I'll help! Let me help! I want to help! Minsc let me see the vial! Let me see!! What d'you think is in it? Maybe we should drink it? Maybe it's a Potion of Help?
Look at it this way, the worst that could happen is you die horribly. Note that you're alone in a vampire lord's castle, with 4 hit points, and drained to level 2, so this is probably going to happen anyway.
@Alora Remember that time Kivan regurgitated an antidote potion into your mouth?
I'm going to my happy place. No one can touch me when I am in my happy place. It didn't happen. It didn't! It didn't!! It didn't!!!
What happy place? I WANNA GO WITH YO' TAKE ME PLEASE, NO MORE TESTS, BALDURS GATE THE WHOLE DAY, OH GOD, GIVE ME A MAP!! THE TIME MAP IF YOU PLEASE, ANYTHING?? What happy place? Hell? I've never been in a happy place.
@Alora Remember that time Kivan regurgitated an antidote potion into your mouth?
I'm going to my happy place. No one can touch me when I am in my happy place. It didn't happen. It didn't! It didn't!! It didn't!!!
What happy place? I WANNA GO WITH YO' TAKE ME PLEASE, NO MORE TESTS, BALDURS GATE THE WHOLE DAY, OH GOD, GIVE ME A MAP!! THE TIME MAP IF YOU PLEASE, ANYTHING?? What happy place? Hell? I've never been in a happy place.
As he pulls out the cork, the purple liquid vaporizes and moves out into the room as a mist. The mist seems to fill the room. As it begins to dissipate, vague forms appear- and then become slowly more and more solid- Minsc recognizes these people- many of which he has fought with before, including Alora!
For the new players, one day, you are going about your regular tasks when you feel a strange sensation come over you- cool and strangely making you feel detached from whatever it is you were doing. Unconsciously, you take a step back, and the world warps and twists around you, becoming a dark room filled with dead bodies, blood and a single warrior in bloody armor who looks almost shrunken from his normal condition. You recognize him… it's… could it be… Minsc?
Minsc steps back a few paces while frantically reaching for his biggest weapon. "What sorcery is this?! Strahd has brought back my friends to eat me no doubt. Die demon Allora! Strahd shall not keep your souls!"
Minsc? You don't look so good. You .. wow, you really don't look so .. I mean .. lookin' good big fella, what are you up to .. in this .. oh Baravar .. was that from a wraith?
Quayle stops nudging the smoking remains with his toe, and gives Minsc a frank appraisal, studying him like a piece of meat at a butcher. He also takes the time to glance at the pile of equipment next to him.
Then the gravity of the situation hits him again, he looks around nervously, and casts cure light wounds on Minsc.
Minsc! Keep still, and keep the axe out of my face! Your chances of hitting anything in your condition are pretty slim, but if you're aiming for her I may be in real danger.
Okay, here are everyone's stats: Quayle- Level 3/3, 18 hit points Alora- Level 6, 36 Hit points Imoen- Level 6, 42 hit points Faldorn- Level 5, 40 hit points Khalid- Level 6, 72 hit points Xan- Level 7, 28 hit points Keldorn- Level 7, 91 hit points Kivan- Level 5, 50 hit points
Because so much gear is available, no extra magic items are given, except for a scroll of Lesser Restoration x5 to help out Minsc. I will send out a list of gear available next.
Jaheira I d-don't think all this mist is natu.... Jaheira?
"True, dear. We are in a place that has lost it's balance.
Minsc? You look terrible! Have you been out berserking again? I certaily hope that you didn't cause the madness that we see around us. Now sit down an let me see what I can do to make you feel better."
Jaheira cast cure light wounds on Minsc.
occ I'll change my picture next week. It's tricky to do from the ipad.
Armor Chain Mail +1 Chain Mail +2 Plate Mail +1 (2) Jaheira Plate Mail +2 Khalid Plate Mail +3 Keldorn Ring Mail +1 (2) Scale Mail +1 Quayle Scale Mail +2 Splint Mail +3 Kivan Studded Leather +1 Imoen
Weapons Arrows +2 (2) Imoen Axe +3 Minsc Bow +1 (2) Imoen Crossbow of Speed (Light) Dagger +1, +2 vs Creatures Smaller than Mansized Jaheira Dagger +2, +3 vs Creatures Larger than Mansized Imoen Hammer +2 Mace +1 (2) Mace +2 Morning Star +1 Quarterstaff +2 Faldorn Scimitar +2 (2) Kivan (both) Sling of Seeking +2 Alora Spear +3 Jaheira Sword +1 Sword +1, Flame Tongue Khalid Sword +1 Luckblade Alora Sword +1, +4 vs Reptiles Sword +2 (5) Keldorn Sword +2 Dragonslayer (Black) Sword +2 Giantslayer Sword +2, +3 vs Lycanthropes and Shapechangers
Rings Ring of Elemental Command (Air) Quayle Ring of Fire Resistance (3) Kivan, Quayle Ring of Invisibility Imoen Ring of Mammal Control Faldorn Ring of Protection +3 Faldorn Ring of Protection +6 (+1 to all saves) Alora Ring of Spell Turning Xan Ring of Swimming Ring of Warmth Xan Ring of Water Walking Imoen
Potions P. Clairvoyance P. Flying Xan P. Giant Strength (Cloud) Jaheira Philter of Persuasiveness P. Plant Control P. Polymorph Self Imoen Oil of Slipperiness P. Speed P. Superheroism Keldorn P. Sweet Water P. Water Breathing
Scrolls Protection from Demons Xan Protection from Petrification Xan Protection from Undead Xan (Drawn on Holy Might) Quayle (Charm Person, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere) Quayle (Spellstrike) Quayle (Heal, Cure Light Wounds, Aid, Raise Dead) Quayle
Wands, Staves and Rods Wand of Magic Missiles (80 ch) Imoen Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection (92 ch) Xan Wand of Paralyzation (40 ch) Xan Wand of Wonder (81 ch) Xan Staff of Curing (20 ch) Quayle
Miscellaneous Magic Boots of Speed Kivan Bracers of Defense AC6 Faldorn Bracers of Defense AC7 Quayle Dust of Disappearance (7 uses) Xan Figurine of Wondrous Power (Onyx Dog) Minsc Jewel of Flawlessness Luckstone (+1 to saves) Alora Medallion of ESP, 90' Range Xan Necklace of Missiles (1x8, 2x6, 2x4, 4x2) Quayle Pearl of Wisdom (+1 to Wisdom when Carried) Quayle Periapt of Health Keldorn Periapt of Proof Against Poison Periapt of Wound Closure Xan Robe of Blending Alora Robe of Useful Items Xan Rope of Climbing (2) Alora Scarab of Protection (+1 to All saves) Faldorn Talisman of Pure Good Keldorn
Minsc is carrying the Following: Plate +3, Philter of Persuasiveness Scroll of Protection from Possession, Ring of Invisibility, Wand of Illumination (37 ch), Battle Axe +1
In addition, he has the following in treasure from the castle: 1 Sword Hilt, the Icon of Ravenloft (Heals 2d6+3 Once a day when used by a cleric, Adds +4 to turn Undead), Holy Symbol of Ravenkind (adds +2 to turning rolls, Flares with light against vampires, who cannot move against it or attack in its light. Light lasts 1-10 turns, 10 turns of light destroys vampires)- this has now reappeared after disappearing with Branwen!
On the floor are 50,000 cp, 10,000 sp, 10,000 gp, 1,000 pp, 15 100 gp gems, 10 1000 gp gems, a glowing Sword +2, 3 Maces +3.
With him is a Dark-haired woman wielding a sword. She is off to one side, unconscious.
Jaheira puts on one of the plates +1 and grabs the +3 spear. She also takes the potion of cloud giant strength and the periapt of proof against poison. As a backup she also grabs the +1/+2 vs small creatures dagger.
- Splint Mail +3 - The two Scimitar +2 to dual wield (I'm assuming I can redistribute his proficiencies? At level 5 he should have 5 points plus the two free ones in dual wield. So I'll spend one point to max out dual wield at 3, and put two points in Scimitar, and two points in Longsword.) - Boots of Speed - Ring of Fire Resistance
Not to be greedy, but shouldn't my dear hubby have 13*6=78 hp and Jaheira (4*13+3*10)/2=41 hp? Or perhaps she is just a level 3 warrior? @Minvese@LadyRhian
I'll take that Dagger+2, +3 against bigger than Mankind, the Leather Armor+1, the Ring of Invisibility, the Cloak of Elvenkind, the Wand of Magic Missiles with 80ch, a Bow+1 (are they short or longbows?) and those 2 Arrows+2 (two arrows or two stacks of arrows?), then, I'll ask for the P. Polymorph Self and the Ring of Water Walking, oh, and by the waaaaaay, I'll take that (cheesy) scroll of Prot. From Undead
@LadyRhian are my thieving abilities distributed? Or should I tell you how I want to spend them?
Not to be greedy, but shouldn't my dear hubby have 13*6=78 hp and Jaheira (4*13+3*10)/2=41 hp? Or perhaps she is just a level 3 warrior? @Minvese@LadyRhian
HP each level up is gained by rolling a dice, so it isn't always the amount you expect, at least for you, those 42 HP, with a lvl6 thief .
Yes, but earlier @LadyRhian said that she would give us max hp from the dices and she has done so until now. I have no problems with this unless it's a case of bad math, in which case Imoen certainly should have 48 hp at level 6. Either way, it's no biggie.
Look at it this way, the worst that could happen is you die horribly. Note that you're alone in a vampire lord's castle, with 4 hit points, and drained to level 2, so this is probably going to happen anyway.
What happy place? Hell? I've never been in a happy place.
For the new players, one day, you are going about your regular tasks when you feel a strange sensation come over you- cool and strangely making you feel detached from whatever it is you were doing. Unconsciously, you take a step back, and the world warps and twists around you, becoming a dark room filled with dead bodies, blood and a single warrior in bloody armor who looks almost shrunken from his normal condition. You recognize him… it's… could it be… Minsc?
(Cue new players here).
"What sorcery is this?! Strahd has brought back my friends to eat me no doubt. Die demon Allora! Strahd shall not keep your souls!"
Quayle stops nudging the smoking remains with his toe, and gives Minsc a frank appraisal, studying him like a piece of meat at a butcher. He also takes the time to glance at the pile of equipment next to him.
Then the gravity of the situation hits him again, he looks around nervously, and casts cure light wounds on Minsc.
Quayle- Level 3/3, 18 hit points
Alora- Level 6, 36 Hit points
Imoen- Level 6, 42 hit points
Faldorn- Level 5, 40 hit points
Khalid- Level 6, 72 hit points
Xan- Level 7, 28 hit points
Keldorn- Level 7, 91 hit points
Kivan- Level 5, 50 hit points
Because so much gear is available, no extra magic items are given, except for a scroll of Lesser Restoration x5 to help out Minsc. I will send out a list of gear available next.
Minsc? You look terrible! Have you been out berserking again? I certaily hope that you didn't cause the madness that we see around us. Now sit down an let me see what I can do to make you feel better."
Jaheira cast cure light wounds on Minsc.
occ I'll change my picture next week. It's tricky to do from the ipad.
I also seem to have 0 hp @LadyRhian.
Chain Mail +1
Chain Mail +2
Plate Mail +1 (2) Jaheira
Plate Mail +2 Khalid
Plate Mail +3 Keldorn
Ring Mail +1 (2)
Scale Mail +1 Quayle
Scale Mail +2
Splint Mail +3 Kivan
Studded Leather +1 Imoen
Shield +1
Shield +3 (3) Keldorn, Quayle
Shield +4 Khalid
Arrows +2 (2) Imoen
Axe +3 Minsc
Bow +1 (2) Imoen
Crossbow of Speed (Light)
Dagger +1, +2 vs Creatures Smaller than Mansized Jaheira
Dagger +2, +3 vs Creatures Larger than Mansized Imoen
Hammer +2
Mace +1 (2)
Mace +2
Morning Star +1
Quarterstaff +2 Faldorn
Scimitar +2 (2) Kivan (both)
Sling of Seeking +2 Alora
Spear +3 Jaheira
Sword +1
Sword +1, Flame Tongue Khalid
Sword +1 Luckblade Alora
Sword +1, +4 vs Reptiles
Sword +2 (5) Keldorn
Sword +2 Dragonslayer (Black)
Sword +2 Giantslayer
Sword +2, +3 vs Lycanthropes and Shapechangers
Ring of Elemental Command (Air) Quayle
Ring of Fire Resistance (3) Kivan, Quayle
Ring of Invisibility Imoen
Ring of Mammal Control Faldorn
Ring of Protection +3 Faldorn
Ring of Protection +6 (+1 to all saves) Alora
Ring of Spell Turning Xan
Ring of Swimming
Ring of Warmth Xan
Ring of Water Walking Imoen
P. Clairvoyance
P. Flying Xan
P. Giant Strength (Cloud) Jaheira
Philter of Persuasiveness
P. Plant Control
P. Polymorph Self Imoen
Oil of Slipperiness
P. Speed
P. Superheroism Keldorn
P. Sweet Water
P. Water Breathing
Cl. Elvenkind Imoen
Cl. Protection +1 Xan
Cl. Protection +2 Quayle
Cl. Protection +3 Minsc
Protection from Demons Xan
Protection from Petrification Xan
Protection from Undead Xan
(Drawn on Holy Might) Quayle
(Charm Person, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere) Quayle
(Spellstrike) Quayle
(Heal, Cure Light Wounds, Aid, Raise Dead) Quayle
Wands, Staves and Rods
Wand of Magic Missiles (80 ch) Imoen
Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection (92 ch) Xan
Wand of Paralyzation (40 ch) Xan
Wand of Wonder (81 ch) Xan
Staff of Curing (20 ch) Quayle
Miscellaneous Magic
Boots of Speed Kivan
Bracers of Defense AC6 Faldorn
Bracers of Defense AC7 Quayle
Dust of Disappearance (7 uses) Xan
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Onyx Dog) Minsc
Jewel of Flawlessness
Luckstone (+1 to saves) Alora
Medallion of ESP, 90' Range Xan
Necklace of Missiles (1x8, 2x6, 2x4, 4x2) Quayle
Pearl of Wisdom (+1 to Wisdom when Carried) Quayle
Periapt of Health Keldorn
Periapt of Proof Against Poison
Periapt of Wound Closure Xan
Robe of Blending Alora
Robe of Useful Items Xan
Rope of Climbing (2) Alora
Scarab of Protection (+1 to All saves) Faldorn
Talisman of Pure Good Keldorn
In addition, he has the following in treasure from the castle: 1 Sword Hilt, the Icon of Ravenloft (Heals 2d6+3 Once a day when used by a cleric, Adds +4 to turn Undead), Holy Symbol of Ravenkind (adds +2 to turning rolls, Flares with light against vampires, who cannot move against it or attack in its light. Light lasts 1-10 turns, 10 turns of light destroys vampires)- this has now reappeared after disappearing with Branwen!
On the floor are 50,000 cp, 10,000 sp, 10,000 gp, 1,000 pp, 15 100 gp gems, 10 1000 gp gems, a glowing Sword +2, 3 Maces +3.
With him is a Dark-haired woman wielding a sword. She is off to one side, unconscious.
Jaheira puts on one of the plates +1 and grabs the +3 spear. She also takes the potion of cloud giant strength and the periapt of proof against poison. As a backup she also grabs the +1/+2 vs small creatures dagger.
- Splint Mail +3
- The two Scimitar +2 to dual wield (I'm assuming I can redistribute his proficiencies? At level 5 he should have 5 points plus the two free ones in dual wield. So I'll spend one point to max out dual wield at 3, and put two points in Scimitar, and two points in Longsword.)
- Boots of Speed
- Ring of Fire Resistance
@LadyRhian are my thieving abilities distributed? Or should I tell you how I want to spend them? HP each level up is gained by rolling a dice, so it isn't always the amount you expect, at least for you, those 42 HP, with a lvl6 thief