Alora - heeding Imoen's well-meant but slightly unnecessary advice - will check for traps on the walls, poop-covered floor, buttons, door and crank.
If she has time before the potion wears off she will listen at the door and check to see if it appears to be locked.
She will then press the button that says Up. And if nothing starts to happen she will start to wind the crank in the hope that it will make the floor start to rise.
She will attempt to do all of this before the potion wears off so she can fly away if she gets into trouble.
She finds no traps in this area. She hears nothing beyond the door, but can figure out that the crank moves it open or closed. When she pushes the "Up" button, she hears the sound of machinery, and the room starts to rise up the shaft.
OOC: "I've saw dragons with feet like rabbits! Tis true I swear" Xzar's voice set is my favorite so far in the series, after Irenicus. Now I am using Xzar's voice set on a BG2 run with a Lawful Evil Swashbuckler, it is awesome!!!!
Alora is very pleased with herself and flies back up to the top of the shaft to tell everyone how clever she was to press the right button.
Once the elevator reaches the top she thinks everyone should climb aboard and they can all go down and explore the room. But only Alora gets to press the buttons because she found them first.
OOC: Am I right in assuming that just the floor is rising or is the whole room, including the crank and the door coming up?
The whole room is rising. However, it rises past the level of the opening eventually. Apparently, the ceiling above is also illusionary, but nobody bothered to check that. There is a giant wooden screw pushing up the room.
If this works and the room starts to descend she will try pressing the down and up buttons at the same time in the hope that she can stop the room so the others can get in.
If she can't stop the room she will just yell at the others to jump in and join her.
The room doesn't stop for another 40 feet. Once at the top, the machinery grinds to a halt. When she presses the "down" button, it begins to descend again. Eventually, she reaches the level of the opening, but the door doesn't open on that side. Everyone can jump in to join Alora, but it's going to be a very tight fit. Which means, not even enough room for Kivan to grope anyone.
Alora, Jaheira, Khalid (assuming he follows his wife's orders) and Imoen are heading for the basement along with whoever else wants to jump in.
When they get there Alora will try turning the crank to see if they can open the door (if the handle of the crank is metal Alora will wrap material round her hand before she starts turning it in case it conducts electricity or anything nasty like that).
Okay. when it reaches the bottom, you turn the crank and the door opens slowly. You are in a T-shaped section of corridor. The elevator is the lower bar of the "T", and to your left, you see 10' of hallway and an archway leading to spiral stairs that go both up and down. To your right is another 10' of hallway ending in a door.
Someone must stay with the lift to operate the door and push the button. Who will do so?
Uh, Alora should, since she said that she was the only one able to push the buttons because she discovered them, but Imoen don't sees the bad point of staying there to help, she is a fervent volunteer. OOC: duh, I am such a snail with posts!
Send Khalid back up the ... lifting mechanism ... would be nice for him to be useful for once.
Khalid is probably claustrophobic and autophobic, so probably not a good idea. When he gets back up, we'd probably find him curled up on the floor in the fetal position crying for Jahiera.
If she has time before the potion wears off she will listen at the door and check to see if it appears to be locked.
She will then press the button that says Up. And if nothing starts to happen she will start to wind the crank in the hope that it will make the floor start to rise.
She will attempt to do all of this before the potion wears off so she can fly away if she gets into trouble.
"I've saw dragons with feet like rabbits! Tis true I swear"
Xzar's voice set is my favorite so far in the series, after Irenicus. Now I am using Xzar's voice set on a BG2 run with a Lawful Evil Swashbuckler, it is awesome!!!!
Once the elevator reaches the top she thinks everyone should climb aboard and they can all go down and explore the room. But only Alora gets to press the buttons because she found them first.
OOC: Am I right in assuming that just the floor is rising or is the whole room, including the crank and the door coming up?
If this works and the room starts to descend she will try pressing the down and up buttons at the same time in the hope that she can stop the room so the others can get in.
If she can't stop the room she will just yell at the others to jump in and join her.
Alora, Jaheira, Khalid (assuming he follows his wife's orders) and Imoen are heading for the basement along with whoever else wants to jump in.
When they get there Alora will try turning the crank to see if they can open the door (if the handle of the crank is metal Alora will wrap material round her hand before she starts turning it in case it conducts electricity or anything nasty like that).
@Evinfuilt "I won't let you get in, not when I am so close to unlocking your power" :P yes, in is OOC, so get in and don't betray us!
Someone must stay with the lift to operate the door and push the button. Who will do so?
I'll do everything exactly the same as last time (but I will try to stop in time to allow people to get on).
OOC: Can I still fly?
OOC: duh, I am such a snail with posts!
I'll go in the lift.
Seriously, google Fleece Johnson Booty Warrior. It's hilarious.