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V2.3 is here! (BG:EE, BGII:EE, and Siege of Dragonspear)



  • KogornKogorn Member Posts: 104
    Has the bug with imported familiars been fixed? I imported my character from BGEE to SOD (no mods ever installed) with my familiar in inventory, and when I try to release it it disappears and nothing happens.
  • stealthmodestealthmode Member Posts: 22
    Android on gplay still says v1.3 where is the android update?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
  • stealthmodestealthmode Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    Yeah, it's sad, the game was originally made for computers with worse specs then current generation devices. But this is their excuse. Very sad.

    What's worse is their only concerned with siege of dragonspear. Not the regular bgee game. There is no excuse why bgee hasn't been updated. Other than ignorance.

    I'm not worried about siege of dragonspear. Don't plan on getting it. However I am concerned that there is no android update to v2.3 like other platforms. Very sloppy development.
    Post edited by stealthmode on
  • stealthmodestealthmode Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    Gotta say. I was considering a purchase of ice wind dale enhanced edition on my android device. But after seeing the poor android support, think I'll take my business elsewhere. There really is no excuse why android nor ios platforms haven't received an update to v2.3.

    It's not siege of dragonspear. It's bgee. And if they are this bad at supporting their older games, I am real hesitant to invest in any of their other products. Might even request a refund for bgee since they aren't supporting it per Google play developer requirements.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    They are supporting BG:EE as v2.4 will also be an update for BG:EE. In fact, the goal is to pull every game to v2.4 and get every platform to that version. That will be done after the project they're focusing on (and probably are nearing completion otherwise they would not be talking about it).
    SoD for tablets presented additional issues which makes its debut on that platform a bit delayed. As the v2+ are connected to SoD, that is the reason why those updates are taking longer to appear on tablets. They are working on that as well.
  • stealthmodestealthmode Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    My android version is only v1.3.2070

    Hasn't been updated in a LONG time.

    That's the latest they have in gplay store. I won't support this alienating certain platforms. I've requested a refund. I'll play the OG on emulator. Won't support this company falsely advertising updates, but not supporting updating on non pc platforms.

    No 2.0, no 2.1, no 2.2, no 2.3.

    They've ignored android customers. And I for one will not support this company since they wish to ignore us.

    Keep in mind, on June 8th they falsely advertised version 2.3 was now available. This is the end of November. That's a long time that they've been falsely advertising having an update available. They've had more than enough time to update android version.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    They advertised 2.3 for pc. Not sure whats false about it.
  • 3d0mstealth3d0mstealth Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2016
    Komrade Ivan, again, we are not talking about Siege of Dragonspear. This is the BGEE original we are speaketh of. Perhaps you need me to explain in Cyrillic Komrade.

    комрадэ иван, агаин, вэ арэ нот талкинг абоут сиэгэ оф драгонспэар. тъис ис тъэ бгээ вэ арэ спэакэтъ оф. пэрхапс ёу нээд мэ то эксплаин ин кириллик комрадэ.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    *happy thoughts*
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Komrade stealth!

    Nobody have deceived anyone.

    The announcement on this site is absolutely true - v2.3 for BG:EE, BGII:EE, and Siege of Dragonspear is indeed available. The PC version.

    Porting the game to the tablets is not as easy as copy/paste. Each tablet has its own requirements in terms of working with the code.

    The company never concealed the updates for the tablet devices will take time.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768

    Aw, and I thought we were going to see "Yankee Doodle vs. Ivan Drago" in court. :(

    I think you mean Dudley Do-Right vs. Ivan Drago.
  • I hope an update is coming soon, I'm dying to use my shadowdancer again without my shadow twins getting destroyed as soon as I get hit.
  • NatregNatreg Member Posts: 100
    It's been almost 6 months since the last update. I thought that Beamdog was planning faster updates.

    Any chance to see 2.4 anytime soon?

    We are getting close to a year since the release of Siege of Dragonspear and tehre are still a lot of bugs and a lot of problems in the game yet.

    The plans for the next update and redmine seem to be useless right now.

    I really hope this 2.4 patch is worth this long waiting.
  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    well, some people hunt for updates, others play the game.

    1.3 is perfectly playable on my tablet for all games available. I'm having much fun with my dark paladiness and her helberd right now.

    why bother there is a 2.3 on some other platform, that was created to be compatible with SOD, which is not even available on tablets yet? When's it's here, hey, welcome, but until then there is nothing that stops me playing 1.3 there.
  • PteranPteran Member Posts: 388
    I always lose steam in my playthroughs when I hit the I'm just sitting here waiting for 2.4 to drop to attempt another trilogy run lol.

    Honestly couldn't tell you the last time I went to Watcher's Keep, so maybe I'll go there next time to spice up BG2...
  • islandkingislandking Member Posts: 426
    What are the features of 2.4, besides it's meant to synchronize iwdee to the same version?
  • islandkingislandking Member Posts: 426
    Oh, that would be a great news for tablet users to have SOD, the sound restoration concept AndreaColombo mentioned is also a great idea, would appreciated if it gets implemented in 2.4
  • LaucianNailorLaucianNailor Member Posts: 22
    The PC (Windows & Mac) version is advertised as updated to 2.3, but that isn't the full truth.

    The Mac version has been updated on all delivery platforms but NOT on the Apple Mac Store. This has absolutely no relation to the size issues with tablets and a release on IoS and Android. That is a smokescreen in regard to the updated Apple Mac version.

    It is simply a failure to address the work necessary to get this published beyond 1.3 to a group of people who have already given their money to Beamdog via that platform and is at the least a very shoddy and disrespectful practice

    Either provide this update to all PC users as you incorrectly currently claim, provide an alternative platform version (which is updated) to those who originally gave you money through the Apple Mac Store or provide a full refund. I'm happy to approach Apple for the refund along with an associated complaint highlighting the reasons above if that is your preferred way of resolving this unnecessary slap in the face to a segment of your customer base.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775

    "We're taking our time with the 2.4 update for the games. Our goal is to fix many of the issues and do one solid release. Our judgement with the app store was the 1.3 version was solid and a good experience. The 2.0 launch was shaky, so we held off on updating. With the differences in the codebase and assets, we chose to focus on getting the build up to where we were really happy with it before we rolled it out and re-built all of our platform builds to push to the Mac App store and Tablets.

    We're working on getting a solid baseline which we will push to the various stores. It will be some time yet before we have a canonical 2.4 version as we're trying to ensure it is a good build."

  • LaucianNailorLaucianNailor Member Posts: 22


    "We're taking our time with the 2.4 update for the games. Our goal is to fix many of the issues and do one solid release. Our judgement with the app store was the 1.3 version was solid and a good experience. The 2.0 launch was shaky, so we held off on updating. With the differences in the codebase and assets, we chose to focus on getting the build up to where we were really happy with it before we rolled it out and re-built all of our platform builds to push to the Mac App store and Tablets.

    We're working on getting a solid baseline which we will push to the various stores. It will be some time yet before we have a canonical 2.4 version as we're trying to ensure it is a good build."


    This doesn't really answer why then you have deemed it good enough to release 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3 for a Mac on GoG, Steam, and your own platform, but not good enough to release on the Mac Store which has not had an update since February 2015! What is the problem you are having with that one delivery platform compared to any other of the Mac's not a completely different version of the game or client?
  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    Well it's apple's custom to complicate every release to be a huge pita ... One does not do that just for fun, and not if not feeling really ready.
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    In case anyone was saying, "why isn't there a comic that will help me understand the Apple App Store review process?" Your prayers have been answered:
  • FionordequesterFionordequester Member Posts: 41
    Hey guys! First of all, thank you so much on all the hard work you guys have been doing! I've never heard of a player being able to actively communicate with the game designers themselves on how to make a product better; it's awesome! Thank you all so much; I appreciate that a lot!

    Now, if I may ask a question...are any of you still interesting in tweaking the game mechanics of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition? If so, I have some suggestions on how to tweak the "Legacy of Bhaal" difficulty. I made a thread about it here, if you're interested:

    Thank you so much, and God bless you all!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775

    I've seen that thread. Don't worry, everything is in our radar, - even if we don't reply in the thread, we still read pretty much everything.

    Keep ideas coming!
  • FionordequesterFionordequester Member Posts: 41
    Oh really now? Cool, I never knew that!
  • islandkingislandking Member Posts: 426
    Dear Beamdog devs, can I make two suggestions for the incoming 2.4 update please, these two things seems small, yet “important” because of the frequency of their uses…

    1. Please give players options to choose whether Quick-Saves create new save slots (like they’re now), or just overwrite themselves (like before). I know a number of players rather like the overwriteable Quick-Saves for convenience.

    2. The lower right “magnifying glass” would cease to function whenever a left column menu button is pressed, please make the glass continue to function without the need to having to press the glass button again after leaving a menu.

    Thank you !
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    @islandking Could you create feature requests for these issues at
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