaviour and some of the new features. That is fine to test with only the first half of the game in beta.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Just went to the forums for confirmation on spawning the Diablo clone in Single-player. Apparently, the answer was revealed in a blue post about a week ago. The cost is entirely reasonable, which is one Stone of Jordan sold to spawn (which is, coincidentally, exactly how I set it up in the PlugY config). Which essentially means you are sacrificing the ring for a chance at the charm. Simple and elegant.

    Now that this confirmation has been added to the ability to spawn Ubers and Ladder Runewords no longer being exclusive, players will no longer be forced to play Ladder to experience the full game. Quite glad the purist gatekeepers didn't win out in this battle.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    I played a decade and it never even dropped for me. Would it work via an editor or is that a no go
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,604
    lroumen wrote: »
    I played a decade and it never even dropped for me. Would it work via an editor or is that a no go

    Ha, nearly the same for me. I had one drop in my whole time of playing. FWIW, MF runs on nightmare Andariel are your best odds, also where I ended up finding my SoJ.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited September 2021
    While some of them CAN roll better than others, the Annihulus Charm is not like the Hellfire Torch granting random class skills. Technically, you only ever need to find 2 SoJs to get both, though it's certainly possible for people to get better versions than others.

    The reason it became the way to trigger the event originally was because so many had been duped and the SoJ had become the de-facto trading currency. It was a way to get the influx off the market as much as anything else.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    True, but at some point the count on the servers went up so fast that I always wondered whether it was just a scam from blizzard.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited September 2021
    I actually looked up a guide on SoJ farming. While it certainly isn't going to rain from the sky, it isn't exactly Tyrael's Might either. If you run Nightmare Andariel 1000x with 200% magic find, you have about a 26% chance of getting it to drop. Now, granted, that doesn't mean if you run it 4000x times you will get one, but doing a couple thousand runs on a single-player map that doesn't reset (so you aren't constantly having to look for the entrance to the final floor) isn't really as bad as it seems.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,604
    If they can solve item duping and bots in D2R than I suspect they'll create a different trigger for Diablo clone down the road.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Given that they want to inclue DC into Single Player, different trigger is a given.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    I actually looked up a guide on SoJ farming. While it certainly isn't going to rain from the sky, it isn't exactly Tyrael's Might either. If you run Nightmare Andariel 1000x with 200% magic find, you have about a 26% chance of getting it to drop. Now, granted, that doesn't mean if you run it 4000x times you will get one, but doing a couple thousand runs on a single-player map that doesn't reset (so you aren't constantly having to look for the entrance to the final floor) isn't really as bad as it seems.

    Umm. Okay. So I'm a filthy casual. You all know it. I know it. I've never farmed for a particular item in Diablo 2 (or 3, really, in any looter game if I'm being honest). 4 thousand runs to get a particular item is considered... not bad?

    How long would it take you (in hours) to do 4000 runs for that particular item?
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited September 2021
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    I actually looked up a guide on SoJ farming. While it certainly isn't going to rain from the sky, it isn't exactly Tyrael's Might either. If you run Nightmare Andariel 1000x with 200% magic find, you have about a 26% chance of getting it to drop. Now, granted, that doesn't mean if you run it 4000x times you will get one, but doing a couple thousand runs on a single-player map that doesn't reset (so you aren't constantly having to look for the entrance to the final floor) isn't really as bad as it seems.

    Umm. Okay. So I'm a filthy casual. You all know it. I know it. I've never farmed for a particular item in Diablo 2 (or 3, really, in any looter game if I'm being honest). 4 thousand runs to get a particular item is considered... not bad?

    How long would it take you (in hours) to do 4000 runs for that particular item?

    I mean, you'd do it over the course of months if you weren't crazy. 25, maybe 50 a day. If you've beaten the game in Hell, the only amount of time it would take is the time it takes to actually reach the boss. Which is why you are probably using a Sorceress with teleport to get to the spot quickly. In SP, the map doesn't reset like in MP, so the route would be the same every time. It's perfectly reasonable to expect you could do one of these every 3-5 minutes. But, I mean, this is only necessary if you are playing solo, self-found. If you're online you are trading for gear rather than farming specifc pieces. They are different mentalities entirely. But, to put it in WoW terms, some of this stuff has a drop rate lower than the Love Rocket from Love is in the Air, and far lower than something like Baron Rivendare's Charger. It's conceivable you could play this game every day for a decade and still not see Tyrael's Might, the rarest item in the game. Which is really only desirable to say you found it, since it's generally useless in regards to what it provides.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,925
    But on the flip side, items like the Stone of Jordan can drop from anything of sufficient level. Running a single monster over and over probably isn't the best option, actually - clearing large swathes of Nightmare difficulty or late Normal difficulty in a single session might well do better. Certain monster types like ghosts have elevated chances of jewelry dropping, and there's another quirk which specifically benefits long sessions here. For item types like rings with multiple uniques, a particular one of those uniques can only drop once in a session. And quality is rolled first before determining which unique you get. Found a Nagelring already? The next unique ring might be a Manald Heal or a Stone of Jordan, but it won't be another Nagelring. As the Stone is rarer than the other rings, finding multiple unique rings in a session dramatically increases your chances of drawing it.

    Back in early (pre-expansion) versions of the game, it was less random and more exploitable; you could force all unique ring drops to be the Stone of Jordan by carrying the other two unique rings, and thus farm them even without a duping exploit.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Wow.. I have some hundreds of hours or more playing D2 and that was all news to me, heh.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    A month non stop to farm one item and only really effectively in nightmare mode which people like to skip as soon as possible. Ouch, who wants to spend that much time per character.
    Not to mention, some would actually like to wear it.

    Still, not a bad fix.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,604
    As I said, I think (hope) they'll change the trigger at some point. But I think it's the perfectly reasonable path for Blizzard right now to want to release the game with a few gameplay changes as possible.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,925
    lroumen wrote: »
    A month non stop to farm one item and only really effectively in nightmare mode which people like to skip as soon as possible.
    Less exclusive than that; the chance of rings dropping doesn't depend on monster level, so the only effect of higher monster levels is that more unique rings can drop. That's a factor of two or so, at worst? So you have a choice: farm on Nightmare for higher kill speeds and a somewhat higher chance of this particular item, or just hit your usual Hell farming spots and pick up all of the other good stuff too.

    It's still a pretty rare item, without some exploit.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,604
    jmerry wrote: »
    lroumen wrote: »
    A month non stop to farm one item and only really effectively in nightmare mode which people like to skip as soon as possible.
    Less exclusive than that; the chance of rings dropping doesn't depend on monster level, so the only effect of higher monster levels is that more unique rings can drop. That's a factor of two or so, at worst? So you have a choice: farm on Nightmare for higher kill speeds and a somewhat higher chance of this particular item, or just hit your usual Hell farming spots and pick up all of the other good stuff too.

    It's still a pretty rare item, without some exploit.

    Yep this is solid advice. If you can MF run in Hell, you should probably just do that. The only reason not to would be because you are looking exclusively for a SoJ. And even then, if you're playing online, which I think is where most serious grinders will play, you're still better off at the higher farm spot. Since you can trade gear.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,767
    The feeling is still there, but the look of the game is stunning. I've been spending hours studying all the little details about how monsters, locations, characters look. How does their new look compare with my headcanons?

    The main fun feature is still the same: nothing beats a unique drop from a simple container.

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