I'm mad at myself for not coming up with this sooner. Oh well, better late than never.
Skie gives Garrick a once over and says, "looks like someone cast Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting on a very specific part of your body... Not that it was anything to write home about before."
I fine with it either way. If it continues on I'll still be here. If it's to be officially ended, then I'd like to thank everyone who has participated for all their efforts, especially @LadyRhian who made this all possible.
I fine with it either way. If it continues on I'll still be here. If it's to be officially ended, then I'd like to thank everyone who has participated for all their efforts, especially @LadyRhian who made this all possible.
I agree. I thought this and the other adventures @LadyRhian ran were really wonderful. She is a great DM and these games have been among the best gaming experiences I have had. And if it ever does start up again Alora would very much like to come back. She promises not to pull any ropes (unless they look very, very tempting).
Well i'm still active. I check for updates often, but since no one is playing i don't bother logging in to talk. I hope ladyrhian is alive and well. I will stick around if this campaign continues.
I am still here as well. It has been over a year since @LadyRhian started the first of these adventures, and I've played in all of them. Have to say I've had a lot of fun, been some great roleplaying and a ton of hilarity. If it continues, I will be here. If it ends I will miss it, but have some awesome memories.
This looks fun... but I have no idea what's happenin Are you guys makin stuff up as you go, or is someone actually rolling dice and workin stuff out?
Yes @Heindrich1988, LadyRhian has been the GM and has done the rolls. She's been great!
I will also be here if it continues, I just don't expect it to. I also don't want LadyRhian to feel that she has to. This is supposed to be fun for her too, and I think her father's accident turned it into a burden.
Sorry- life has been very busy. Can I get a holler from anyone still interested, and I will continue. A week or so ago, I slammed a toe into the door in the middle of the night, and medical stuff (toenail fell off and all that, so...)
This looks fun... but I have no idea what's happenin Are you guys makin stuff up as you go, or is someone actually rolling dice and workin stuff out?
Yes @Heindrich1988, LadyRhian has been the GM and has done the rolls. She's been great!
I will also be here if it continues, I just don't expect it to. I also don't want LadyRhian to feel that she has to. This is supposed to be fun for her too, and I think her father's accident turned it into a burden.
I agree with this. If you feel this is too much of a trouble I don't want to bother you. I run two campaigns with my local group and know the stress it causes sometimes. However if you are ready to continue, then so is Boo (and by extension Minsc)
Well, we know that @Awong124 is active in a paralyzed and most likely perverted kind of way. @Drugar has also been logged on recently, but it's been a while since we had an action from Edwin. As for the remaining three, @Knoland was last active 10/7,@Jhart1018 30/6 and @Darth_Skippy 8/5. That is ofc. not the same thing as checking the forum or posting here on Ravenloft.
When last we left our intrepid troupe, Sarevok and the others were fighting some really horrendous spiders, who had paralyzed Montaron and Skie. Aerie casts Neutralize Poison on Montaron, who shakes his head and gets back up onto his feet. Edwin fires a fireball into the web room, hoping to catch the Spiders in the blowback. He succeeds, but it isn't enough to kill any of the spiders.
"Simians," he spits at the rest of the party. Okay, actions for the rest of you?
Minsc stays at the front and tries to cover Mazzy from attack.
Skie gives Garrick a once over and says, "looks like someone cast Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting on a very specific part of your body... Not that it was anything to write home about before."
@LadyRhian has made a huge labor, but half the group isn't active anymore and our GM has IRL issues to deal with. Do you agree?
I will also be here if it continues, I just don't expect it to. I also don't want LadyRhian to feel that she has to. This is supposed to be fun for her too, and I think her father's accident turned it into a burden.
"Simians," he spits at the rest of the party. Okay, actions for the rest of you?