Cyrus turns to talk to you and loses the battle of keeping the Zombies in the pot. Three Zombies pull themselves out of the roiling liquid. They are pretty poor examples of undeath… with skinny, wasted limbs. It seems they can almost barely stand. Cyrus starts battering them with the pole. "Back into the pot, meat!" he calls.
What the hell, zombies I'm sure we all agree are unnatural and deserve to die. Well, to die again? To uhm, damn it, they ruin my nomenclature. DIE FIENDS!!! No, fiends actually exist, hopefully not here. DIE FOOLS!!!
Cyrus needs a hand.. to be put back in the pot.
OOC: Time to burn a chromatic orb on one of the zombies, which ever one was hit by the stick first.
Alora figures she can leave fighting three weak zombies to the strong fighter types, so while everyone else is taking care of business she is going to thoroughly search the room.
Imoen is going to use unenchanted, non magical, plain arrows to battle the zombies, and if they get near her she will use her magical dagger. And if she do not has plain arrows she will stand here she is to wait like Alora is doing.
Faldorn throws an emerald orb at the zombie, killing it and filling the room with a foul stench (stinking Cloud spell). Xan makes his handily. Alora, Quayle and Keldorn pass out (rolled 1's, sorry). The rest of you begin to cough. Kivan kills a second zombie with a single blow, Xan casts Armor, and Khalid finishes off the last zombie. Cyrus is also brought down by the stinking cloud. Aside from the now-dead zombies, the pot and the fire, there appears to be nothing else in the room.
As soon as Alora wakes up she's putting Faldorn on her list. At the top. Above Kivan!
She will then go over to the big double doors and check them for traps and see if they are locked. If they are she will pick the lock. She will also listen at the door and look through the keyhole if there is one.
However, she won't open the door until Cyrus has woken up and they have had a chance to talk to him.
Balance has been met. The undead are gone, and the Paladin lays on the floor. Someone, investigate Cyrus before he awakes, remove any weapons he may have hidden. Khalid, since you've decided to finally be useful, why don't you keep Cyrus under your eye.
Imoen will try to hear noises near the doors, as she has many points in that particular thieving skill. She will point her findings to the party, only if any, of course!
Imoen listens at doors… At the double doors (of the stout planks and steel bands) she hears nothing. Likewise from the door farthest north on the same side of the kitchen. Past the kitchen (which has two doors leading out of it, one at the other end of the room, but back into the foggy corridor) there is a set of stairs leading far, far up, further than the light will reach. At the other (right hand side) end of the corridor, there is a former wine cellar, filled with collapsed, rotting barrels and splotched with purple stains. The whole is protected by a portcullis, shut and rusting.
"Ugh, Faldorn, that stench smells like Alora after her bean burritos," Kivan mumbles over his arm that he put over his nose and mouth to cover the foul odor.
Ooc: Sorry guys, the weather here has been terrible. I'm somewhere with signal right now but my activity is going to be more or less what it has been. :l
It's going to require a heal spell to set right if you break it, and other methods will only give temporary relief. You notice that Cyrus is caressing your armor and weapons in a proprietary way and giggling softly.
Alora wakes up and is not her usual cheerful self. In fact she is very grumpy. "Someone please tell Faldorn that I am not talking to her," she announces airily.
She then goes to join Imoen and searches for traps on the portcullis.
If she finds none she will call Minsc and ask him to lift it so she can search the wine cellar.
Cyrus needs a hand.. to be put back in the pot.
OOC: Time to burn a chromatic orb on one of the zombies, which ever one was hit by the stick first.
She will then go over to the big double doors and check them for traps and see if they are locked. If they are she will pick the lock. She will also listen at the door and look through the keyhole if there is one.
However, she won't open the door until Cyrus has woken up and they have had a chance to talk to him.
She will point her findings to the party, only if any, of course!
She then goes to join Imoen and searches for traps on the portcullis.
If she finds none she will call Minsc and ask him to lift it so she can search the wine cellar.
Xan casts charm person on Cyrus
and ( if successful) then questions him about his motives and their current location.
Oh, Minsc, can you tell Alora that I'm ... uhm, I'm sorry. At least she wasn't harmed.