Breaking the three-lines thing, because I wrote the first two and they sounded like verse and I just had to go with it. Don't give line three too much thought, it's mostly there to make the rhyming scheme work. Which I apparently care more about that the rhythm.
By your side I fight, if you will have me, Else like the deer, I flee. But though you travel far and wide, no greater a fool will ever you see.
A good set of clues should see a correct guess within 5 tries. If it goes on longer than that, then the question's excessive difficulty is slowing down the game.
After all, if we can't answer the current one, then we don't get to move on to the next one.
Garrick more likely, he is a bard, he flees the girl in black (Silke?) when she dies unless the party recruite him. When he panicks he sing songs about him running away. The clues is written like a poem.
I think you're taking the last line either too literally, or not literally enough. Suffice to say it's a reference to something specific, not just the character's general lack of sense.
If you help my kin, we'll never meet.
But if you kill my kin, I'll come for you!
Who am I?
Breaking the three-lines thing, because I wrote the first two and they sounded like verse and I just had to go with it. Don't give line three too much thought, it's mostly there to make the rhyming scheme work. Which I apparently care more about that the rhythm.
By your side I fight, if you will have me,
Else like the deer, I flee.
But though you travel far and wide,
no greater a fool will ever you see.
In retrospect, I think this may be very hard.
After all, if we can't answer the current one, then we don't get to move on to the next one.
Or is it the little masked icon on the UI...?
Taking his companion mod into consideration.
Gorpal Hind