Imoen will search for traps, hear for noises and all that stuff when Minsc opens the portcullis. @Awong124 "Kivan, you won't get more than deaders from him, he's mad man"
Jaheira will use whatever senses she has as a half-elf, a druid and a healer, to try to find out what is wrong with Cyric's mind. Not even Minsc is this crazy.
What grates her most is that Faldorn may well be right. Cyric may have to be put down for the safety of others. Still, that is a last resort.
You find no traps. This room is 20 by 60. The ceiling is arched, low and wet with moisture. The walls are lined with broken tuns of wine, their bands rusting, and their contents long since spilled on the floor. You feel a slight, cool breeze blowing over your skin.
Alora will see if there are any loose bricks so she could make the crack bigger (without making the room collapse on her). If there aren't she will listen at the crack and call "Is anybody there?".
If she doesn't find anything and doesn't get any answers she will give up searching in here and go over to the big, double doors. She will check for traps, unlock them. She will also listen and look through the keyhole. Then, if she doesn't hear or find anything she will cal the big strong fighter types over and then open the door.
There is no answer and the wall is *very* solidly built. Perhaps a Potion of Gaseous form would let her pass, but little else. She hears nothing at the double doors, and they are unlocked and untapped. When the doors are opened, you see a 60' by 30' room that acts like the bar of the T compared to the hall you just came from. At either end is a single door in the middle of the wall.
Darkness, as cold as winter sweat, wraps around you. This room is filled with battered and broken tables, some in pieces, others nearly reduced to sawdust. Dark stains cover the floors and walls. There was certainly a battle here at some point in the past, but it's long been over. It was so ferocious that even the intact pieces of wood are scarred and marked with what look like claw marks.
"Gulp!" Alora gulps. She tentatively makes her way to the door to the left and listens, checks for traps, peeps through the keyhole and, if she finds nothing nasty, opens the door.
She hears nothing, and finds no locks and no traps. The door opens on a 40' long corridor that turns to the left at the end. 20' down on the right side is an archway. The hall is deathly silent, but cool, damp air blows out of the archway on the right.
Alora sneak down to the archway, checking for traps as she goes. When she gets beside the arch she will use her Cloak of Blending to try to blend in with the walls of the corridor. Then she will peep round the corner to see what is beyond the archway.
Through the archway, sickly yellow lichen covers the ceiling of this 50' long passageway. There is a stone wall at the end of the passageway and 10' long and wide alcoves on either side of the passageway. Rotting cots and rags are visible in the alcoves. A deathly silence fills the hall, making Alora want to be quiet and hold her breath for some reason- not wanting to break that sense of quiet and stillness.
Cyrus is starting to come around. He looks dazed, though. He pats Faldorn's armor and giggles quietly. The way he is doing it is starting to make her feel uncomfortable. She is not quite sure how- it's just very unsettling.
Alora doesn't want to go into the passageway with yellow lichen on the ceiling. She moves past the archway as stealthily as possible and continues down the corridor and looks round the corner where it turns left.
Alora finds another 10' of corridor and a spiral staircase of dusty stone blocks leading upwards. It's obvious no one has come this way in a very long while.
Alora is starting to think we are going the wrong way. If we are looking for the girl that the count has abducted isn't she going to be in a more inhabited bit of the castle? Maybe we should retrace our steps?
Or shall we just go up the spiral staircase and see where it leads?
Cyrus is starting to come around. He looks dazed, though. He pats Faldorn's armor and giggles quietly. The way he is doing it is starting to make her feel uncomfortable. She is not quite sure how- it's just very unsettling.
What is it you find so funny Cyric. Reminiscing on the horrors in here? Or just that you haven't seen a female in a long time. We need to know more, and I currently trust you not a bit. Tell us what happened down here, who was that stew for?
OOC: hey, Cyric is a god, the guy that was stewing the zombies is named Cyrus, you're confusing me! I thought you've had find an Avatar of Cyric trapped in the castle!!
Cyrus continues to finger Faldorn's armor, and now she realizes why it's so disturbing to her- the gesture seems… possessive. Not towards her, precisely, but towards the armor. "Battle? Oh, the guards fought, yes they did, as the two masters clashed. And my master won and the castle was his solely. It happened long before I was born, yes, but sometimes the master and his castle… show me things." His smile was not that of a man entirely sane. "I have served my master all my life, I have, as my father did before me. And when I am gone, my treasures will be all that are left behind."
@Awong124 "Kivan, you won't get more than deaders from him, he's mad man"
What grates her most is that Faldorn may well be right. Cyric may have to be put down for the safety of others. Still, that is a last resort.
If she doesn't find anything and doesn't get any answers she will give up searching in here and go over to the big, double doors. She will check for traps, unlock them. She will also listen and look through the keyhole. Then, if she doesn't hear or find anything she will cal the big strong fighter types over and then open the door.
Boo *Squeek squeek* #onomatopoeia
Cyrus is starting to come around. He looks dazed, though. He pats Faldorn's armor and giggles quietly. The way he is doing it is starting to make her feel uncomfortable. She is not quite sure how- it's just very unsettling.
Or shall we just go up the spiral staircase and see where it leads?
"Is there any chance we could see your treasures? Where do you keep them?"