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Roleplaying Challenge: Ravenloft



  • Fighting_FerretFighting_Ferret Member Posts: 229
    Imoen will switch to melee and attack the nearest wraith...
  • BattlehamsterBattlehamster Member Posts: 298
    Boo will use his Battlecry of the Wooly Rupert which the lesser beings will interpret as nothing more than a modest squeak.
  • Fenris308Fenris308 Member Posts: 118
    edited September 2013

    ooc- Yeah i thought i was beserk. But if not then, after Sarevok falls surely Minsc would go beserk.... but whatever the DM decides i guess.

    Minsc keeps swinging blood soaked tears pooring from his eyes as his friends die around him.

  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    OOC: Sorry, I was going by 2e berserk, which doesn't make one immune to Level Drain. I just realized that this is not true in-game. So now he's Level 5 and 50 hit points.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Skie hits with one arrow and misses with the other. But the arrow does minimal damage. Ajantis misses. Mazzy comes close to hitting, but not quite. Lyrrick uses her strength scroll On Ajantis. Imoen hits the Wraith for 4. Minsc hits out at the closest target, which happens to be a Wraith, but he hits it a solid blow. Aerie attempts to turn undead- and fails horribly. Edwin casts Flame Arrow on a Wraith.

    Next round, party wins initiative. Skie misses with her arrows, but Ajantis strikes Strahd a solid blow. Mazzy misses. Minsc switches his target to Strahd, but misses. Imoen hits the Wraith a hard, hard blow (20!). Aerie begins casting a spell. Edwin casts Magic Missile on a Wraith.

    Action, Garrick/Lyrrick?
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    edited September 2013
    Lyrrick tries out her luck with the +2 mace. She will target a wraith that is far from our raging ranger. Perhaps the one Imoen just hit.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Batter up! Lyrrick swings her mace... and misses. Then, the monsters get to go.

    Strahd hits Edwin for 18, leaving him two levels lower and 18 hit points poorer.

    Two wraiths hit Aerie in quick succession. She cries out as her spell fizzles, and then the light of life leaves her eyes as she slumps to the ground, her skin taking on an ugly gray tinge. A Wraith hits Minsc for 4, and the last two wraiths strike out at Imoen. She can feel the energy of life leaving her. Her skin takes on the appearance of a dead, dry leaf, and she barely clings to life (6 hp remaining).

    Ajantis Level 8, 65 hit points, Aerie dead, Skie Level 8, 36 hit points, Lyrrick Level 5, 20 hit points, Mazzy Level 6, 59 hit points, Minsc Level 5, 46 hit points, Sarevok dead, Edwin Level 3, 12 hit points, Imoen Level 3, 6 hit points.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    edited September 2013
    Things are looking very bad for the party at this point, and the monsters win initiative next round. Strahd turns on the nearly dead Imoen and knocks the weapon from her hands, pulls her into his arms and sinks his teeth into her throat. Imoen goes pale and folds like a cheap suit. She is dead, and Strahd sucks her as dry as an empty bottle of liquor.

    The first wraith goes after Minsc, but misses. The second goes after Edwin, killing the mage with contemptuous ease. A third wraith targets Lyrrick and misses, thankfully. So does the fourth, and it misses, too. The Fifth hits Ajantis for 17 total and a lost level.

    Ajantis Level 7, 53 hit points, Aerie dead, Skie Level 8, 36 hit points, Lyrrick Level 5, 20 hit points, Mazzy Level 6, 59 hit points, Minsc Level 4, 39 hit points, Sarevok dead, Edwin dead, Imoen dead.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Skie continues doing what she was doing.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    We need a wonder. Lyrrick tries to create one with her wand, targeting Strahd.
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    Mazzy continues her assault.
  • Fenris308Fenris308 Member Posts: 118
    OOc- Sorry i started pen and paper in 3e so i didn't know that about beserk in 2e. I was going by BG mechanics. Up too you DM, your call. I didn't mean to come off as rude or upset. This is lots of fun.

    With each fallen ally Minsc's resolve strengthens. He continues to swing his weapon with reckless abandon. Preferably his biggest and hardest hitting weapon.

  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    occ I thought Minsc was dualwielding his axes.
  • Fighting_FerretFighting_Ferret Member Posts: 229
    wow... 0/2 for me, but at least I go out with style each time *smiles*

    See the deaths of Kivan and Imoen.... also... both to vampires after landing serious blows.... oh well
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    ooc Looks like we're heading to a beautiful TPK :)
  • BattlehamsterBattlehamster Member Posts: 298
    Ooc - TPK's are impossible. Boo always has a trans-dimensional spell memorized which will lead him to an alternative dimension that has a Minsc without a hamster.
  • Fenris308Fenris308 Member Posts: 118
    "Run Boo! Run for you life! Don't worry about me. Save yourself!" Minsc shouts this in an overly dramatic 80s Hollywood fashion. Somewhere between Stallone and Schwarzenegger.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Ajantis hits Strahd for 10. Skie hits one of the Wraiths with an arrow for 14 total, but her second arrow misses. Lyrrick points her Wand of Wonder... and feels weighed down as the gold she is carrying doubles. Mazzy misses. Minsc strikes one of the Wraiths with his sword, killing it. "Great fun!" he cries.

    Party wins initiative. Ajantis strikes at Strahd again, but misses. Skie kills the wraith her arrows hit last round. Lyrrick tries again and a wall forms between her and the wraiths. It's wobbly and white, with blue-green veins that make it look like marble- but the wall is stinky beyond belief. Yes, it's a wall of Bleu Cheese! Mazzy hits an undamaged Wraith for 6. Minsc misses. "That's not right!" he cries.

    Strahd attempts to attack Ajantis, but the Paladin dodges nimbly away, leaving the vampire off-balance (rolled a 1). A Wraith also attacks Ajantis and misses, however in dodging the Wraith, he steps into the attack of another for 19 damage total and a lost level. The last Wraith walks through the wall of cheese and hits Lyrrick for 12 and a lost level.

    Next round order of attacks is Strahd, Party, Wraiths. Strahd goes after Ajantis once more and hits for 28 points and 2 Lost levels.

    Ajantis Level 4, 6 hit points, Aerie dead, Skie Level 8, 36 hit points, Lyrrick Level 4, 8 hit points, Mazzy Level 6, 59 hit points, Minsc Level 4, 39 hit points, Sarevok dead, Edwin dead, Imoen dead.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    occ Great! I die smelly rich.

    "You can do this. I believe in you!"

    Lyrrick grabs the scroll of Otiluke's resiliant sphere and targets herself. If a wall of blue cheese won't save her, then maybe a wall of magic will. Whilst protected, she will target herself with the wand. With a little luck it might double the gold again. ;)
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    edited October 2013
    OOC: Oh come on, you know everyone wants to die stinking rich! ;) Sorry... that was a cheesy pun.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    How many wraiths are left?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Three. One is completely uninjured. One is barely injured.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Skie will shoot at the most injured looking one.
  • MalicronMalicron Member Posts: 629
    I know I'm not a part of the game, but I felt it necessary to point out, whoever comes in to replace the fallen REALLY wants to have cleric levels. By my count, you're about to be dealing with two undead Bhaalspawn and an undead Avariel.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    OCC All this bleu cheese and no garlic bread. In fact, a wall of garlic bread might be just what we need.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    OOC I hit Strahd?! I'm starting to believe my sword really is a lucky blade ;)
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    mlnevese said:

    OOC I hit Strahd?! I'm starting to believe my sword really is a lucky blade ;)

    You're like Rocky Balboa and Strahd is Ivan Drago.

    "He's cut! He's cut!"
  • BattlehamsterBattlehamster Member Posts: 298
    Boo begins to meditate in preparation for his spell, Multidimensional Telelocation: Minsc. Its an 11th level spell which is why you have never heard of it.

    Ooc: I really don't think it will actually do anything but I thought it would be amusing to give the dm the option of having a 40+ lv. hamster mage who is actually an ascended being but cannot use his powers to directly affect mortal planes of existence - it could accidentally lead to great shenanigans.

    Alternatively - the mere presence of wraiths has put boo into a catatonic state which merely looks like meditation.

    Dm's choice for game balance. xD
  • Fenris308Fenris308 Member Posts: 118
    OOc I hope everything is ok with our beloved DM.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Yes, I have just been getting up incredibly early to go in for IV Vancomycin treatments, an hour and a half a day, and I have to get to the hospital before 7:30 AM. I am NOT a morning person whatsoever. Today, I also had my first appointment at the wound care center and I got to see my foot for the first time since the surgery. It's kind of ugly- they left a nubbin where the toe was instead of snipping it off clean, so it looks very strange. I have to go back in a week- and I'll be back at work in about a week. But I will write another post tonight.
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