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[MOD] High Power Baldur's Gate v2.6.0



  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    I will probably decrease the number of stat-increasing tomes in the mod, since late in the game there are a ton of them.

    Yea, I'd probably remove them from all "generic" enemies that appear more than once.
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    Is there a list of all new spells\abilities\items with description?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    kensai wrote: »
    Is there a list of all new spells\abilities\items with description?

    I never made one. I'm worried it would be too spoiler-y. That's a pretty large chunk of the mod right there! However, I could give a list of the names of all the new spells and leave it up to you to guess what they do.
  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    There is no SoD part. Some creatures in SoD will be empowered, but only when they use the same creature files as the creatures I modified in BG1. I do plan on modifying SoD in the future, but that'll come much later; Version 2.0 won't add much SoD content.

    I ran through SoD with this party, but lost interest after it was over; made a new install (on EET..took a while to get it going) so now I have a 3 huge mods in my Weidu (High power BG, Anvil, 3ed mod), none of them EET compatible - or compatible with each other - yet somehow it works. Sure, it takes a lot of NI fiddling, .tpa editing etc. But it works so I'll go on another run.

    Anyways, about SoD - some creatures are indeed improved. Ghasts, some carrion crawlers are per your mod and don't pose much of a threat at levels 10+, but that Spider Cave where the big beetle spawns in SoD is now *apsurd*. :) Belhifet and all his demons couldn't hold a candle to that encounter.
    Took about 5 reloads; while entire SoD took less than 2 hours and zero reloads. I didn't bother with optional quests.
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    Few suggestions:
    To make Kensai's Kai and monk specific abbilities have 0 cast and without delay (like montaron haste)
    To add katana's to Beregost shop (this is silly, I don't have money to buy it in Candlekeep)
    Love this new sequencer touch spell. Can you make another sequencer that activates on hit, and give them to f/m ? They don't really have useful abilities right now ( f/m loves melee and improved alacrity is'nt for them) IMHO.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    kensai wrote: »
    Few suggestions:
    To make Kensai's Kai and monk specific abbilities have 0 cast and without delay (like montaron haste)
    To add katana's to Beregost shop (this is silly, I don't have money to buy it in Candlekeep)
    Love this new sequencer touch spell. Can you make another sequencer that activates on hit, and give them to f/m ? They don't really have useful abilities right now ( f/m loves melee and improved alacrity is'nt for them) IMHO.

    Great ideas! And I could totally make a new sequencer for a fighter/mage. I've actually been creating some new sequencer and contingency spells for Version 2.0!

    Normally, sequencer and contingency spells are all Invocation spells, and some people prefer if they become generalist spells. My contingency and sequencer spells are not all going to be generalist spells. But they won't all be invocation spells either!


  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited June 2019

    Here's a new on-hit sequencer, which I could give to Fighter/Mage PCs as one of their starting powers.


    (For context to those who haven't played the mod, fighter PCs get Critical Strike as one of their starting powers, which lets them get critical hits on every attack for a round.)

    It might not be exactly what you wanted. Alternatively, I could turn it into a higher-level spell (6 or 7) that releases multiple higher-level spells on a critical hit but only triggers once.

    Also, here's a new sequencer that triggers on the next backstab. This I could give to Mage/Thief PCs as a starting power.


    Post edited by OlvynChuru on
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2019
    OlvynChuru wrote: »

    Here's a new on-hit sequencer, which I could give to Fighter/Mage PCs as one of their starting powers.


    (For context to those who haven't played the mod, fighter PCs get Critical Strike as one of their starting powers, which lets them get critical hits on every attack for a round.)

    It might not be exactly what you wanted. Alternatively, I could turn it into a higher-level spell (6 or 7) that releases multiple higher-level spells on a critical hit but only triggers once.

    Also, here's a new sequencer that triggers on the next backstab. This I could give to Mage/Thief PCs as a starting power.



    What I mean is sequencer on hit which only triggers once. Easy to make if you add opcode that dispells eff that activates sequencer. But it's okay, that is your mod :) I'll add it myself later ;)

    Backstabing/Crit/On hit sequencer are actually somehow more fair than normal sequencers because you can't activate them if target has protection (Crit - Helm, on hit - pfmw and etc.)

    There is small problem with Dorn. In his first encounter then he helps main char he runs to the thief and get crit to the face. (guess thief activates critical strike or smth). And then only small pieces of Dorn are everythere across the map ;)
    It can be solved though if you manage to activate Khalid TimeStop (which is still cheesy ability btw)
    Also if you sleep in Naskhkel Mines (before dungeon) game spawns 5 kobold commandos that oblitarates whole party.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited June 2019
    What I mean is sequencer on hit which only triggers once. Easy to make if you add opcode that dispells eff that activates sequencer. But it's okay, that is your mod :) I'll add it myself later ;)

    You don't have to add it; I could do that.

    There is small problem with Dorn. In his first encounter then he helps main char he runs to the thief and get crit to the face. (guess thief activates critical strike or smth). And then only small pieces of Dorn are everythere across the map ;)

    I could solve that by giving Dorn a Min HP 1 item.
    Also if you sleep in Naskhkel Mines (before dungeon) game spawns 5 kobold commandos that oblitarates whole party.

    I'll fix that. In Version 2.0, no more than one enemy will spawn on rest in that area. And it will no longer spawn winter wolves (just regular wolves).
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2019
    So far I completed Naskel Mines and Bandit Camp :)
    Dear Mulahey summons his skeletons, then they became skulls and he gets fear from them :):)
    Now to the questions.
    At the moment any cleric can cast sanctruary and cast Mass Cause Wounds and Cause Wounds (cleric innate abilities) to enemies around, they can't attack you but will follow your priest. Is it intended?
    Seems like Khalid not only can cast Time Stop but also has protection from it.
    Hindo's Doom still has that annying stat requirement, like why warrior should have high wis and cha? Seems counter intuitive. And this katana's abilities seems weak (heal and death ward spells) Sad ;(
    Infravision's helm and potion are still weak, maybe replace effect with true stike like?
    Xan can crit in melee and has good thac0. But. Those. 5 hp. Is there any con fixing items except books in this game?
    High Hedge wizard has a really small number of spells - his shop really needs more high power ;)
    About shadowdancers - never liked this shadow step ability - it's simply a time stop then you can only move. Mayse replace it with 0 cast time Shadow Door? That will be cool.
    Main char story innates - maybe make them 0 cast time?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    Thank you for your feedback!
    At the moment any cleric can cast sanctruary and cast Mass Cause Wounds and Cause Wounds (cleric innate abilities) to enemies around, they can't attack you but will follow your priest. Is it intended?

    This is not intended. I've already got this fixed for Version 2.0.
    Seems like Khalid not only can cast Time Stop but also has protection from it.

    This is intended.
    Hindo's Doom still has that annying stat requirement, like why warrior should have high wis and cha? Seems counter intuitive. And this katana's abilities seems weak (heal and death ward spells) Sad ;(

    Well, the point of giving items like that stat requirements is to give more benefits for having high mental stats, which are otherwise not useful. And those abilities are pretty good. Eventually you'll reach the point where you'll have more HP than you can heal with a single Cure Wounds spell. Heal will be good then. And Death Ward is useful - there are enemies with instant death attacks in this mod, like Death Shades.
    Infravision's helm and potion are still weak, maybe replace effect with true stike like?

    The helmet sucks, yeah, but the potion is great. It increases your visual range, which is really good. In Version 2.0, the Helm of Infravision will be the Helm of Seeing, which lets you see invisible creatures.
    Xan can crit in melee and has good thac0. But. Those. 5 hp. Is there any con fixing items except books in this game?

    In Version 2.0, I'm including a belt that sets Constitution to 21.
    High Hedge wizard has a really small number of spells - his shop really needs more high power ;)

    Don't worry, he'll have more spells in Version 2.0.


    So far I haven't given him any high-level spells, but there would be nothing wrong with doing that.
    About shadowdancers - never liked this shadow step ability - it's simply a time stop then you can only move. Mayse replace it with 0 cast time Shadow Door? That will be cool.

    I thought I had already done that, but it looks like I didn't. :o I'll do this for Version 2.0.
    Main char story innates - maybe make them 0 cast time?

  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    Here's another idea I had been considering for a while.

    I'd like there to be more ways for players to find out about enemies' abilities before meeting those enemies and getting killed by them. While it will be hard to eliminate all instances requiring metagaming, it would be good at least to reduce the number.

    I was thinking of putting some Elminster's Ecologies books into the game which would give details on the powers of various monsters, similar to that book from Throne of Bhaal (except that these books wouldn't be shoved into random containers in dungeons; they'd appear in stores and occasionally in bookcases). The flavor of this mod is that it takes place in an alternate Forgotten Realms world where creatures have always had these crazy powers.

    I was also considering extending the biography of each joinable NPC to include a section where they describe the powers of monsters and enemies they know of. Different NPCs would have different knowledge: for example, Kivan would be particularly knowledgeable about the abilities of ogres, half-ogres, bandits, and hobgoblins, whereas Jaheira would know a lot of different animals' powers.

    Do either of these sound like good ideas?

    I think these r great ideas; I love reading so - yes.
  • ramirami Member Posts: 17
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    rami wrote: »
    i played highpower on another pc/machine for a few hours until nashkell, now im back home and started up megamod installation without high power mod but i really miss that cool mod!
    i played in highest degree of difficulty and it was challenging fun, nice that not all fights was to win for me, had to flee from deadly Doppelgangers, use staffs, potion to see how to survive :) Liked it!
    Every Creature ive fighted felt special, every players character special skills gave unique feeling what BG really need, Items are nice and interesting. i think this highpower Mod is mb more fun than than megamod installation for fighting system ...and megamod installation need to much time for mortals....xD so i cant wait for version 2.0 of highpower and do two paralel installation one extra for HP 2.0.
    for the future my dream is to see this funny fresh feeling mod compatibility to megamod installations... :>
    some things where not perfect like the noobs called xvartz doing the mighty timestop :/
    some things was frustrating like the squirrel shapeshifting hobgoblins xD
    but this mod is best new one for me and many aspects should be in vanilla bg!
    great work and keep going on!

    I'm glad to hear you had fun playing High Power Baldur's Gate!

    Which big mods in particular would you like this mod to be compatible with? In the case of Sword Coast Strategems, I'll probably wait until the next version of SCS comes out before I attempt to make this mod partially compatible with SCS.

    I wish compatibility just for SCS, maybe Rough World and Dark Horizons :)

    I am using Mod Setup Tool by Dabus and ive missing your High Power BG there to choose.
    But on compatibility notes of some mods of from Mod Setup Tool High Power is mentioned, but its not listed as Mod to install, so i though its not listed because of missing compatibility? today iam thinking there are other reasons maybe but dont know.

    greetz Rami

  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited June 2019

    Great to hear from you! :)

    Just so everyone knows, I consider quest/encounter mods to be "compatible" with this mod when I have given powers to creatures in those mods (by patching the creatures if those mods are already installed) similar to the powers creatures get in High Power Baldur's Gate. The more creatures a mod adds (particularly minor characters and unique monsters, as opposed to copies of existing monsters), the more work it will be to make it compatible.

    I had originally thought Dark Horizons would make a great pair with this mod, since Dark Horizons also adds random assassins throughout the game, and the ridiculous loot of Dark Horizons wouldn't be quite as overpowered when High Power Baldur's Gate also powers up the original items. But then I played Dark Horizons and realized the loot is overpowered even by the standards of this mod. :s

    Dark Horizons also adds a lot of new minor characters to the game. Coming up with unique modifications to each of them would take an enormous amount of time, and it wouldn't be worth the effort, since only players playing both this mod AND Dark Horizons would see the modifications (not too many people).

    I'd certainly like this mod to be compatible with Sword Coast Stratagems, but I suspect they might come in conflict, since this mod makes a lot of specific changes to the AI of specific enemies. This is something I might look into after I release Version 2.0.

    Rough World might be a possibility, but I'd have to download it and see what new creatures there are.
    Post edited by OlvynChuru on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    More Elminster's Ecologies screenshots:



    I've revised Fission Slimes; they will have a different, less stupid kind of attack in Version 2.0.

  • LuridelLuridel Member Posts: 25

    Are those-- did you-- there are GELATINOUS SPHERES now?!

    Man, I'm going back to Candlekeep, where the cats are doppelgangers and nothing wiggles ominously.
  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591
    OlvynChuru wrote: »

    I've revised Fission Slimes; they will have a different, less stupid kind of attack in Version 2.0.

    I didn't find the attack to be stupid, just op as hell. This does seem more balanced. Arcane ankhegs!?
    RELEASE THE KRAKEN! Umm... 2.0 version of the mod.
    Luridel wrote: »
    Are those-- did you-- there are GELATINOUS SPHERES now?!

    I'm pretty sure I've seen at least two of them in 1.7 version.
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    But then I played Dark Horizons and realized the loot is overpowered even by the standards of this mod. :s

    Lol; but sounds about right.
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    I'd certainly like this mod to be compatible with Sword Coast Stratagems, but I suspect they might come in conflict, since this mod makes a lot of specific changes to the AI of specific enemies. This is something I might look into after I release Version 2.0.

    I don't really see much point in this tbh. your creatures have their own scripts and abilities.
    It would be like mixing SCS and Improved Anvil. While it works, the result is less then stellar; and the outcome depends on install order. Ditto here. I don't see a technical issue installing both; but why? I doubt there's an enemy not improved by HPBG that SCS would improve.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    By "stupid," I did mean overpowered. :)
    Aasim wrote: »
    I don't really see much point in this tbh. your creatures have their own scripts and abilities.
    It would be like mixing SCS and Improved Anvil. While it works, the result is less then stellar; and the outcome depends on install order. Ditto here. I don't see a technical issue installing both; but why? I doubt there's an enemy not improved by HPBG that SCS would improve.

    High Power Baldur's Gate does not drastically improve attack AI, and it does not have a standard way of doing calls for help (certain encounters have calls for help but I added those manually). Sword Coast Strategems is much more advanced in those regards. Also, Sword Coast Strategems has various components that do things this mod doesn't, like moving the ogre mages from the house in Baldur's Gate to Chapter 6, or moving some of the assassins to random "waylaid by enemies" encounters.
  • ramirami Member Posts: 17
    OlvynChuru wrote: »

    Great to hear from you! :)

    Just so everyone knows, I consider quest/encounter mods to be "compatible" with this mod when I have given powers to creatures in those mods (by patching the creatures if those mods are already installed) similar to the powers creatures get in High Power Baldur's Gate. The more creatures a mod adds (particularly minor characters and unique monsters, as opposed to copies of existing monsters), the more work it will be to make it compatible.

    I had originally thought Dark Horizons would make a great pair with this mod, since Dark Horizons also adds random assassins throughout the game, and the ridiculous loot of Dark Horizons wouldn't be quite as overpowered when High Power Baldur's Gate also powers up the original items. But then I played Dark Horizons and realized the loot is overpowered even by the standards of this mod. :s

    Dark Horizons also adds a lot of new minor characters to the game. Coming up with unique modifications to each of them would take an enormous amount of time, and it wouldn't be worth the effort, since only players playing both this mod AND Dark Horizons would see the modifications (not too many people).

    I'd certainly like this mod to be compatible with Sword Coast Stratagems, but I suspect they might come in conflict, since this mod makes a lot of specific changes to the AI of specific enemies. This is something I might look into after I release Version 2.0.

    Rough World might be a possibility, but I'd have to download it and see what new creatures there are.

    Thats ok for me didnt played DH until today, yeah that with imba loot sounds a bit unhappy and i can understand because of this circumstances you wont spent time in this^^
  • kensaikensai Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2019
    So there are some things that I noticed:
    Irritating - some invisible enemies are immune to detect invisibility spell and dispel. Why?
    And also there are enemies that sees right through your invisibility.
    Also there are times then curses and stun are lasting like forever. Especially that turning to squirell arrow - how I'm supposed to undo it?
    Glimpse of Glabrezu - can't understand that spell - that coward just summons glabrezu they summon another glabrezu they beat each over and I'm standing near like wtf? And if I get close they instantly kill me
    Suggestion - all ogre mages should have katanas instead of scimitars to make them more oriental.
    ALso why Kahr's katana is two handed? Her previous owner was samurai, a human, and they are holding it in one hand.
    Bug - Jaheira shapeshift to a bear, get bearlighting buff then she turns to a human and buff doesn't dissapear. So she has bear acid and bear lighting buffs simultaniously in her human form now.
    Why is that Marinara girl is so damn strong? She is like under improved haste has lowest thaco and ac, has immunity to web, and she hits right through my mirror images. Isn't it too powerfull?

    In the end it's still very enjoyable and I'm really waiting for your next release of this mod :smile:
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited June 2019

    As always, thanks for your feedback!
    Irritating - some invisible enemies are immune to detect invisibility spell and dispel. Why?

    Are you talking about Invisible Stalkers (or maybe Finim)? Don't worry, they won't be as bad in Version 2.0.
    And also there are enemies that sees right through your invisibility.

    That's simply the powers those particular enemies have. Compared to all the other enemy powers you've seen by now, seeing invisible creatures automatically is nothing special. ;)
    Also there are times then curses and stun are lasting like forever. Especially that turning to squirell arrow - how I'm supposed to undo it?

    You can dispel it with Dispel Magic, but in Version 2.0 I'll reduce the duration of polymorph effects.
    Glimpse of Glabrezu - can't understand that spell - that coward just summons glabrezu they summon another glabrezu they beat each over and I'm standing near like wtf? And if I get close they instantly kill me

    That's just what Rannick does. You can deal with Rannick by having someone go in with Protection from Evil, which will prevent the glabrezus from seeing you (they're summoned fiends). Once you've killed Rannick, the glabrezus will be unsummoned after a few rounds.
    Suggestion - all ogre mages should have katanas instead of scimitars to make them more oriental.

    The scimitar thing was a relic of the original Baldur's Gate 1, where there were no katanas. But I could certainly give them all katanas.
    ALso why Kahr's katana is two handed? Her previous owner was samurai, a human, and they are holding it in one hand.

    Because it's a big katana! Kahrk can hold it in one hand for the same reason a verbeeg can hold a halberd in one hand.
    Bug - Jaheira shapeshift to a bear, get bearlighting buff then she turns to a human and buff doesn't dissapear. So she has bear acid and bear lighting buffs simultaniously in her human form now.

    I've already fixed this bug for Version 2.0.
    Why is that Marinara girl is so damn strong? She is like under improved haste has lowest thaco and ac, has immunity to web, and she hits right through my mirror images. Isn't it too powerfull?

    Although Merinara moves fast, she doesn't have improved haste normally; her war dog hastes her (by the way, if you charm a war dog you can have it haste your characters). She has extremely good saving throws, but spells that offer no save like Doom and Agannazar's Scorcher work well against her. She has no special power to hit through mirror images. However, her Exhaust ability fatigues you, which lowers your luck, and luck affects how likely someone is to hit one of your images rather than you. That might be the issue.
    Post edited by OlvynChuru on
  • ramirami Member Posts: 17
    rami wrote: »
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    rami wrote: »
    i played highpower on another pc/machine for a few hours until nashkell, now im back home and started up megamod installation without high power mod but i really miss that cool mod!
    i played in highest degree of difficulty and it was challenging fun, nice that not all fights was to win for me, had to flee from deadly Doppelgangers, use staffs, potion to see how to survive :) Liked it!
    Every Creature ive fighted felt special, every players character special skills gave unique feeling what BG really need, Items are nice and interesting. i think this highpower Mod is mb more fun than than megamod installation for fighting system ...and megamod installation need to much time for mortals....xD so i cant wait for version 2.0 of highpower and do two paralel installation one extra for HP 2.0.
    for the future my dream is to see this funny fresh feeling mod compatibility to megamod installations... :>
    some things where not perfect like the noobs called xvartz doing the mighty timestop :/
    some things was frustrating like the squirrel shapeshifting hobgoblins xD
    but this mod is best new one for me and many aspects should be in vanilla bg!
    great work and keep going on!

    I'm glad to hear you had fun playing High Power Baldur's Gate!

    Which big mods in particular would you like this mod to be compatible with? In the case of Sword Coast Strategems, I'll probably wait until the next version of SCS comes out before I attempt to make this mod partially compatible with SCS.

    I wish compatibility just for SCS, maybe Rough World and Dark Horizons :)

    I am using Mod Setup Tool by Dabus and ive missing your High Power BG there to choose.
    But on compatibility notes of some mods of from Mod Setup Tool High Power is mentioned, but its not listed as Mod to install, so i though its not listed because of missing compatibility? today iam thinking there are other reasons maybe but dont know.

    greetz Rami

    Ahh ive forget Scales of Balance i wanted to combine too with BGHP if possible^^
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