No, sorry. I have been too busy trying to get help for my Dad. I have been having a mental breakdown cleaning up... stuff. My house smells like the men's bathroom. :P But, anyhow....
As Garrick sets the webs on fire he hears a clicking noise that sounds almost... angry. Five of the largest, ugliest spiders he has ever seen come down from the ceiling on strands of silk, their limbs clicking together as they move to attack.
Three more Spiders emerge from the webs. chittering and clicking their mandibles. The smell of mold and desiccating flesh hangs over the party, coming from the webs. (anybody else want to defend themselves?)
Once Garrick is in the other room he will drop his crossbow and some bolts to the ground for Imoen to pick up. That is as long as it doesn't interfere with his singing.
occ It may be time to kill off Montaron. @Darth_Skippy hasn't been logged on since May.
Okay, the party wins initiative and mostly retreats, falling back to set up a defensive line composed of mainly Minsc, Ajantis, Montaron, Garrick, Mazzy and Sarevok. These spiders look larger and deadlier than any you have faced so far in the Realms. These have red eyes, black bodies and two gray stripes across their abdomen, and their fangs literally drip with venom. They swarm on you and Montaron is hit. He fails his save vs. Poison and goes down, paralyzed. A second bites Minsc, but doesn't get through his armor. Reddish black venom splatters over the metal. Sarevok's armor also protects him. Minsc is bitten again, and once again his armor comes to his rescue. A spider scuttles through the place where Montaron was and bites Skie. Sadly, she isn't as lucky when it comes to armor, and she is bitten on the foot. Her foot throbs (she takes 7 points damage), and is poisoned. Thankfully, her system is able to overcome it, and aside from her vision blurring and false colors at the edges of her vision, she's fine. (for now). Sarevok is bitten again, and this time, the Spider hits him in a less-armored place. He also takes 7 and makes his poison save. Leading to the same blurred vision and false colors. And he gets bitten again, for 8 this time, and once again makes his save, although the massive amount of poison in his system is making him feel awfully... queasy. Ajantis takes the worst, with a bite for 16. He also makes his save (barely) and feels drunk and giddy.
Sarevok misses the Spiders, thrown off by the venom in his body. Minsc misses also. Skie is forced to drop her bow and draw her. Ajantis completely misses and nearly cuts Sarevok's foot off. Garrick is also forced to drop his harp and draw a sword. He deals one of the spiders a glancing blow (4 damage, total). Mazzy misses.
ROUND 2 Spiders win initiative. One misses Garrick. Skie takes another hit for 6 and feels a slow paralysis creeping through her muscles, locking her in place. Minsc is once again saved by his armor. Garrick dodges another spider most nimbly. Sarevok is hit again for 5 and once again, his heroic constitution saves his bacon. He is feeling distinctly unwell, however, and the site of his injuries are swollen black-red with venom. Mazzy is hit for 8, but makes her save. Blurriness and colors infect her sight. Ajantis takes a hit for 6 and nails his save exactly. Nonetheless, he feels stiffness in his muscles. Sarevok takes another hit for another 5, and vomits out the contents of his stomach onto everything around him. His body is starting to resemble the Michelin Man, only with lumps of venom. He continues to save, but these heroic amounts of venom in his body is having an effect nonetheless.
Garrick finds his armor growing tight in the chest and looser elsewhere, and his voice rises by a full two octaves. At the same time, the wand goes limp and droopy.
Minsc sees his friends and companions dropping left and right. He shakes his head and continues to rely on his strength to carry him through this ordeal. He addresses the members in the back "Perhaps some help with this?"
Skie will back away and shoot arrows at Ajantis.
@Awong124 Corrected it for you :P
"If any of you have slow poison spells, you may wish to ready them."
occ It may be time to kill off Montaron. @Darth_Skippy hasn't been logged on since May.
Sarevok misses the Spiders, thrown off by the venom in his body. Minsc misses also. Skie is forced to drop her bow and draw her. Ajantis completely misses and nearly cuts Sarevok's foot off. Garrick is also forced to drop his harp and draw a sword. He deals one of the spiders a glancing blow (4 damage, total). Mazzy misses.
ROUND 2 Spiders win initiative. One misses Garrick. Skie takes another hit for 6 and feels a slow paralysis creeping through her muscles, locking her in place. Minsc is once again saved by his armor. Garrick dodges another spider most nimbly. Sarevok is hit again for 5 and once again, his heroic constitution saves his bacon. He is feeling distinctly unwell, however, and the site of his injuries are swollen black-red with venom. Mazzy is hit for 8, but makes her save. Blurriness and colors infect her sight. Ajantis takes a hit for 6 and nails his save exactly. Nonetheless, he feels stiffness in his muscles. Sarevok takes another hit for another 5, and vomits out the contents of his stomach onto everything around him. His body is starting to resemble the Michelin Man, only with lumps of venom. He continues to save, but these heroic amounts of venom in his body is having an effect nonetheless.
Garrick finds his armor growing tight in the chest and looser elsewhere, and his voice rises by a full two octaves. At the same time, the wand goes limp and droopy.
I guess there's not much Skie can do since she's paralyzed.
Mazzy continues to fight with her sword.
occ I'm also taking suggestions for a new name for the bard formerly known as Garrick.