Can I rename Imoen to Alyanna?? Pleeeeaaase?????? It sounds far better Also, its very late here and I have school tomorrow, so my activity in the forums tends to be from 17 to 22 UTC-3. Time before I was getting to the forums from school, but my iPhone's battery... long story, Jan is there for them (he was a god back in the 03'... :P).
@lockmund I should have said somethin' before you say Khalid is dead, dontcha?? :P Also, what did OOC means??? I was wondering about Outside Our Game, or maybe Ocarina of Crime... :P Please, address me if I'm needed, I'll be playin' a beautiful game name'd PS:T.
@LadyRhian Thanks! I felt it was something like that :P It was about common sense, also, that lesson gave me a permanent +1 to wisdom in real life. :P Thanks again!
@lockmund I should have said somethin' before you say Khalid is dead, dontcha?? :P Also, what did OOC means??? I was wondering about Outside Our Game, or maybe Ocarina of Crime... :P Please, address me if I'm needed, I'll be playin' a beautiful game name'd PS:T.
Ocarina of crime sounds interesting... Can we play that as well?
With Rhian's permission I'm jumping in as Keldorn that way I can actually contribute to the group and simply not merely around trying to eat everything, as deceptively enjoyable as that is.
Pre-Character: When we join do we get the character's in-game starting equipment/levels/kit abilities and such?
In a bit- I have some real life stuff to do this week. But so far, I got my PICC out of my arm, which means I can go back to work, had a checkup on my foot, ate lunch at the hospital and had to do some grocery shopping and laundry. And I get to go back to work! Finally!
Keldorn should definitely get his starting equipment. Because you know...its isn't like its OP or anything lol. It just helps me know if I should RP an older and wiser Keldorn or maybe a brash, young Paladin with starry eyes or something like that.
Keldorn should definitely get his starting equipment. Because you know...its isn't like its OP or anything lol. It just helps me know if I should RP an older and wiser Keldorn or maybe a brash, young Paladin with starry eyes or something like that.
To be fair, Keldorn's already died once this adventure.
Keldorn should definitely get his starting equipment. Because you know...its isn't like its OP or anything lol. It just helps me know if I should RP an older and wiser Keldorn or maybe a brash, young Paladin with starry eyes or something like that.
To be fair, Keldorn's already died once this adventure.
I've died too. But I can assure you it hasn't made me any wiser.
Also, its very late here and I have school tomorrow, so my activity in the forums tends to be from 17 to 22 UTC-3. Time before I was getting to the forums from school, but my iPhone's battery... long story, Jan is there for them (he was a god back in the 03'... :P).
Thanks @LadyRhian it will be great to go adventuring again.
Hey, what happens if I pull that rope over there?
But maybe I won't pull it just in case ...
Er...too soon?
Also, what did OOC means??? I was wondering about Outside Our Game, or maybe Ocarina of Crime... :P
Please, address me if I'm needed, I'll be playin' a beautiful game name'd PS:T.
Pre-Character: When we join do we get the character's in-game starting equipment/levels/kit abilities and such?
Imoen also died :P
I think we are reloading an Auto-save that has been made at the start, and we assigned the characters in a different way.
Of course hes already died twice this adventure.