IOS version

Seriously..... When is this game coming out for IOS? "Shortly thereafter" was a long time ago. Can you please give me a STRAIGHT answer! I have all your games on my ipad. I am aloyal customer. I want some sort of answer please. Last time I tried to get an answer (several months ago) I was directed to the forums. Gee thanks Beamdog staff, thats extremely un-helpful. Can you give me a soft timeline, a ballpark idea? Im getting really tired of non answers, it makes your company look REALLY bad. Trent..... Anyone..... Please!!!!!
AppStore ratings could easily destroy their sales if they put out a release without ironing out all the bugs first. PC users are helping them iron out the bugs.
The current versions are still playable, even though we don't have SoD yet.
All I can say is just be patient with the small studio, please.
They've updated the game twice that I know if since release. They couldn't have spent that time on the tablet releases and THEN work out the bugs across the platforms?
Less of this kind of nonsense and they probably would announce a general timeframe like they have in the past, but they can't because if they do and the date comes without the update being either immediatelg available or absolutely perfect, then their reputation is tarnished by nitpicking whiners and the abundance of Internet trolls.
They are a small studio. Baldurs gate is a very old game. The infinity engine is a pain in the neck. These are all very influential variables, especially the mechanics of the engine: adjust one tiny thing and it could have repercussions unforeseen, and completely unrelated and thus impossible to predict, until after it has been user tested.
Despite these difficulties, they are not going to abandon the game like some of those huge corporate industrial game factory companies, where once they get a certain sale margin all support for the game dissapears.
Just be patient. It's barely even been a month.
Meanwhile I'm going to assume this patch will follow the precedent of the 1.2 patch, and take 15 months to arrive on my platform; only another 12 months to go, so way too early to get frustrated!
Communication is really all were looking for. Look at the timeline. In the year before SoD release, they hyped it with previews, videos, blogs, twitter updates, ad nauseum. And it was great. Then they released it and...almost nothing. The Beamblog has been silent, no update in their vague "shortly thereafter" footnote in the FAQ, and to my knowledge, Trent Oster has mentioned tablets in all of 2 tweets in 2 and 1/2 months! I don't even have Twitter and I can double his number of tablet posts in the next 10 minutes. You mean to tell me that someone can't post something somewhere to at the very least acknowledge this? And the only thing we HAVE heard are the 2-3 updates to the computer platforms.
When any company hypes something up and then goes silent on it, seemingly in favor of another direction, it makes the consumer feel like they've been forgotten. Which last time I checked, was bad for business. And given how Beamdog has behaved before and since the release, it's hard not to think that.
No one reasonable is going to fault Beamdog for not hitting a ballpark date, so long as they communicate it. All they had to do was say something like "so the general plan is to release SoD for the computer platforms and them work out some of the bugs with a couple updates to it. Once we feel the game is clean enough of bugs, we'll release it on the tablets. We're aiming for about 6 months (or whenever) for everything, but if it takes longer, we'll let you know."
See? I just drafted a tweet or blog post for them. Took 1 min.
Someone please explain to me how communication with your consumers is a bad idea.
The only thing missing is a timeframe.
Here is a link to the current bugs they are working on. This link is also at the top of this webpage.
They have been incredibly transparent on exactly what they are working on. Many of the staff have said many times that they will release the iOS and android versions, but have been very careful to not give any timeframe.
They probably haven't answered this direct thread because they have already answered dozens like it. Here is a link to the most recent one I participated just like this one (although that one was a bit more flaming) here.
@rapsam2003 is right. They have announced it on Twitter as well.
I do not feel the need to prove anything further to you, or to try sway your opinion any more. You will believe what you choose to believe no matter what some no name forumite like me says. But, your questions have been answered: they are not abandoning the game; they will update when they believe that it is as ready as it can be. Don't expect it to be perfect on first release, because this update is a huge engine overhaul; these games were designed for old windows/dos based operating systems, not UNIX and touch screens. Touch screens didn't even exist when the games were designed.
I appreciate the links. I'm an android guy, so until recently, it never occured to me to check iOS updates.
Better communication is never a bad thing.
And specific about SoD and iOS:
Been playing Vainglory on my phone for awhile now. Once SoD is out? Going to empty absolutely everything I can to make space for it.