What do you do when a character gets killed/chunked?

Just curious about what others do when their chars get killed or chunked.
Personally, I revive if it's reasonably convenient to do so. I don't mind paying the money; what gets me is the the prospect of undergoing the entire process of picking up all of the late char's equipment and carried stuff, distributing it among others taking into account space and weight, walking out of the dungeon, walking to the edge of the map, walking into the temple, reviving, putting all the equipment on, walking into the tavern, resting, walking to the edge of the town, walking back into the dungeon, and walking back to where I died in the dungeon. Play the sloth scene from Zootopia and simultaneously scratch the insides of your eye sockets if you don't share this view and want to get a better feel for how it seems to me. The annoyance is just too much to bear.
As for chunking, it almost always equals reload. No, I'm not finishing ToB without my game-long romance and only cleric in the party because Find Traps didn't tick or my stupid planetar got all silly and confused and cut her to little cubes with the Globe of Blades buff he's apparently too retarded to be trusted with.
So what about you guys, what do you do with killed/chunked characters when playing "normally"?
Personally, I revive if it's reasonably convenient to do so. I don't mind paying the money; what gets me is the the prospect of undergoing the entire process of picking up all of the late char's equipment and carried stuff, distributing it among others taking into account space and weight, walking out of the dungeon, walking to the edge of the map, walking into the temple, reviving, putting all the equipment on, walking into the tavern, resting, walking to the edge of the town, walking back into the dungeon, and walking back to where I died in the dungeon. Play the sloth scene from Zootopia and simultaneously scratch the insides of your eye sockets if you don't share this view and want to get a better feel for how it seems to me. The annoyance is just too much to bear.
As for chunking, it almost always equals reload. No, I'm not finishing ToB without my game-long romance and only cleric in the party because Find Traps didn't tick or my stupid planetar got all silly and confused and cut her to little cubes with the Globe of Blades buff he's apparently too retarded to be trusted with.
So what about you guys, what do you do with killed/chunked characters when playing "normally"?
- What do you do when a character gets killed/chunked?49 votes
- Always reload. Ain't got time for this.30.61%
- Revive if bearable, reload if not. Reload if chunked.36.73%
- Revive if bearable, reload if not. Chunked stay chunked, no looking back.  4.08%
- Always revive, reload if chunked.16.33%
- Always revive, chunked stay chunked.10.20%
- The dead stay dead.  2.04%
The biiggest hassle in reviving for me is dividing up the equipment in such a way that no-one left alive is overencumbered. Especially difficult if it's a 'packhorse' like Minsc or Rasaad that needs to get revived.
It's happened so many times it's lost its novelty. One time I had six characters chunked. It's no longer an interesting challenge to play with a weakened party; it just feels like a chore now. Now I treat chunking as a normal death, switching to multiplayer mode and importing the old character.
I might change my mind later on anyway. I don't change the rules in the middle of a playthrough, but I'll do it in between them.
So, yeah, it really depends.
There are times when I challenge myself and leave companions dead and recruit a new one though, but those play throughs are rare.
RE: Chunked. It depends on the NPC and how they died. If it's someone I'm planning to keep for the game, I typically reload. But if they died in an epic fight, I'll often let them stay chunked, as it becomes a glorious death, and I'd never rob anyone of that.
However, I do disagree with your viewpoint. Games are for adding spiritual and aesthetic value to your life, not for escaping it.
Speaking for myself, I find that the game became infinitely more enjoyable after starting to run no-reload runs only. For example, the last time I fought Firkaag, and my main character was blasted down to 10 hp after an unexpected lower resistance/breath weapon combination. The victory that followed was a hundred times more exhilarating than it would have been otherwise. On another run, I was romancing Aerie and she was incinerated by Firkraag. Obviously, this elicits a different emotional response, but it ultimately led to a much more memorable run than if I had used Power Word:Reload.
"Beneath the earth our fate awaits us, and just think, we shan't need go far to lie within our graves."
Whatever. Have fun time telling your grandchildren how badass you were by not reloading in the future.
I know I'm supposed to save. Don't tell me I need to save, I already know. Yes, I know it's my fault that I didn't save. Yes, I tell myself all the time that I need to save. What happens when I try to save? I don't. I always forget to do it. Why? Because I'm playing the game.
Unfortunately, BG2 is just a merciless pitiless game when it comes to losing progress. Everything takes a long time, my machine is pretty slow, the battles are clunky, the level designs tedious and one-way. If you die you have to go through the same thing over and over repeatedly. It never felt that way in BG1. But in BG2 there's just only 1 way to go through all the damn levels and maps. And it's always longest way.
And I never save.
I have told myself a million times, yet I never do it. I just can't. I'm not even joking, but I will make a mental note to myself to save before a battle, and then 30 seconds later after preparing just go charging in. Usually, after the first round of combat, I think to myself... oh ya... I was supposed to save.
So of course, the only saves I ever have are the auto-saves, and we all know how far back some of those can be.
So ya... cntrl-R if the wand is used up. Screw it.
Pretty much always reload unless I have a Rod of Resurrection and/or resurrection spells/scrolls ready. As already said, carrying the equipment to a temple is too much trouble and I like doing some fights over again to try different tactics (and make that save goddamnit).
I call it "smart recycling of humanoid personnel".