I've noticed that a lot of public tickets on Redmine haven't been receiving official updates in the past few months. (I'm not sure if they've been looked at by devs.) Any chance that those issues will be updated and added to the internal tracker in the near future?
I've noticed that a lot of public tickets on Redmine haven't been receiving official updates in the past few months. (I'm not sure if they've been looked at by devs.) Any chance that those issues will be updated and added to the internal tracker in the near future?
@JuliusBorisov Could I get an answer to this, please? I'm still submitting new issues on Redmine, but I don't know if that's doing any good.
I assume regular tickets for SoD or BG2:EE or other games. I think they will be picked up again now that PST:EE is nearing release and the focus can be moved to the bugs mentioned in redmine.
Long story short: yes, reporting bugs is still useful.
We're still working very hard to get Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition out the door. Once we've a chance to catch our breath, we will be going through submitted bugs and feature requests in each of our public trackers.
One italian user asked to me if is still possible to buy a BGee's 1.3 version because he don't like what he learnt about 2.x version by screenshots (since there isn't a DEMO).
I've got the GOG edition and I can't restore the old version. Which store must he choose?
I have a problem, the game is updated at at the moment but French Voice are not available in the language menu. There's only English, Deutsch, Espanol and Italian.
Is there a download somewhere to get the voices I don't have?
@MrDorlok Voices are not selectable independently in the menu, you only select a language, i.e. texts and voices. From the list of languages you mentioned, I believe you're talking about BG2EE. French is not available for this game yet.
If you're open to use a partial translation (basically from the original BG II + ToB, without the new BG2EE content), you can find a solution in this discussion.
Long story short: yes, reporting bugs is still useful.
I've got the GOG edition and I can't restore the old version. Which store must he choose?
Is there a download somewhere to get the voices I don't have?
If you're open to use a partial translation (basically from the original BG II + ToB, without the new BG2EE content), you can find a solution in this discussion.