It began with 81 charges. Garrick/Lyrrick didn't use it that much. He got the evil eye from Skie every time he pulled it out after the fireball-incident.
@CrevsDaak to save @LadyRhian a bit of work I have looked up Imoen's thieving skills from the Tomb of Horrors thread. Your base skills are: Pick Pockets 25%, Open Locks 25%, Find/Remove Traps 10%, Move Silently 20%, Hide in Shadows 15%, Detect Noise 15%, Climb Walls 60% and Read Languages 0%.
At first level you get 60 points to put in your skills and each level after that you get thirty points. You cannot put more than half your skill points into one skill per level. (For example, at first level you can't put more than 30 additional skill points into Pick Pockets. So the highest you could get in that skill at first level would be 55%. At second and subsequent levels you can put a maximum of 15 additional skill points into each skill).
Yet, another OOC: Much RP choices here, I won't be powergamerish this time, but I got 100% in undress clothed creatures and in rob Kivan his clothes. :P
I'll be mostly away from the internet until sunday, I think. if we come to combat consider Khalid will try to stand in the way of whatever is attacking to allow the spellcasters and ranged characters to attack. If he goes below 25% HP then it's "Best part of valour" time.
Minsc basks in the comfort of familiar faces and friends of the past. Nodding with approval at Jaheira and Khalid and even managing to smile at Alora's antics.
OOC- is anyone able to identify the glowing sword?
[OOC] 1) Xan seems to be AWOL? 2) You said a scroll of restoration (5), is this 5 scrolls, or one? 3) This +3 mace I picked up, is it identified, or not? [/OOC]
Quayle looks at each adventurer in turn. It seems that not only is he the only cleric, he's also the only d̶i̶v̶i̶n̶e̶ arcane caster. He therefore adjusts his spellbooks to contain: 2x Identify, Mirror image, PfE, cure light wounds, and yes, Chant.
He picks up the glowing sword, the other two +3 maces, the scroll(s) of restoration, and all of the gems. He leaves all of the coins where they are as they will only weigh him down. He casts restoration on Minsc, and afterwards feels so exhausted that he looks for a sunny spot, lies down, shuts his eyes, and falls asleep.
If he wakes rested, he will attempt to identify the glowing sword. If the 3 maces are not identified he will identify one as well, unless there is something more pressing to identify.
In AD&D, you can have more than one spell on a scroll. So it's one scroll with 5 uses of Lesser Restoration. And yes, Xan does seem to be AWOL. Maybe after Thanksgiving he'll be back?
And the +3 Maces were identified by Aerie before her demise.
We need to hear from the people that play Xan and Faldorn. Are you there @Fighting_Ferret ? @Evinfuilt need to select Faldorn's equipment from the somewhat reduced stack (and also respond to Jaheira's insults). ;)
Encouraged by her success at identifying the sword, Alora thinks she must be experienced enough to Use Any Item. Maybe it would be a good idea if she had a look at that scroll of restoration and tried to cast some spells on Minsc?
@Fighting_Ferret I could think of a few things. Some nice Bracers of AC6, The Ring of Protection +3, Cloak of Protection +1, Robe of Useful Items, Scarab of Protection (+1 to all Saves), Periapt of Wound Closure, and/or Wand of Paralyzation, Ring of Spell Turning, Ring of Mammal Control… Those would all be useful in living longer and expanding your capabilities as a mage.
@Fighting_Ferret I left you the Bracers of Defense AC6, and there's still a Ring of Protection +3, Cloak of Protection +1, and Scarab of Protection (+1 to All saves). I'm not sure if the rings also boost your saves, or just AC, and probably you can only wear one. Also a Wand of Paralyzation (40 ch). If you don't want them I'm happy to grab more.
Everything in this post is OOC: @LadyRhian can Imoen use the scarab of protection? And also, there are chances of I dual-classing at some point, but first I wanted to ask if I can research for new mage spells, or I only can learn new spells from a scroll?
OOC: I am now, going to double check why I'm not getting notifications. Here we go
Faldorn will take QuarterStaff +2 Ring of Mammal Control Ring of Protection +3 P. Plant Control Protection from Petrification Protection from Undead Wand of Paralyzation Bracers of Defense AC6
Spells... Chromatic Orb for all level 1 spell slots, web for all 2... and lightning bolt for my one third slot. 16 wisdom is just shy of 2nd level 3 spell slot, oh well. But I get 2 bonus level 1 and level 2 slots. So that is 5 chromatic orbs and 5 webs (okay too many webs..)
Make it 5x Chromatic Orb 3x Slow Poison 2x Web 1x Lightning Bolt
Jaheira turns to Faldorn "Ugh, I see that you came along for the ride shadowed one. And what in the name of sanity have you got on your head. Is that hair? It's a blight on the landscape. Better to have let it grow wild!"
You spend too much time in the city child... The first thing you think of is insults, while we are mired in this unnatural place. Let us put away our differences for once and deal with the graver evils in this land. Nothing here feels right, nothing. It makes me skin crawl just being here.
OC: And once again - AFI (Away from internet). As is the situation around the holidays for me sadly.
IC: "Does anyone know where the nearest exit is? It is my sworn duty to combat evil - and no doubt some evil exists here. But with no clue as to where we are, how we came to be here nor knowledge of one another I can't help but feel that remaining here in the dark is perhaps not the most tactically sound choice. It would be wisest to regroup, gather information and return better prepared and better informed. I am not one to run from a righteous fight - but I am also not one to charge into one ill-prepared."
@Evinfuilt Druids don't get Chromatic Orb. Or Lightning Bolt. They *do* get Call Lightning at 3rd level, but that only works outside under the open sky. Likewise, they cannot use the Wand of Paralyzation, as that is Magic-User/Mage-only. The rest is doable. She *can* use the Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection.
Jaheira turns to Faldorn "Ugh, I see that you came along for the ride shadowed one. And what in the name of sanity have you got on your head. Is that hair? It's a blight on the landscape. Better to have let it grow wild!"
You spend too much time in the city child... The first thing you think of is insults, while we are mired in this unnatural place. Let us put away our differences for once and deal with the graver evils in this land. Nothing here feels right, nothing. It makes me skin crawl just being here.
"Me-ow, cat fight!" Kivan watches the exchange with enthusiasm.
@Evinfuilt Druids don't get Chromatic Orb. Or Lightning Bolt. They *do* get Call Lightning at 3rd level, but that only works outside under the open sky. Likewise, they cannot use the Wand of Paralyzation, as that is Magic-User/Mage-only. The rest is doable. She *can* use the Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection.
Pick Pockets 25% + 75% = 100%
Open Locks 25% + 0% = 25%
Find/remove Traps 10% + 0% = 15%
Move Silently 20% + 0% = 20%
Hide in Shadows 15% + 10% = 25%
Detect Noise 15% + 75%= 90%
Climb Walls 60% + 0% = 60%
Read Languages 0% + 80% = 80%
Yet, another OOC: Much RP choices here, I won't be powergamerish this time, but I got 100% in undress clothed creatures and in rob Kivan his clothes. :P
OOC- is anyone able to identify the glowing sword?
1) Xan seems to be AWOL?
2) You said a scroll of restoration (5), is this 5 scrolls, or one?
3) This +3 mace I picked up, is it identified, or not?
Quayle looks at each adventurer in turn. It seems that not only is he the only cleric, he's also the only d̶i̶v̶i̶n̶e̶ arcane caster. He therefore adjusts his spellbooks to contain: 2x Identify, Mirror image, PfE, cure light wounds, and yes, Chant.
He picks up the glowing sword, the other two +3 maces, the scroll(s) of restoration, and all of the gems. He leaves all of the coins where they are as they will only weigh him down. He casts restoration on Minsc, and afterwards feels so exhausted that he looks for a sunny spot, lies down, shuts his eyes, and falls asleep.
If he wakes rested, he will attempt to identify the glowing sword. If the 3 maces are not identified he will identify one as well, unless there is something more pressing to identify.
And the +3 Maces were identified by Aerie before her demise.
With furrowed brow Alora studies the glowing sword.
"Hmmm, interesting. It could be ... or perhaps it's .... I think it might be ...."
"I'm pretty sure it might be a magic sword," she announces, looking pleased with herself.
... of Kivan's ... of Kivan ...
... of Alora's feet ...
... of hippos swandiving off a cliff and landing on him ... wearing tutus ..
I'm playing as Xan, but I have no real need of equipment, I have a good +3 weapon and spells.
Cloak of Protection +1, and Scarab of Protection (+1 to All saves). I'm not sure if the rings also boost your saves, or just AC, and probably you can only wear one. Also a Wand of Paralyzation (40 ch). If you don't want them I'm happy to grab more.
@LadyRhian can Imoen use the scarab of protection?
And also, there are chances of I dual-classing at some point, but first I wanted to ask if I can research for new mage spells, or I only can learn new spells from a scroll?
Faldorn will take
QuarterStaff +2
Ring of Mammal Control
Ring of Protection +3
P. Plant Control
Protection from Petrification
Protection from Undead
Wand of Paralyzation
Bracers of Defense AC6
Spells... Chromatic Orb for all level 1 spell slots, web for all 2... and lightning bolt for my one third slot. 16 wisdom is just shy of 2nd level 3 spell slot, oh well. But I get 2 bonus level 1 and level 2 slots. So that is 5 chromatic orbs and 5 webs (okay too many webs..)
Make it 5x Chromatic Orb
3x Slow Poison
2x Web
1x Lightning Bolt
Now to see how to respond to this situation.
IC: "Does anyone know where the nearest exit is? It is my sworn duty to combat evil - and no doubt some evil exists here. But with no clue as to where we are, how we came to be here nor knowledge of one another I can't help but feel that remaining here in the dark is perhaps not the most tactically sound choice. It would be wisest to regroup, gather information and return better prepared and better informed. I am not one to run from a righteous fight - but I am also not one to charge into one ill-prepared."