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V2.3 is here! (BG:EE, BGII:EE, and Siege of Dragonspear)

DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
edited June 2016 in Archived News
Reposted from the BeamBlog:

Beamdog’s happy to present v2.3 today, an update that contains fixes for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear.

Normally this is the part where we’d say “check out the full release notes here” but today we’ve got something a little different. We know our fans like to keep current with the fixes we provide, and that’s why we’ve compiled a RELEASE NOTES MASTER DOCUMENT!!

(I was intoning that last bit in a really dramatic voice.)

The v2.3 master document compiles all the release notes from v2.0, v2.1, v2.2, and v2.3. All the updated goodness is right at your fingertips in the downloadable pdf.

Enjoy the v2.3 master document, which includes highlights such as:
-Tooltips now display a stylized scroll background that dynamically resizes with the amount of text displayed  
-The Candlekeep tutors’ dialogue no longer displays placeholder text when a non-English language is selected (BG:EE)
-Turkish UI strings no longer appear in English (BG:EE)
-Story Mode protections now apply to the player’s Familiar as well as party members
-multiple dialogue fixes (eliminating repeated lines, removing incorrect lines, and closing dialogue loops)
-multiple gameplay fixes and interface fixes
-multiple quest and achievement fixes

We are continuing to make improvements to the game all the time based on feedback from the community and beta testers. Join the conversation!


  • ShaalShaal Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2016
    This is awesome, thank you!

    I love the fact that you put the French voices.

    And also I love the fact that you added back the scroll sounds and reworked the text area by making a scroll instead of a black box (when pushing tab or when leaving the cursor over an object). What would be perfect would be to have the scroll animation like it was originally, but this is already so much better than it used to be ! (the black box with no sound was breaking a bit my nostalgic immersion).

    However, I can't put the game in full screen. The software bar still appears at the top of the window. Also the windows bar at the bottom. And I can't navigate the view over the game area anymore. When my cursor comes to the edge of the game screen, it just stops there. The view doesn't move over the area, if you see what I mean. Thus, I can't reach some doors in some buildings, unless I un-zoom at max capacity. Anyone else has these issues?

    Keep up the good work!

    See you. :smile:
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @Shaal If you press Alt-Enter on your keyboard, what happens?
  • ShaalShaal Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2016
    @Dee It wasn't working when I tried earlier, but now it works ! I had also tried all the combinations I could in the graphic options menu (full screen / scaling). And the view follows my cursor again now. Awesome, thanks!
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Shaal said:

    @Dee It wasn't working when I tried earlier, but now it works ! I had also tried all the combinations I could in the graphic options menu. And the view follows my cursor again now. Awesome, thanks!

    Whew! That's good to hear.

    Edge-scrolling (the behavior of moving the viewing area by having your cursor at the edge of the screen) won't work in windowed mode; that's by design, to allow you to switch windows without losing your screen position.
  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    And it's available on GOG already! Less than 2h, wow! :smiley:
  • ShaalShaal Member Posts: 6
    @Dee Nice! Thanks for the vocabulary and for the quick answer, you're awesome. :smile:
  • IthualIthual Member Posts: 136
    edited June 2016
    @Dee I have no sound since installing latest patch?

    edit: False alarm. Seems like some idiot was trying the open the program twice!!!

    Baldur's Gate is awesome again
    Post edited by Ithual on
  • UnpersonUnperson Member Posts: 29
    Excellent. And already on GOG. The master document is the icing on the cake. I'm really impressed by the level of support you're putting out. Kudos!
  • FrogmanFrogman Member Posts: 153
    sorry if the question was answered elsewhere - but what is the latest version available for ios versions of the games? would love to play the shaman on my ipad
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    The dialog box texture seems weird in this version.

    Also the custom texture I made is rendered differently now.

    Is this change expected or is it a regression ?

  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    don't want to nag about the 2.3 popup scrolls, but wouldn't it be cool / better / nice if they scaled somewhat with the zoom level set? zooming out far means monstrous scrolls, covering whole characters and more, while when zooming closer, they stay the same size relative to the screen, and are rather small compared to the characters they describe.
    if you hit Tab with the cursor *not* on a character, the "old" 2.0 black box style still appears over all characters (with names and hitpoints) and while they look a bit more ugly, they scale to the zoom level, which is nice. i tested this in BG1:EE 2.3 that i just downloaded (did not check SoD or BG:EE 2.3 yet).

    icing with cherry in 2.4 would be a scroll opening animation, just for the nostalgia ;-)
  • legotaksinlegotaksin Member Posts: 65
    Please support android and ios...
    Too long to wait...
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Awesome job. I have an impression that patches are coming out much more frequent than usual, which is a good thing. Way to go, Beamdog.
  • vladpenvladpen Member Posts: 88
    edited June 2016
    The tooltip text now appears in a scroll on mouse hover and on a black background on tab, and is HUGE when it appears in a scroll. Can you guys do something about your QA? You're introducing new bugs far too often--it is not our job to test your releases, we're happy to report the occasional problems you miss, but you still have to test this stuff before releasing it.
    Post edited by vladpen on
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    vladpen said:

    The tooltip text now appears in a scroll on mouse hover and on a black background on tab, and is HUGE when it appears in a scroll. Can you guys do something about your QA? You're introducing new bugs far too often--it is not our job to test your releases, we're happy to report the occasional problems you miss, but you still have to test this stuff before releasing it.

    So you are saying if you hold down tab (without putting the cursor over a character) it looks something like this?

    If that is the case then that is intended.

    The style of having white text if you hold down tab, and a scroll if you put your cursor over something (including if you press tab after), is consistent with how the original BG2 handled it (though the scroll now looks different and there is the translucent black background that appears behind white text now).

    The text's size doesn't change with how far zoomed out you are. So as you zoomed out its going to cover more of a character.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Am I who doesn't like the black background at all? Hope there would be an option to remove that
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Yay! Progress!

    What comes next? 2.4, or work on Android/iOS/Mac App Store versions?
  • vladpenvladpen Member Posts: 88
    elminster said:

    that is intended

    Surely this doesn't apply to the huge font size. I think you just didn't test the new scroll-style tooltips with different font sizes.

  • frede957frede957 Member Posts: 7
    Can I continue my old save? Plox :'/ I need to know! thanks btw :smile:
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @vladpen the tooltip font resizes correctly for me. If it's not resizing for you, I'd recommend starting a thread in the Troubleshooting forum (or creating a ticket on if you can reproduce the issue consistently). The tooltip text is not meant to be the same size as the "overhead text" boxes, so that's working by design, but that doesn't mean it's categorically perfect; if you have ideas for how you'd like to see it improved, post them in the Feature Requests forum and we'll take a look.
  • maneromanero Member Posts: 392
    how about android update? it's still v1.3 and SoD is not avaiable for this platform..
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    Aren't player-created companions supposed to use a generic short biography? Ever since 2.0 everybody uses the real charname biography.
  • who_is_danielwho_is_daniel Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 100
    manero said:

    how about android update? it's still v1.3 and SoD is not avaiable for this platform..

    I agree
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Takes the semi-official hat off

    My person opinion is that the fact the patch notes for all 2.0+ have been published as a one document this time, and a blog entry has been created, coupled with the fact that BGEE, SoD and BG2EE are much more stable now than with the first 2.0 release (after all, we had 3 patches and detailed beta-testing), may show the Android/iOS/Mac App Store versions are the next step. It's just a guess, though.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    edited June 2016
    It would be nice to get a bit more structured overview of what Beamdog is working on. It's all a bit fragmented (tweets on Apple struggles, some news on updates for physical copies, sometimes a patch appears but redmine-news is still stuck on v2.1(edit: news has been removed altogether but there is a new roadmap), etc). I'm not asking for deadlines, just a more structured overview of what's going on with the current games (that includes IWD:EE). Right before the release of SoD we got quite some news and sharing, but apart from the sporadic tweet and outburst when a patch hits, there's been not much since then. Unless I completely missed it, which is possible as well.
    Post edited by Doubledimas on
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    Importing a character in a new multiplayer game automatically rerolls all the stats, skills and colors of said character

    Anyone else getting that?
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    I have not heard about Apple tweets - anything that could be relayed here?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775

    I have not heard about Apple tweets - anything that could be relayed here?

    A tweet from 19 May 2016

  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Aw damn I'm not with limited internet right when this gets released. Sounds like it's done some good things. Question big is the update? And for actual data useage through the beamdog client will it only use data to download the required update file (i.e 500mb) or will it also use data to verify the current files (im thinking it does but hoping a small amount and not an IOS style update that redownloads pretty much the entire package). I really want to try this but 500mb costs about 20 dollars here :(
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