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[MOD] High Power Baldur's Gate v2.6.0



  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Force2reckon I just uploaded a fix to your problem. You can download the new version of the mod here.

    @Whitefox Crashes in the middle of the game are harder to solve. It might take me some time to fix that, if I can replicate it.
  • WhitefoxWhitefox Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2019
    wasnt in the middle of a game.....i aways start a new game when i add or remove mods. Be kina silly not to. Like i prolly a incompatibility progblem..i DO have alot of mods lol
  • Force2reckonForce2reckon Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2019
    Testing it now, thanks Olvyn!

    Had a question as well, I saw another mod which *removes* the experience cap. Basically by setting max exp to -1, which was updated for 2.0+dragons.

    Would I be able to just have the experience part of this mod set to -1 and it do the same thing or should I get that mod?

    Last I attached my last log, had a warning and a couple errors for independant modules I'm not worried about in case you wanna take a look. I'm gonna head in and see how I get on xD
    Post edited by Force2reckon on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Testing it now, thanks Olvyn!

    Had a question as well, I saw another mod which *removes* the experience cap. Basically by setting max exp to -1, which was updated for 2.0+dragons.

    Would I be able to just have the experience part of this mod set to -1 and it do the same thing or should I get that mod?

    I'm not sure, so you should probably get that other mod if you want to remove the experience cap.
  • morrissmorriss Member Posts: 1

    I seem to not be able to play this mod, though I'd wish to try it dearly.

    Everything with the installation looks fine for both the mod as well as the EEex, I have clean BG EE GOG version without SoD, BG 2 or any other mods.

    Whenever I try to sleep at Whintrop's place the game freezes and I have to close it, the same sometimes happens when I try to open the inventory or leave Candlekeep. I found out about it basically right away so I was not checking much else in the game, just keep reinstalling different set ups to no avail.

    Can't think of anything else to try :(
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited February 2020
    Version 2.3.0 is out!

    @moriss @Whitefox @kensai

    Version 2.3.0 fixes the gamebreaking bug you all were experiencing. It will no longer crash if you rest or leave Candlekeep and you don't have Siege of Dragonspear installed.

    Change log:
    - I fixed the gamebreaking bug that had made it impossible to rest or leave Candlekeep if Siege of Dragonspear wasn't installed.
    - I added all the newer spells from my spell mod, as well as two new spells: Levitate, and Teleport Step.
    - Some creatures have been given new powers.
    - The Demonknight's Mirror of Opposition now creates actual clones of the party.
    - Charmed party members and hostile clones of party members will now use spells and abilities on the rest of the party.
    - I fixed some bugs in the Gorion battle cutscene.
    - The Fiery Blades ability now works again.
    - Quayle no longer has Gate as an innate ability (which I gave him by accident).

    You can download the new version here!
  • Seth_DivineSeth_Divine Member Posts: 16
    ERROR: Failure("OH2000.ARE: read out of bounds") Gettin' This Error. P:
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    I released a little update just now; I may have fixed the error. Download it here and see if it works now.
  • Seth_DivineSeth_Divine Member Posts: 16
    Tnx 4 Rep but same. Now Throws This One: ERROR: illegal 228-byte read from offset 21180 of 21180-byte file OH2000.ARE
    ERROR: [OH2000.ARE] -> [override/OH2000.ARE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("OH2000.ARE: read out of bounds"))
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    Okay, now I think I fixed that error. Download the new version here and tell me if you have any other problems.
  • Seth_DivineSeth_Divine Member Posts: 16
    Fixed previous one. Now gets this:
    GET_2DA_ROW: Could not find a row that contains OHTEMPUS in column 0.
    ERROR: Cannot find -1 rows with at least 9 columns.ERROR: [clastext.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("Cannot Read 2DA Entry"))
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    It sounds like you're using an outdated version of Baldur's Gate:Enhanced Edition, which doesn't have the Priest of Tempus kit.

    In any case, I released another fix which should prevent that error too. Download the new version here.
  • alannahsmithalannahsmith Member Posts: 143
    Thanks to the quarantine and even more thank you to you @OlvynChuru I have rediscovered my love for the first installment of the Baldur's Gate series. Words can not describe how thrilled I am with this mod! However I am having some strange crashes that I am having trouble replicating. They seem to happen when I summon creatures when there are a lot of other visual effects on my screen. I don't know if it is my graphics settings I have my game set on or not. It has in no way effected my enjoyment of the mod though. So I say again, THANK YOU <3
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @alannahsmith You're welcome! :)

    I won't have access to my modding computer for a few days, but I'll look into that crash when I can.

    Keep sharing your feedback! I've only gotten so much feedback on this mod.
  • ramirami Member Posts: 17
    i cant start Eeex, after installing it, it crashes with:
    "There was an error. A crash report was saved to:... please contact beamdog"
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @rami Are you testing the 2.6 beta? EEex apparently isn't going to work in 2.6 for a while.
  • ramirami Member Posts: 17
    Nope i am using BG SOD v2.5.17.0
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @rami Well, EEex is working fine for me. Are you using the latest version of EEex?
  • ramirami Member Posts: 17
    Ok i had wrong EEex Version, thanks :)
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Version 2.4.0 is released! This is the biggest update since v2.0.

    Change Log:
    - All spellcasters gain access to spells much more quickly.
    - New component: Change the summoning limit.
    - The mod includes the latest spells from OlvynSpells.
    - Various enemy spellcasters have new sets of spells.
    - The starting powers of various kits have been revised.
    - Racial Enemy descriptions have been updated to give some info on the powers of the creatures.
    - The doppelganger encounters in the dungeon beneath Candlekeep have been heavily revised.
    - Many new kits by @semiticgod , including druid multiclasses, now gain their own starting powers.
    - The mod now gives new powers to Recorder, a custom NPC by @Skitia , like it does to other custom NPCs.
    - The Charm Animal ability of rangers now turns animals into permanent allies which can follow the party across areas.
    - Single-classed thieves can now get up to two proficiency points in a weapon and will get bonus attacks per round from proficiency and at levels 7 and 13.
    - Rangers, Paladins, Fighter/Thieves, Fighter/Mages, Fighter/Clerics and Fighter/Druids can now get up to three proficiency points in a weapon. Fighter/Mage/Thieves, Fighter/Mage/Clerics, and Cleric/Rangers can still only get up to two.
    - Single-classed Rangers and Paladins no longer get enormous caster level penalties like they do in the base game.
    - Portrait icons for TOB effects like Improved Alacrity now have names.
    - Picking locks, disarming traps, and learning spells now give more experience, though not as much as in BG2.
    - Bless, Aid, and Chant have been weakened (I made them too strong before).
    - Familiars can now deliver the PC's touch spells. Have the PC cast a spell on a creature while their familiar is right next to that creature.
    - Monster Summoning and Animal Summoning spells have been revised again to be more useful.
    - Chain Lightning, Meteor Swarm and Energy Drain have been improved.
    - Free Action effects no longer prevent haste or increased movement speed.
    - Mage robes have been improved.
    - The PC once again starts the game with the Training Staff +1.
    - The Duchal Palace now takes into account the possibility of you sneaking in there before Chapter 7. Characters with Chapter 7-related dialogue won't appear until Chapter 7.
    - Flesh golems have new abilities.
    - Winter wolves and Kaldran have been revised to be far less annoying.
    - Fixed a bug where tasloi and basilisk gaze prevented saving and tended to crash the game.
    - Fixed a bug where charm effects lasted permanently when used on the party.
    - Fixed a bug where revenants were affected by their own Hopelessness ability.
    - The "amazon" assassins no longer push you all the way across the map whenever you hit them.
    - Sirines won't use their innate Blade Barrier while non-hostile.
    - Tasloi berserk gaze lasts 3 rounds rather than 5 rounds.
    - The berserk gaze of Obe's illusion tasloi no longer causes allies to attack each other.
    - Magical Stone now does actually prevent Obe's illusion skeletons from turning into skulls.
    - Kobold Fire Detonaters should appear less often in wilderness areas.
    - Wyverns can no longer be knocked back through walls while indoors.
    - Worgs now use camouflage as they were supposed to.
    - Birds should be less glitchy when the game is reloaded.
    - What was previously the Cloak of Cave Bear Control is now the Cloak of Bear Control, capable of charming any bear.
    - Goodberries now restore 5 HP each.
    - Detect Shapeshifters no longer identifies party members as werewolves.


    Make sure to download and install the latest version of EEex before installing High Power Baldur's Gate.

    I'd be grateful for any feedback from people playing this mod! The mod hasn't been getting much feedback...
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Since 2.4 of this mod seemingly has the AI use OlvynSpells, may we get a SCS addon that also uses OlvynSpells for AI-controlled units?
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    Hey, I got up to the Nashkel mines and the mod has been fun. The Candlekeep assassins and the very first NPC I found in the Lion's Road being a doppleganger threw me up for a loop, and the varieties of kobolds in the mines spiced things up (in a good way, as long as I scouted and pulled groups back so they didn't connect with others).

    One question though, I get giving companions some changes, like Khalid becoming a F/M and having Time Stop, but how is it that Jaheira get all stats to 18? O_o Was intended for some reason? I saw Xan gets his CON lowered to 3, but that's one stat and I saw the post mentioning the other buffs to him.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Connelly Glad to hear you've been enjoying the mod!
    Connelly wrote: »
    One question though, I get giving companions some changes, like Khalid becoming a F/M and having Time Stop, but how is it that Jaheira get all stats to 18? O_o Was intended for some reason? I saw Xan gets his CON lowered to 3, but that's one stat and I saw the post mentioning the other buffs to him.

    In the context of the powers other characters get, having 18 in all stats is nothing exceptional. It's simply one of Jaheira's advantages, while other characters have similarly big (or bigger) advantages. Xan, despite his extreme squishiness, gets automatic critical hits with every melee attack, which is pretty insane.

    High Power Baldur's Gate also adds lots of stat-increasing tomes to the game. In the long run, if you give enough of these books to a character, they can grow their stats even higher than Jaheira's stats.

    Keep playing! I enjoy hearing feedback about this mod.
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    Ah, I wondered because of how much a character with perfect 18 on all stats stand out. In fact, I was checking the mod files if this was an intended change or a derpness of my installation, and I noticed a few disparities on character abilities. If I understand correctly, the .tp2 file says it's giving 3 initial points on all weapon proficiency to Jaheira, and 5 to Khalid (which sounds pretty convenient for the start of the game), but they and other characters simply start with normal initial proficiency points per class. Just wanted to check if that's un/intended behavior, as the only other other thing during the installation that's remotely related to proficiency points are the displaying max limits components from EEUI Tweaks. I can just give them the points manually with EEKeeper.

    By the way, getting to Mulahey without ways to attack a sanctuaried character was painful. :_D
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Connelly wrote: »
    I noticed a few disparities on character abilities. If I understand correctly, the .tp2 file says it's giving 3 initial points on all weapon proficiency to Jaheira, and 5 to Khalid (which sounds pretty convenient for the start of the game), but they and other characters simply start with normal initial proficiency points per class. Just wanted to check if that's un/intended behavior, as the only other other thing during the installation that's remotely related to proficiency points are the displaying max limits components from EEUI Tweaks.

    The only way that could happen is if something you installed after High Power Baldur's Gate reset their proficiencies back to normal. On my end, Khalid does start with 5 proficiency points in every weapon.
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    edited January 2021
    Yeah, it was the "Improved NPC customisation and management" component from Stratagems. I install mods manually, and there's always something that gets past my attention.

    Also, holy crap Xan.

  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Connelly wrote: »
    Also, holy crap Xan.


    Greywolf in this mod takes double physical damage (he's pretty dangerous though if the party doesn't have the power to kill him instantly). On most enemies that critical hit would've done 40 damage.
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    Yeah, I realize it's not that impressive of a number (I just had my F/M/T PC deal 172 with a backstab), I just found funny the conga humiliation of critical, sleep and charm. These new sequencers promise to be a lot of fun.
  • ConnellyConnelly Member Posts: 79
    I seem to have walked into the wrong neighborhood.
    Apparently Poe was farting them out like a machine gun? They only stopped spawning after I killed him.
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    edited February 2021
    First of all, thank you for this mod. It gave me a reason to come back to Baldur’s gate.

    But before diving in my feedback, I need to make new player knew that….
    they have to get EEex from the first post of this very topic.

    If you download EEex from here: you get the following error when starting the game:

    This post will be pretty long, so bear with me.

    What I enjoyed:
    Playing this mod is like playing a brand new game that turns into a rollercoaster of creativity.

    The mod surprises you from the beginning, when you face these assassins with weird powers and meeting some annoying rats in that Reevor’s storehouse. Even the cutscene was changed:

    I admit that the parts I liked the most were the one where you just added things that spiced everything a bit:

    1) Mirianne’s letter (AR3800). These two npc(s) were a nightmare at the beginning, especially with the jump but with enough tries I could do it (thanks stunning blow). Also, guards there were carnage incarnate. They attacked me and made little work of me.

    2) Greywolf was scary.

    3) Flesh Golem, please stop with this laceration effect.

    4) The Laurel encounter with the gibberling was woah.

    5) Kvarts made me rich, thank you.

    6) The “Beware the wolf” signpost (AR3700) was together the greatest thing you’ve added and the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. Trying to kill Zargal was my first error. The second was being surprised by Ghouls. The third, was trying to escape and being ambushed by invisible wolves. Was a little disappointed a lycan boss didn’t come after you’ve killed all these wolves. After all, to have a signpost it means that the issue was very serious. And no little boss awaiting me, with a pelt ready to be sold or made into an armor for a warrior?

    7) AR3500 (Mutamin’s garden). Did you Remove Tamah (the petrified girl) from AR3500? Couldn’t find her.
    The Kirian encounter was hard.

    8) Liked the diversified Ankheg.

    9) Tenya’s encounter. The new water creatures were pretty cool.

    10) Ajantis, with the fact that he can hit people that are invisible, was a godsend.

    11) Finding what Degrodel gave me as reward was disappointing. I’m sorry Degrodel, but I cannot accept that amulet. If it was better, maybe… But only for the cloak of balduran.

    12) Some of the items were great and very innovative.

    13) The big high moose – it surprised me you actually added loot for it. Made roleplaying definitely possible. I feel like more roleplaying choice such as this one in a vanilla game would be very much worth it. Please, add more. And why does the giant eagle drop nothing?

    What I disliked:
    1) I disliked the pull effect. The issue was magnified when the pull effect also got all the enemies in the map. For some encounters (If I don’t remember wrong one example is e.g: AR3100, Shipwreck’s coast, freeing the sirene from the Ogre Magi), I had to clean the map. Then go there.

    2) The teleport effect on hit, for me is a way to tell the players that he should split his party and use only one companion, to avoid being killed easily. One example is a hobgoblin (don’t remember if it’s Zargal, AR3700, Red Canyons) that made me use Kivan only.

    What I’m curious about:
    1) Kivan was the MVP of my game. Due to the fact that he had greater range, he could make mince of everyone, especially because only sometimes the AI was pretty “smart” , by making you unable to lure them and going straight for the party. He had the Coldfire bow.

    What if I told you that I feel like melee is underpowered? Maybe I didn’t find the right npc to tank (I had Ajantis and also used manuals on him) + Branwen (used many manuals on her too) and Garrick, but the mvp were the archers. Most of the time if someone went melee, there would be a timer on my whole party. I used melee only as last resort. Suggestions?

    2) Do you feel like the fight during Sarevok ceremony is fair? I think there are a bit too many doppelgangers for my taste.

    3) I could not find Xan anywhere. Where is him ?

    4) Can the spell Imoen has, the one used to copy other people spell, be made more intuitive?

    1) if you got the ankheg shells on you, the dialogue to ask Taerom (blacksmith on beregost) about the mysterious vial will not appear.

    2) Invalid entries (Vitiare in the tent when stealing stuff, spiders inside the beregost house)

    3) Blank item entry in thalantyr

    4) Hold monster spell on some wolves hit me too. Dunno if it is intended, but worth reporting, I guess.

    5) The Absolute guard spell is oddly written “this spell shields creatures the paladin guards with guard action”

    6) The large bone given to you by Rufie (Albert and Rufie quest) makes the game CTD.

    7) The ettins that appear with Arghain in AR4400 are named “uninjured”.

    8) Sarhedra’s quest in AR4400 (the one where you have to kill ogres) can’t be finished. Or at least I could not do it.

    9) When Aec’Letec gets summoned, the game crashes.

    Some disappointing things for me as a player:
    1) I came to dislike even more the spawning system of Baldur’s gate. You are in an area and some seconds later, even if you explored the whole area, new monsters appear out of thin air. I hate this in a vanilla game, with this mod the issue is magnified. I can’t count the times that, out of the blue, tasloi came to bite me. If possible, add a tweak to change the spawning. I certainly would appreciate it, both for vanilla EE and your mod.

    2) Balduran’s cloak is not that good.

    3) Ankheg armor didn’t match my expectations for the cost it has. I would have not payed 20k for it. Maybe 15k. Maybe.

    4) I would still give the player the option to make more than one ankheg armor.

    5) It would be cool if Elminster manuals could be inserted all in a single shop (e.g Thalantyr) and even dropped by some bosses (for example, Mulahey).

    Readme note:
    1) In the readme, there is no reference to how the dragon disciple kit has been changed.

    Post edited by Ulkesh on
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