*whispers in Ajantis' Mind* this group is foul, even the evil Edwin has returned. the group will destroy you. I was devoured by them, what horrors will they do to you.
Sarevok wipes off some of the drool from his shoulder and smiles at the Ranger... Sarevok tightens his grip on his sword in his free hand and waits for the worst...
After seeing Mazzy run off to fight some meager undead, Edwin struggles even more to break free (possibly to exact bloody revenge) but calms down when Imoen comes to his aid.
"Ah, clearly you are one of the more intelligent members of the group to show such proper priorities. I will remember this when we plunder this castle for its riches."
Ajantis, hemmed in by the Zombies, misses. Three of them then score on him for a total of 16 points damage. However, Mazzy is able to wiggle past, and next round, she can attack. Ajantis attacks, hitting one zombie for 3 points total. Next round, Ajantis and Mazzy win initiative. Ajantis hits the same zombie for nine points, lopping off an arm, which scuttles to attack. Mazzy Bashes off a Zombie's arm, which also scuttles to attack. Both the arms miss, and all four zombies take on the new target, being smaller and thus, apparently, yummier All four hit, doing 25 points of damage total. Next round, zombies go first, bot I will hold off to see who else wants to join Mazzy and Ajantis.
Sarevok Straps his shield onto Minsc then slings the Ranger over his shoulder with a burst of adrenaline Sarevok hears Garrick's song and charges the undead with his sword arm. "Time to Die!"
Sarevok dimly looks at Skie with his head turned to the side a bit... "Egh? Me smash Zombies" Sarevok hopes that this will clear up his intent... then winks at Skie.
Sarevok dimly looks at Skie with his head turned to the side a bit... "Egh? Me smash Zombies" Sarevok hopes that this will clear up his intent... then winks at Skie.
Aerie will stand at the back and cast flame arrow at the nearest zombie. She'd help Imoen cut Edwin loose, but 1. no edged weapons on her and 2. she thinks she'd be more useful burning zombies to cinders.
Ergh. Sorry for the delay. I had to go to Toms River to attend Staff Development Day and it was an all day affair. It wasn't especially bad, but I was exhausted when I got home. It's a lot of driving and then walking as they make us park out in whoseywhatseyville and the walk isn't bad in the morning, but by the end of the day, it's just painful when you have to walk back to your car after a day of attending stuff. And while I crammed in as many interesting panels as possible with the schedule (we had a keynote we just HAD to attend in the morning), I got to play Zombie Dice and I got a free button, so Score!
Skie seems to have more success hitting her party rather than the Zombies, tagging Ajantis for another 7 and Mazzy for 5 and completely missing the zombies. Then, the Zombies attack, one hitting Sarevok as he tries to make his way past into the room and three of them continuing to wail on poor Mazzy. Mazzy takes 12 points of damage total. Sarevok takes 8. You counter attack and only Sarevok hits, knocking off another arm, which scuttles to attack. Skie fires again, missing with her first arrow and hitting Sarevok with her second, for 8 points damage. Aerie smacks another arm of a zombie as she hits it for 9 with her flame arrow. Party wins initiative. Actions?
Skie, stop helping us! Try to go around the zombies and shoot them from behind. If I see I can go back without putting anyone in danger I'll step away from the battle, lay on hands and then return to combat in the following round.
Skie, stop helping us! Try to go around the zombies and shoot them from behind. If I see I can go back without putting anyone in danger I'll step away from the battle, lay on hands and then return to combat in the following round.
"It's the thought that counts! I try to help and this is the thanks I get..."
Skie stops helping with the zombies, and tries to cut Edwin down.
"Wizard, I'm cutting you down, so that makes us even for me pushing you in there in the first place."
"Ah, clearly you are one of the more intelligent members of the group to show such proper priorities. I will remember this when we plunder this castle for its riches."
OOC Sarevok is a drop slow... but this is what I read last?
And now, back to your regularly scheduled game...
OOC: not sure how hurt she is, pretty bad I'm thinking. However I don't see her as someone who retreats from battle.
Skie stops helping with the zombies, and tries to cut Edwin down.
"Wizard, I'm cutting you down, so that makes us even for me pushing you in there in the first place."