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[MOD] High Power Baldur's Gate v2.6.0



  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Finally, thanks to my sister @Luridel my computer is working again! I've moved the mod files back to this computer and I'm going to keep working on it from here. The computer I was using for the past few weeks is MUCH slower than this one, and the game was too slow to be playable. This meant that I couldn't test the changes I made to the late game. Now I can. (note: most of the late game HAD been thoroughly tested before the computer broke)

    I did get some important modding work done on the slower computer, though. Most importantly, I made the mod compatible with versions of the game that don't have Siege of Dragonspear installed. That wouldn't have happened if I hadn't lost the computer.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited September 2017
    Version 1.6 is out. In the process of making this version I DID get around testing the rest of Chapter 7. I found some bugs, which I fixed. In addition, I beat the game (on core rules), in a playthrough where I also beat all of the Tales of the Sword Coast content. So yes, even with all the crazy modifications this mod makes, the game is still beatable.

    I also started to implement the Identify Creature spell. IMPORTANT NOTE: So far I have only added Identify Creature strings for about 10% of the creatures I'm modifying (right now there are 110 different Identify Creature strings). If you cast Identify Creature on a creature in Version 1.6, most of the time it won't tell you anything about them.
  • RVNSRVNS Member Posts: 285
    Keep it coming bud! I have enjoyed my time playing it so far. It's just crazy!
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    Hi this looks really fun but I have never downloaded from that site in the link before and all I can seem to download is the exe file. there doesn't seem to be an option for the Tp2 file. do I need to sign up or something?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited September 2017
    @Kai50 When you are on the GitHub page for the mod. Click the green button that says "Clone or download." Select "Download ZIP." This will let you download both the mod folder and the WeiDU file. Once it downloads, just unzip it and you're good to go!

    I hope you enjoy the mod! After you've played it for a while, please give me feedback. I haven't gotten much feedback so far.

    Note: The "Clone or download" button won't work if you have something that disables scripts like NoScript. It also won't work if you are using Google Chrome on Windows XP, because Chrome on XP is no longer getting updates.
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59

    @Kai50 When you are on the GitHub page for the mod. Click the green button that says "Clone or download." Select "Download ZIP." This will let you download both the mod folder and the WeiDU file. Once it downloads, just unzip it and you're good to go!

    I hope you enjoy the mod! After you've played it for a while, please give me feedback. I haven't gotten much feedback so far.

    Note: The "Clone or download" button won't work if you have something that disables scripts like NoScript. It also won't work if you are using Google Chrome on Windows XP, because Chrome on XP is no longer getting updates.

    ah then that means I cant play this mod :( unless you can put a normal download link of it up..cause I am using a dated vista that is barely holding on by the skin of its teeth xD it cant update chrome or firefox lol.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Kai50 Just now I put a download link for the mod in the first post of this thread. Have fun! :)
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59

    @Kai50 Just now I put a download link for the mod in the first post of this thread. Have fun! :)

    awesome dude thanks! I am getting "Parsing parse error" when I try to run it though :S
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited September 2017
    @Kai50 I fixed the problem. There was a stupid syntax error in the TP2 file, and for some stupid reason I didn't test the V1.6.1 mod installation before releasing it. After fixing the error, I DID test it and I was able to install the mod. The download link is back up with the fixed version. It should work now.

    Also, if you downloaded and unzipped the broken version of the mod, you can fix the error and save yourself the trouble of downloading and unzipping the mod again by just changing one thing in the TP2 file. On line 6795, change the "#0 0 #0" to "#0 #0 #0". If you don't want to do that, you can just download the mod again from the first post on this thread.
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59

    @Kai50 I fixed the problem. There was a stupid syntax error in the TP2 file, and for some stupid reason I didn't test the V1.6.1 mod installation before releasing it. After fixing the error, I DID test it and I was able to install the mod. The download link is back up with the fixed version. It should work now.

    Also, if you downloaded and unzipped the broken version of the mod, you can fix the error and save yourself the trouble of downloading and unzipping the mod again by just changing one thing in the TP2 file. On line 6795, change the "#0 0 #0" to "#0 #0 #0". If you don't want to do that, you can just download the mod again from the first post on this thread.

    Thanks man its all up and running now! haven't got very far yet but a few things I have noticed:

    I tried out Imoens phantom blade ability because the idea really appealed to me but I gave the ability to my charname instead as I like to play solo but don't wanna miss out on some of these awesome abilities you have made. Anyway I dunno if its because its not her or what but basically when I used it and the duration ended it seems to have stuck the effects permanently on the weapon I had equipped prior to using the ability..its the long tooth dagger and every time I try to use it in any save it hits from afar. tried looking in infinity but there is no change to its effects there so not really sure whats going on. Also basically all of the spells/abilities/items have no description so I have no idea what any of them do with out opening infinity and looking through the effects. most of it just comes up with "invalid" and some numbers. This is probably my fault though as some of my dialog was messed up before from other mods. but its a fair bit worse now xD apart from that though I am enjoying the encounters a lot :D
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Kai50 The effects of the Phantom Blade did not get stuck on the weapon. You just happened to be wielding the Longtooth dagger, which can attack at long range in this mod. The reason it can attack at long range is because its range value is set to 1000. It's not due to an effect.

    I don't know why you were getting those string problems. It might have something to do with your other mods. I just installed the mod myself to test if it was a problem with the mod, but I didn't get any issues.

  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59

    @Kai50 The effects of the Phantom Blade did not get stuck on the weapon. You just happened to be wielding the Longtooth dagger, which can attack at long range in this mod. The reason it can attack at long range is because its range value is set to 1000. It's not due to an effect.

    I don't know why you were getting those string problems. It might have something to do with your other mods. I just installed the mod myself to test if it was a problem with the mod, but I didn't get any issues.

    OHHH hahaha sorry I didn't realize. Yeah if I didn't have the string issues I could have checked that xD. that's pretty op. Maybe you can help me with something else? I Know my round near infinity enough to edit pre existing items and copy and make my own versions of stuff etc but I am having difficulty with one thing. I always liked the idea of having a sniper type crossbow build with a thief. I want to be able to shoot things off screen. I like the idea of using wizard eye to find enemies and then shoot at them from a fair distance. Not sure how to implement it though. tried editing the range on crossbows and bolts to 1000 but it doesn't work. Any ideas? :P
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited September 2017
    @Kai50 Regardless of the range of their weapon, a character can only attack creatures within their vision range. If you increase a character's vision range, they will be able to attack creatures from farther away. However, there is a limit to how much a character's vision range can be increased. The maximum amount you can increase their vision range by is 15. That will allow them to see about 1.5x as far as normal. The character will be able to attack enemies from outside the enemies' vision range.

    And yes, the Longtooth dagger is very powerful in this mod. You normally don't get it until late in the game when you kill Krystin, though.
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    ahh thanks for the info. I will make do with that then xD
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59

    @Kai50 Regardless of the range of their weapon, a character can only attack creatures within their vision range. If you increase a character's vision range, they will be able to attack creatures from farther away. However, there is a limit to how much a character's vision range can be increased. The maximum amount you can increase their vision range by is 15. That will allow them to see about 1.5x as far as normal. The character will be able to attack enemies from outside the enemies' vision range.

    And yes, the Longtooth dagger is very powerful in this mod. You normally don't get it until late in the game when you kill Krystin, though.

    Sorry to be a bother but I have one more question..Is there a way to edit effects? I cant seem to even find files for them. like the effects you add to weapons or spells like damage etc. I want to edit the phase effect but I cant find a resource for it anywhere..thanks in advance.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Kai50 I'm not sure what you're asking. If you look at an item in NearInfinity you can see what effects it has, and you can edit them. You've said you have NearInfinity, so I don't see what the problem is. Could you be a bit clearer?

    If you're talking about Montaron's phase ability, the file is called MECO111.
  • Kai50Kai50 Member Posts: 59
    Ok so say you want to edit a spell or weapon or whatever, there is a list of effects from 1 to 383 like damage or modify attacks per round or play visual effect etc etc but some of the effects are a bit specific. Like phase. it makes you randomly phase to enemy targets right? I want to edit it so that it damages those targets when it phases to them. would that be possible?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Kai50 The Phase effect doesn't give you a lot of options. You could, however, make a spell that uses the Teleport effect to teleport you to a target creature and also damages them.

    The only way I think you could have a someone teleport to a random creature and damage them would be to create a custom projectile. There is an option to make an area of effect projectile only target a single creature. From my testing of it, this option makes it target a random creature in the area of effect. So, you could make an invisible area of effect projectile that only targets enemies and targets a single creature, then you could make a spell that uses that projectile and makes you teleport to and deal damage to the target.

    Oh, by the way, unless you have comments to make that are specifically about this mod, please say them in a different thread.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Congratulations @OlvynChuru on releasing this mod! I don't have the time to try it out yet, but all you shared sounds interesting and fresh. This is on my playlist right after SoD.
  • FoolnessFoolness Member Posts: 3
    Any tips for how to handle the Kryll map? She sends out horror with multiple mutated gibberlings lurking nearby and then dimension doors while necroing skeletions.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Foolness Thanks for trying out the mod and giving feedback! I did some more testing on Kryll and I decided that she's too tough. In the next patch (which I'm working on right now) I am weakening Kryll and her skeletons.

    My advice in the meantime: Put on Resist Fear to block her Horror spell. If you don't have Resist Fear, then send Dorn in first, since he's immune to fear. As for the mutated gibberlings, you should try killing them all before fighting Kryll.

    I should have the next patch ready by Sunday night.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Version 1.7 is out. I weakened Kryll; I tested the fight and was able to beat her. There are a lot of other changes in this version.

    Note: Version 1.7 is not yet compatible with Big World Setup. However, you can still download it from this thread.
  • FoolnessFoolness Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the tip. Any tips for the Revenant in the cave - the one you have to hand Heart of Golem to?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    I just tested the revenant with a level 4 party in Chapter 3. I was able to win the fight.

    The first tip I would give is to leave the crypt immediately after the fight starts; it is much safer to fight in a more wide open space. The doppelgangers that follow you out should be killed or incapacitated first (Horror, Web, etc). Then focus on the revenant.

    In this mod, the revenant prioritizes attacking the character with the Heart of the Golem dagger, even if other characters are closer. Give the dagger to the least useful party member and have them run away from the revenant (but keep them in the revenant's sight). Meanwhile the rest of your party can attack the revenant with no danger.

    The revenant uses its Hopelessness ability on the nearest creature, which is preferably someone without the dagger; keep the character with the dagger out of its area of effect. For some reason, if the character with the dagger is unconscious, the prioritizing AI doesn't work and the revenant just attacks the nearest creature.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    To me, by doing that, you are actually fighting against yourself and your idea of the mod.

    If I wanted to experience your mod, I wouldn't want to mix with other stuff, as a purist, I would like to see what is your idea of an authentic experience as you envisioned it.

    If you started to make it compatible with other stuff, I would bet that your mod would lose some of its unique features

    Are you planning for this mod to be BG1 only? Or have you got any ideas for BG2 - Soa + ToB?

    Also the mods you're referring to "seems" to be fan favorite, but I wouldn't install them anymore, because they completely lost the purpose they were made for.
  • CiceroSoloCiceroSolo Member Posts: 5
    What do you mean they lost the purpose they were made for? I'm just curious to learn more from someone with greater expertise in the area.

    Also, I do agree with Arthas. Your game is meant to be completely new and completely detached from those. If you could maybe incorporate their behaviours into you mod mores the better but if I had to choose I would definitely take your original vision over anything else. Maybe if you spoke to those mods they could help add those things to yours at very little additional time for you. Not that I know anything. All I know is that I could never choose between Viconia and Aerie but I did have my then-fiance walk down the aisle to Aerie's music. I just felt like putting that here because I just realised I never told anyone who loves Baldurs Gate that fact.
  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295

    My current plan for High-Power Baldur's Gate is to separate the more reasonable changes this mod makes into additional components, so you can install them without having to install some of the more ridiculous, all-devouring changes. I'm aiming for these components to be as compatible as possible with Sword Coast Strategems, Item Revisions, Spell Revisions, and the BG1 NPC Project, so that rather than having to choose whether to install High-Power Baldur's Gate or to install some of those mods, you can install those mods in addition to this mod! :)

    Sounds good to me. I didn't have too much interest in trying this mod so far, but new encounters and fleshed out minor characters sounds very interesting.

    And for those that don't like the new dircton, there is always the current verion of the mod (which could be split off as a legacy variant) so you lose nothing.

  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Perhaps instead of turning the reasonable changes into components for High-Power Baldur's Gate, I could turn them into components of a new mod that is separate from this. High-Power Baldur's Gate itself would not lose that content.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited January 2019
    The first post of this topic: explains what I'm referring to.

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