@Evinfuilt I thought you had more mentioned it as a possibility, but sure, okay! We'll go with that. Of course, I may have misread. Anyhoo, that's fine, then. (Still not feeling 100% there, mentally, but I am trying as best I can).
OOC: If we are playing 2E, you should have 4 in lvl1, 3 in lvl2, 2 in lvl3 and 1 in lvl4. Plus one each level because he is an specialist What means: Lvl 1: 5 Lvl 2: 4 Lvl 3: 3 Lvl 4: 2 And, I really don't know which spells you have, ask the DM.
Ring of Spell Turning Ring of Warmth Cloak of Protection +1 Periapt of Wound Closure Amulet of ESP 90' Radius Robe of Useful Items Wand of Paralysis (40) Wand of Wonder (81) Dust of Disappearance(7) Potion of Flying Scrolls: Protection from Undead, Protection from Demons, Protection from Petrification
OOC: Imoen's treasure: -Scarab of Protection. -Protection from Undead (scroll). -Dagger+2,+3 against bigger than Mankind. -Studded Leather Armor+1. -2 Arrows +2 (yes, only two). -Ring of Invisibility. -Ring of Water Walking. -Wand of Magic Missiles (80 Charges). -Bow +1. -Potion of Polymorph Self. -Cloak of Elvenkind. -Some normal arrows, preferably a stack of 77.
Can I grab more items? I really like doing so! Besides being a pick pocket and a thief who abuses of her thieving skills.
Thanks, but I will get encumbred :P just tell Xan to give me the Prot from Undead scroll ;( I will carry all the weight-less things like scrolls and the sort.
OOC: may I ask again? Can I research for spells if I dual-class now or I will have to get a scroll to get spells?
@CrevsDaak You can probably get spells that Xan or Quayle have. And any from scrolls you find, of course. But there's no place here to research, really. Research requires a Library you just don't have.
@LadyRhian OK, I thought that you were also able of researching via experimenting with magic, but maybe that is only for Wild Mages. I will dual-class some level later, just not now.
I'll let everyone else choose equipment first. If anything fit for a fighter is left, I'll use it... for now Khalid is happy with his shiny brand new sword, armor and shield
Quayle wakes, and looks about. Oh good, more targets to hide behind, he thinks with a grin.
He stands, and immediately gravitates to Xan's sword. This is brilliant! ... So, does anyone have any marshmallows? No one does. He sighs, but then brightens. The glowing sword! It can be identified.
But first, it's time to dump some of the junk he's carrying. He wanders over to the much reduced pile of equipment. The two +3 maces go first, followed by the Scale Mail +1. Instead he grabs the Plate Mail +1.
He then grabs the remaining potions, but throws the potion of speed and ring of fire resistance to Khalid, with an "if you can't think quick, at least you can hit quick". Whatever Khalid thought of that went unnoticed. He also gave all of the named swords to Keldorn to carry, the +1, +4 vs Reptiles, the +2 Dragonslayer, the +2 Giantslayer, and the +2, +3 vs Shapechangers.
With a start, he remembers something else. He walks over to Minsc, and grabs the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, so now he has both that and the Icon of Ravenloft.
Finally, he sits down, and casts identify on the glowing sword.
[OOC] Does the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind stack with the Icon of Ravenloft? Can I use both together, so Quayle turns undead at level 9?
Minsc has been restored, does he still need to be healed?
Is Quayle overloaded carrying the plate? Given my number of arcane spells, it probably makes sense to wear plate, unless he can't move.
OOC: According to my knowledge, and how Nosferatu are defined as undead, they are not shapechangers. Also, in the book "Dracula" they say like 239 hundred zillion of times that he is an undead, but anyway he can shapechange, what is, well, strange, but in AD&D he is only treated as an undead fellow.
Minsc has been restored, does he still need to be healed?
If you casted Lesser Restoration from the scroll, yes, Lesser Restoration do not heals Hit Points, while Greater Restoration gives full Hit Points to all the party in a range of 50 (still not sure about the range), and is and incredible spell, because is one of the few that are worth a lvl7 spellslot, besides, it has short casting time, so, if you cast it in the middle of the battle, you can give it a turn, since it does all the things Heal (lvl6 spell) does plus, it restores lost levels.
Grumble grumble ring of regeneration grumble Quayle will cast cure light wounds on Minsc, and will probably have to redo his spell book and sleep. Does anything else need to be identified? What about the sword hilt Minsc has? OK well Quayle will try to identify the sword hilt if he successfully identifies the glowing sword. Can identify fail?
Alora is peeved that Quayle is still attempting to identify the glowing sword after she already identified it to her own - if not everybody else's - satisfaction. She also doesn't like the idea of Quayle falling asleep again. He spends far too much time asleep in her opinion. And she doesn't like the way he looks at her feet.
Alora is putting Quayle on her list (just below Kivan).
@Permidion_Stark what type of list? :P If it has something to do with pizza please add me, but don't do if not. Also, you can try pickpocketing Quayle while he sleeps, so you can Identify the sword and the hilt.
@Permidion_Stark what type of list? :P If it has something to do with pizza please add me, but don't do if not. Also, you can try pickpocketing Quayle while he sleeps, so you can Identify the sword and the hilt.
Alora's list has nothing to do with pizza. It works more like this:
OOC: Clearly this uploader doesn't like sharing with us Yanks.
OOC: Sorry about that. It was an official BBC clip so it might only be available in the UK. Here's a slighty blurry version of the same thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkUpTfYXSBU
You spend too much time in the city child... The first thing you think of is insults, while we are mired in this unnatural place. Let us put away our differences for once and deal with the graver evils in this land. Nothing here feels right, nothing. It makes me skin crawl just being here.
"There are dangers here, but that does not make me forget the path of a shadow druid. Ever are your kin strongest when underestimated or ignored. Your tools are the same as for the assassin: poisons, lies and stealth. Your faction claim that other druids are too weak to do what is needed. Do not make the mistake to believe that I am weak Faldorn.
Khalid, we will stay away from her. You can take the last ring of fire protection, but I will keep the periapt against poison as I may well need it." (she looks over at Faldorn again).
occ The group will need a leader. Due to mistrust I doubt Jaheira or Faldorn will accept one another. Keldorn? Quayle? Someone else?
Kivan walks up to the two quarreling druids and puts his arms around their shoulders, "alright ladies, our journey through this creepy castle looks like it would be rather perilous, so we should all be nice to each other and put aside our differences... Now kiss and make up."
Kivan attempts to push Jaheira and Faldorn's faces together.
Kivan walks up to the two quarreling druids and puts his arms around their shoulders, "alright ladies, our journey through this creepy castle looks like it would be rather perilous, so we should all be nice to each other and put aside our differences... Now kiss and make up."
Kivan attempts to push Jaheira and Faldorn's faces together.
WATCH OUT!!! YOU ARE TRYIN' TO PUT Nitrogen1 and Toluene3 together!!!!! ITS GONNA BLOW!!!!! WE ARE GONNA BE BLOWN!!!!! Imoen rans away and hides besides sleeping Quayle, after some seconds she wakes up, but she is feelin' lazy anyway. She starts drawing in the ground with a stick, she draws a beautiful sunset with flying cars.
@Lockmund Minsc has been around the castle before, more or less. "Minsc leads. Swords for Everybody!" Seriously, though, he's the only one who has explored part of the castle. And… that's if you can get out… One of the doors locked when everyone ran in to fight the spiders. And it can only be opened from the other side… Oops.
@Lockmund Minsc has been around the castle before, more or less. "Minsc leads. Swords for Everybody!" Seriously, though, he's the only one who has explored part of the castle. And… that's if you can get out… One of the doors locked when everyone ran in to fight the spiders. And it can only be opened from the other side… Oops.
OOC: Wraithform? A useless spell in BG1/2 but it could help here IDK if it lets you got past over objects. Teleport without error or whatever its name is from PnP? Dimension Door? :P:D You'll say no :P Slight correction: "Magic is impressive, but now, Minsc leads, swords for everyone!!!!"
When everyone is rested and ready Minsc explains the current situation. "We must save the little girl then bring the battle to Strahd! But this time we will be ready....." He then cordinates his understanding of the castle's layout with Alorah and Keldorn to figure out where they need to explore next.
@Fighting_Ferret Still waiting on your decision on Xan's gear.
If we are playing 2E, you should have 4 in lvl1, 3 in lvl2, 2 in lvl3 and 1 in lvl4. Plus one each level because he is an specialist
What means:
Lvl 1: 5
Lvl 2: 4
Lvl 3: 3
Lvl 4: 2
And, I really don't know which spells you have, ask the DM.
EDIT: Duh, the DM was quicker.
Ring of Spell Turning
Ring of Warmth
Cloak of Protection +1
Periapt of Wound Closure
Amulet of ESP 90' Radius
Robe of Useful Items
Wand of Paralysis (40)
Wand of Wonder (81)
Dust of Disappearance(7)
Potion of Flying
Scrolls: Protection from Undead, Protection from Demons, Protection from Petrification
Are we limiting spells to baldur's gate games?
@CrevsDaak You can carry the rest, if you like.
OOC: may I ask again? Can I research for spells if I dual-class now or I will have to get a scroll to get spells?
He stands, and immediately gravitates to Xan's sword. This is brilliant! ... So, does anyone have any marshmallows? No one does. He sighs, but then brightens. The glowing sword! It can be identified.
But first, it's time to dump some of the junk he's carrying. He wanders over to the much reduced pile of equipment. The two +3 maces go first, followed by the Scale Mail +1. Instead he grabs the Plate Mail +1.
He then grabs the remaining potions, but throws the potion of speed and ring of fire resistance to Khalid, with an "if you can't think quick, at least you can hit quick". Whatever Khalid thought of that went unnoticed. He also gave all of the named swords to Keldorn to carry, the +1, +4 vs Reptiles, the +2 Dragonslayer, the +2 Giantslayer, and the +2, +3 vs Shapechangers.
With a start, he remembers something else. He walks over to Minsc, and grabs the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, so now he has both that and the Icon of Ravenloft.
Finally, he sits down, and casts identify on the glowing sword.
Does the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind stack with the Icon of Ravenloft? Can I use both together, so Quayle turns undead at level 9?
Minsc has been restored, does he still need to be healed?
Is Quayle overloaded carrying the plate? Given my number of arcane spells, it probably makes sense to wear plate, unless he can't move.
Do vampires count as Shapechangers?
According to my knowledge, and how Nosferatu are defined as undead, they are not shapechangers.
Also, in the book "Dracula" they say like 239 hundred zillion of times that he is an undead, but anyway he can shapechange, what is, well, strange, but in AD&D he is only treated as an undead fellow. If you casted Lesser Restoration from the scroll, yes, Lesser Restoration do not heals Hit Points, while Greater Restoration gives full Hit Points to all the party in a range of 50 (still not sure about the range), and is and incredible spell, because is one of the few that are worth a lvl7 spellslot, besides, it has short casting time, so, if you cast it in the middle of the battle, you can give it a turn, since it does all the things Heal (lvl6 spell) does plus, it restores lost levels.
Alora is putting Quayle on her list (just below Kivan).
Also, you can try pickpocketing Quayle while he sleeps, so you can Identify the sword and the hilt.
So many city folk here, I hope none wish to call this *castle* home when we rid it of its evil. It must be torn down and burnt to cinders.
OOC: Alora won't attempt to steal anything from Quayle. She is a very poor pick-pocket and she can't really identify anything anyway.
Khalid, we will stay away from her. You can take the last ring of fire protection, but I will keep the periapt against poison as I may well need it." (she looks over at Faldorn again).
occ The group will need a leader. Due to mistrust I doubt Jaheira or Faldorn will accept one another. Keldorn? Quayle? Someone else?
Kivan attempts to push Jaheira and Faldorn's faces together.
Imoen rans away and hides besides sleeping Quayle, after some seconds she wakes up, but she is feelin' lazy anyway. She starts drawing in the ground with a stick, she draws a beautiful sunset with flying cars.
Wraithform? A useless spell in BG1/2 but it could help here
Teleport without error or whatever its name is from PnP?
Dimension Door? :P:D You'll say no :P
Slight correction: "Magic is impressive, but now, Minsc leads, swords for everyone!!!!"
"I'd always wondered, alas it was nothing like the stories. I'd find Quayle more to my liking I think."