Jaheira stares. "You seem too preoccupied with women Kivan. Keep your head on the battles ahead. *SIGH* Yes, I said ahead, stop drooling! As for your amourous efforts, try to find some balance and you will be more successful."
Quayle protests that he is not asleep, although he is not adverse to cuddling with Imoen some more. However the advances made by Faldorn pique his interest. So, are you an animal in bed, he asks? Certainly you're right to choose me over Kivan, he's clearly all talk and no trousers.
Hey, that reminds me of a joke, what winks and bonks like a tiger .. (wink .. wink).
OOC Has Quayle managed to identify either the glowing sword or the sword hilt?
I have experience leading groups. I was a senior Paladin of the Radiant Heart before, well whatever this was happened. If people wish for me to lead I am well versed in travel, combat tactics and have led groups of many different types in my days. As such, I am fully prepared to lead this group, however I will not force my leadership upon any of you if it is not desired. However, despite my leadership I feel as though for the time being it may be best to follow Minsc as he seems to be familiar with the area. However, Minsc I urge you to proceed with caution. The force that summoned us here - if it is the same force which captured this young girl is no doubt powerful. I believe we can overcome any evil which lurks here but only if we proceed with a plan.
Do you know precisely where this girl is being kept? What defenses may impede our path? What potential dangers still await us in this castle? What dangers have you already encountered?
Great, a paladin. As if churches and buildings are ever right. I wouldn't be surprised if this building didn't have a church as well. Useless, commune in the wilds and soon you'll see that this ... place ... is what all cities lead to.
Let us follow this ranger, destroy the evil here and burn this place down. I tire of being around all of you already.
What's OAF? Or are you just commenting that Keldorn is Old As F--k (which I guess he is)?
Well I have no idea what Jaheira means but according to your definition I am Indeed old Kivian. I must confess though, tis ironic to hear an elf insult another for their age. You must be at least several hundred years older than me. I suppose some of us age like a fine wine while others of us spoil like milk.
Faldorn, you do not have to like us. But for us to succeed in our endeavor we have to be able to cooperate and fight together as one. Any division in the party will certainly translate into the field.
Minsc sets his pack about his shoulders. "Be wary of the horrors that haunt these halls. They cut not the flesh but rend the soul. Alora be careful down that hole and dally not for long. If it's a safe passage then we should be quick about it. Hand me that rope i'll hold it for you while you scout ahead"
Alora starts down the shaft, looking for traps, secret doors and trying to spot illusions. She will also look for things her rope can attach itself to so she can climb deeper if necessary.
"I was kind of hoping to see some good old fashioned girl-on-girl action... And what stories?"
Hey, that reminds me of a joke, what winks and bonks like a tiger .. (wink .. wink).
OOC Has Quayle managed to identify either the glowing sword or the sword hilt?
Alora goes over to look at the shaft that Montaron discovered. She gets out her Rope of Climbing and prepares to climb down the hole.
Are the walls of the shaft smooth or is there anything that the Rope will be able to attach itself to if she starts to climb down?
You know, big, strong people, .. with more hit points than fingers and toes.
And I would like to carry the other Robe of Climbing.
1- Armor, Burning Hands, *Charm Person, Protection from Evil, Spook
2- Mirror Image, Invisibility, *Ray of Enfeeblement, Melf's Acid Arrow
3- *Dire Charm, Haste, Flame Arrow
4- Stoneskin, *Confusion
Do you know precisely where this girl is being kept? What defenses may impede our path? What potential dangers still await us in this castle? What dangers have you already encountered?
Let us follow this ranger, destroy the evil here and burn this place down. I tire of being around all of you already.
Keldorn didn't actually say any of that. Move along. These are not the droids you are looking for.