Alora very much wants Edwin to come back. She is firmly convinced that he is the only one clever enough to save us in our current predicament. And she suspects that dying twice was just a clever tactical ploy on his part.
EDIT: We can say you need a Magical Horned Helm from BG saga to roleplay him, so you will have get one the of the best magical helmets (Helm of Balduraan, Gift of Peace (the BG:EE animation has horns, BG2's didn't) and Upgraded The Helm of the Rock from ToB).
@LadyRhian is he a tiefling or those are not SO literal horns after all?? Maybe giving him another type of bigger stick, a Syruis Blade may go fine, or the Chesley Crusher if in very early game.
I have become bored with waiting for Charname to arrive, and decide to cast a spell from a scroll I just bought. I got it at that shop which just opened up opposite the Elfsong tavern. Such good value it was, much cheaper than the prices charged by those crooks in sorcerous sundries. My smartness tells me the spell is a sort of dimension door. Perhaps it will allow me to jump to the Helm & Cloak for a pint without getting harassed by those scruffy urchins at the market.
I was listening to Genesis' The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (for the 17th time, consecutively :P) And hearing the song "Carpet Crawlers"... [...]
Mild mannered KIVAN is held in kryptonite ("Kivan is" replaces "superman are")
It reminds me of that time, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back... When I used to hear Led Zeppelin the whole day (yes, the WHOLE DAY, while studying, sleeping, while showering and while playing Baldur's Gate:EE :P ).
*Casts Time Stop* *Yawns* *Casts Power Word Sleep: SELF* (goes to sleep).
I have become bored with waiting for Charname to arrive, and decide to cast a spell from a scroll I just bought. I got it at that shop which just opened up opposite the Elfsong tavern. Such good value it was, much cheaper than the prices charged by those crooks in sorcerous sundries. My smartness tells me the spell is a sort of dimension door. Perhaps it will allow me to jump to the Helm & Cloak for a pint without getting harassed by those scruffy urchins at the market.
Never read a scroll before you're sure it wasn't written by a wild mage
@CrevsDaak I'm trying to stick with the NPCs from Baldur's Gate here, because, never having played Planescape:Torment, I am thinking that those companions might be a bit overpowered for my game. I just looked him up and, yeah, just a little...
Really? You haven't? I highly recommend you get your hands on a copy and give it a go. It has some of my most memorable RPG moments.
It would be worth trying to find an emulator. Planescape:Torment is one of the finest RPGs ever made.
@LadyRhian I have my GOG version of Planescape Torment running with Winskin (an emulator) in 10.7.5 Lion. It works pretty well, and I have the old BG2:SoA & ToB for windows running in the same way (a friend had the CDs, and gave them to me, I installed them and they work pretty fine).
Like what they've did to Eragon or worst?? The saga had a very strange types of vampires if you ask me... I'll stuck with Dracula when it comes to Nosferatu (or AD&D!! 2E FTW!!!). I haven't read twilight, and I don't think if I would ever do so.
Okay, so we have Alora and Imoen. Last I checked, @EvinFuilt wanted to play as Eldoth or Faldorn.
Yup, been away a while. Not sure what's going on, but the idea of an Avenger Faldorn intrigues.
-- caught up now, I see the nearly complete TPK. Strahd will have gotten away to regen and Minsc if lucky could escape with Boo back to the Gypsie and be restored to his former glory (but with added PTSD after all that death.)
Time for a lightning bolt, web slinging Druid to arrive and slay them all!! Die unnatural fiends!
Sorry about that, guys. My cold just keeps hanging on. ::Sigh.:: And I have to work as much as possible because I have no sick hours left, and that just sucks donkey livers. Thankfully, I don't have to go in to work until Friday, and I am getting holiday/vacation hours for Wednesday and Thursday. So Hopefully I get to rest enough to be unsick soon.
After resting a bit, Minsc gathers up the equipment of his fallen companions and starts going through it for anything that could help him. After a moment, he sees something glowing on the bottom of the pile of treasure. It's a vial that says simply, "Help". There seems to be a purplish liquid in the vial.
EDIT: We can say you need a Magical Horned Helm from BG saga to roleplay him, so you will have get one the of the best magical helmets (Helm of Balduraan, Gift of Peace (the BG:EE animation has horns, BG2's didn't) and Upgraded The Helm of the Rock from ToB).
And hearing the song "Carpet Crawlers"...
Mild mannered KIVAN is held in kryptonite ("Kivan is" replaces "superman are")
It reminds me of that time, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back... When I used to hear Led Zeppelin the whole day (yes, the WHOLE DAY, while studying, sleeping, while showering and while playing Baldur's Gate:EE :P ).
*Casts Time Stop*
*Casts Power Word Sleep: SELF* (goes to sleep).
It works pretty well, and I have the old BG2:SoA & ToB for windows running in the same way (a friend had the CDs, and gave them to me, I installed them and they work pretty fine).
I know what it is lol
A blasphemy of a fine book.
I haven't read twilight, and I don't think if I would ever do so.
-- caught up now, I see the nearly complete TPK. Strahd will have gotten away to regen and Minsc if lucky could escape with Boo back to the Gypsie and be restored to his former glory (but with added PTSD after all that death.)
Time for a lightning bolt, web slinging Druid to arrive and slay them all!! Die unnatural fiends!
And that our stuff comes soon!